I messed up

> Friends with boy since we were both 8
> Teased me about being a tomboy but was still a good friend
> Fast forward to first year of college. He's still going to the same school as me
> My boss at my part time job hints that hes interested. He's a bit older
> One thing leads to another and we have sex
> My friend finds out and is livid. Apparently he liked me since we were kids.

I was developed strong feelings for him as well over the years so out feelings were mutual, but I honestly I was afraid he would hurt me.It made me weak. My boss while being in his late 30s, looked at my like I was cute and girly. He showered me with compliments and told me I should grow my hair out. I felt like a woman.

I regret it of course. Should I make an effort to repair our relationship? We still liked eachother all this time. Does it really have to all be ruined by one misunderstanding?

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How about let him find someone better, people who are incapable of not fucking there boss just because he compliments them would only cheat and make them feel worse.

Should start by commenting sudoku.

I don't think any guy is going to go out with a girl that fucks their boss. I mean only a retarded would fuck their boss.

Nice larp. Kys if true

Why don't you start by telling him this instead of a Tibetan pepsi-drinking forum?

Honestly, the amount of people that come here to spill their guts to strangers that literally have no sense of good will or morality towards you is amazing. Have any of them ever thought how much quicker they could resolve their issue if they just threw it back at the person they were in the issue with?

Yes, you should make an effort to repair the relationship. Be totally honest with him, and yourself. Don't let it fucking fester like something that'll never get resolved. You don't have enough time to live like that. Unfuck yourself and this soup sandwich you call a life before it's too late. And for fuck's sake, stop asking us for help. None of us really care or want to care, we're just so fucking bored and looking for an escape that we project our own ideas of heroism back onto people like you.

Leave this place, go to him, and never return.

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Based guts poster,But seriously she's damaged goods no use for her friend if they get married

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Just give up and go suck another mans cock. Let him find someone nice unlike you.

On the tiny, minuscule chance you aren't LARPing, you've essentially NTR'd him to the point of no return. Consider him a past acquaintance and move on. There's no going back without even more pain, might as well party and fuck around in college, have some fun. Pointless to do otherwise at this point.

Why? We liked eachother for years. Why should one mistake undo everything?

see orignljkhjklh

Just leave him alone. You've done enough damage.

I don't know what they're talking about. Doesn't seem like anything wrong here. If you guys like each other then you should go on a date!

Plz Kys dumb whore

Because in your retarded mind, the will to fuck your boss was stronger than your love for him, and in your mind, his love for you. So yes, this mistake should undo everything.

Zig Forums users aren't average. Most men do not accept only virgins. Maybe he'll put it past him, maybe he won't.

You should try to repair your relationship, there's nothing to lose from it.

so go fuck your friend.
gezz, it snot too late

>and in your mind, his love for you
Bruh the guy in question is a beta faggot who didn't even make his infatuation known
>Apparently he liked me since we were kids
The replies in this thread are the definition of pathetic
>waaah if a girl doesn't telepathically know that a guy likes her she is a slut!

>not actually dating for at least a month before having sex
Blows my mind people do this constantly

>The replies in this thread are the definition of pathetic
Where do you think you are? Reddit? Zig Forums?

You've ruined yourself in his eyes and I doubt you really care about him anyway so you haven't lost anything

> My boss at my part time job hints that hes interested. He's a bit older
> One thing leads to another and we have sex
If you are that easy, you saved your friend a future heartbreak. No idea about you women, but it's pretty damn hard for a man to cheat if they have a women they love in mind. Sure some break the exception, but most men look for a loyal, deep bond with a women. All you did was reinforce the stereotype that women seek the path of least resistance for comfort.

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>Zig Forums?
Lol is Zig Forums white knight feminist now?

Get off this board. Why the fuck are you, a sex-having female (female) asking Zig Forums of all places what to do about your relationship problems? Go talk to your friend.

what "white night feminist" says "beta faggot'?

I guess I don't fit in anywhere. P.S. Is anyone else other than me turned on my OP pic related?

>Apparently he liked me since we were kids.
and he didn't mention it once meaning he's a beta faggot

also you're a whore


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How the hell did he find out? Did you mention it or something? How the hell did you NOT keep it under wraps or something in case he were to find out?

remember kids, fuck your friends, not the monopoly man
you need to learn that self control is about finding the choices you want, and ignoring those others want to push onto you. Your friend has all reason in the world to be livid, imagine if he did the same as you did, you would be angry, too.

No, it absolutely does not have to be ruined by a single misunderstanding. You should do what you can to repair your relationship. Don't leave it too long. The more time you spend away from him the more those negative feelings will grow in both of you. Tell him how you feel, be honest, be open,
You should always make an effort to repair your relationships. There is nothing either of you can gain by avoiding and disliking each other. It will only tear both of you apart from the inside. At the very least you should be honest and try to be there for him. You are both going through tuff times, so its better for you both to support each other rather than be the source for each others misery.

He's just gonna be bitter as fuck and be angry at her for it, let's be honest. He certainly doesn't want nor need her "support". A man who's had a single lifelong love interest soiled by an old man in front of his eyes will likely not be forgiving nor interested in further friendly or romantic contact, I've seen this play out before. Her best option is to apologise and thereafter cut communication. The first part is optional, though.