How many pushups are in your routine, Zig Forums? I want to see if the mainstream internet is lying to me

How many pushups are in your routine, Zig Forums? I want to see if the mainstream internet is lying to me.

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whichever last two digits I roll when posting on here
you should do it too
with. every. post.

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Im 19 and I can do two

OP here. I could only do about 5 while struggling a month ago. So I started doing 100 girl push ups every day. Just did sets of 4, 4, 10, 5, and 10 for 33 pushups total. Decent but not perfect form. Just above average for my age group.

Nah I ain't doing 57,967,512 pushups. I'd overtrain.

Anyone on this board who lifts? How many pushups you do?

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I can bench my bodyweight x 5 reps but I can barely do 5 pushups on account of dyel status

Pushups are pretty easy OP, can do about 30 in a set. But such a waste of time for building strength so I do them maybe 1-2 times a month.

I'm skinny and can do 35 push-ups

just train to do them

4x12 on chest day.

I am intensely curious. Post your arms.

Seriously, how? I could do more when I was 10

he said two last digits
also, rolling

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Are people really that weak? or is this an average thanks to people without arms/hamplanets?

hot damn, RIP my fucking arms

Oh that's cool man. I didn't know you were just starting out. I don't do any because I just bench once or twice per week. (If you can bench 1.5x your bodyweight push ups are a waste of time imo) When I was in my teens I would do a set of 50 twice a day.

0. I do bench press, ohp, and other barbell movements. Push-ups are for endurance athletes, military people, and novices


perfect amount, my dude, you better do them
rolling as well

Attached: Here+have+sauce+httpsanilistcoanime107226dumbbellnankilomoteru+_225b39eeb0cdf1f1effb3be33aaddad6.gif (326x326, 134.56K)

>65 year old
>16 pushups


I've been lifting for two years. I get depressed though and I take so many breaks its probably been only one year consecutively, though. 50? Jesus. I just must be low-test or something. I know I had around 400 ng/L test at the start of this year. If I had a time machine I'd go smack the coom out of me.

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Time to roll


I do 5 sets of 20-30 decline pushups (with my feet on a couch) 5 days a week (every day except before I bench)

My father is almost 70 and could probably do 10 pushups.
My grandfather was also very fith in his 60s and 70s
If you are not fat and don't snap your body when you are young, chances are that you won't be a cripple when you are old.

Push-ups are not a waste of time if you bench. Just because you can bench a lot does not necessarily mean you can do a lot of push-ups.
I can do 30 a set. I have been aiming at doing 100 a day, but I need to work on pull-ups more I think as they are lacking. I can only do 2-3.

How much sets of 3 pull-ups should I do a day? Should I super-set them with my push-ups?


If i a sedentary fag can pull off the 17-19 norm, then that's a sorry fucking norm.

Is that seriously the average?

I can do 50 fresh and I'm a 260lb 31yo boomer

40/30/20/10 is pretty demanding, 3-5min rest

fuarrrk this is the right answer.