Does anyone carry pain with them that other people won't understand

Does anyone carry pain with them that other people won't understand

>little sister killed herself when she was 15
>she left me a suicide note that was just for me
>explains that she did it because of both being bullied and how she can't stop being haunted by memories of being raped
>rape she never told anyone about, instead it ate her alive from the inside
>she left me her manifesto describing how she wanted to slaughter everyone at multiple places
>graphically explains what she planned to do to specific victims of her revenge
>laid out every little detail of her rape
>the suicide note everyone else saw just said that she didn't blame it on us and that we shouldn't feel regret
>she chose to leave me and only me with the truth

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That's fucked up man, really tragic. I can't imagine losing my little sister out of the blue for something nobody had any clue about.

Aw man, that sucks. Post detailed rape story.

that's terrible man sorry to hear it
hope you can get through okay

Finish the job, avenge her

How long ago was that? That's the worst thing I've ever heard of.

>laid out every little detail of her rape
Do tell.

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Pics or didn't happen

My dad fell off a motorbike when I was 6 years old and got brain damage from it. In layman's terms he essentially has the maturity of a 15 year old for the rest of his life, chronic migraines, depression and anxiety. Watched his marriage with my mum fall apart. She developed her own issues after years of dealing with his mood swings and alcoholism.

Two years ago my brother had a motorbike accident that also gave him brain damage. Similar effects to my dad.

I don't like motorbikes and hate to explain why.

Is onii chan gonna step up?

You'd better avenge her memory or she'll haunt your soul forever.

details on the rape pls

And yet you didn't avenge her and made the bullies pay. What a useless brother you are.

This, post pics of the letter or gtfo

I'm stuck in a time loop. 100% no bullshit
Life sucks when your stupid brain keeps making calculations of whats going to happen next
I don't know what will happen tomorrow but when it's tomorrow I might know what will happen
I've lived all these days before

I had a long childhood of tumultuous friendships caused by my sperginess and multiple instances of sexual activity when I was far too young for it that involved both people my same age and a guardian that should have known better, and it left me very disconnected from people, in that I have trouble trusting and letting my guard down around them, and I feel I need to always be on my guard and have an act to keep up around them. I can't relax if there is another person in the same house as me, it's like I can feel their energy through the walls and always have to keep one side of my brain on them just in case I need to interact with them. I also have erotomania, where I basically think at some point about everyone that they want to fuck me or have fallen in love with me, and as soon as I start getting those delusions I need to bug out cause the only possibilities that come from it is that they do actually want to fuck me and I don't want to have sex with anyone cause it scares me and I bug out, or more likely it's me being delusional and I bug out in case my thoughts betray me and I completely get the wrong idea of what this person is trying to communicate to me and I end up trying to pursue sex which doesn't even make sense because even though I want it I'm still terrified of everything to do with it.

Basically I am a wreck with people and already a complete weirdo so it's turned me into some kind of a schizoid living in his own head, the trouble that comes with all this is I don't want anyone to know it, in case either they use it against me or see it as me being anti social and disliking of people and thinking I don't like them, so I have to lie like crazy and act all the time just so people think I'm not this ghost that I really am. I want to just go live in a cave, and only talk to people anonymously like this, because then I am not involved and I can see how beautiful people are, I just can't be involved with them.

But sometimes I wish someone could love me

I think my pain is understandable but unbearable all the same

Seek vengeance, user. In minecraft, of course.

Time to get a gun and do what your sister couldn't.
Make her dreams come true.

Avenge your sister, user. Do what she could not. It's the only way you'll ever find peace.

You useful idiots/simps forget that we're dealing with a woman here. Simply saying, "He raped me," has gotten innocent men into serious trouble time and time again. We could be dealing with a jilted ex or hated authority figure that she wanted to bring down with her in her final moments. These are words and words alone.

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I just want to see destruction. I don't give a shit about her.

>I just want to see destruction.
Ok bitter virgin

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This post gave me gyno

Seems more likely that your HRT treatments did that sweaty


>little brother murdered a few years ago
>he was only 17

The way I can explain it, I guess, is that I still have a really strong big brother protective instinct and I get really defensive. I can't stand it when people tell me to "move on" and "get over it" because it feels like they're trying to take him from me again. As if they're trying to erase him from my mind. And I get really mad and flip out. I just want to keep everything to myself so nobody can take it away. The fact that it was a murder and I couldn't be there to protect him made me crazy defensive like this.

cool story, too much detail and too unrealistic to be true, but at least you tried, maybe if you post this on reddit you will recive some dank OG internet points that you crave

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I hope you're doing OK tonight user. We're all safe from the real-life energies of other people here...

kek that'd be you after walking for 5 minutes over bloated roastie.

Was she hot and did she have sex?

The last sacred arena which you won't let others take away from you/intrude upon/try to enforce their own ideals and opinions upon...
I'm sure you can come to, or have come to, your own conclusions about this rather than having other people just lay it on you- regarding the course of action you should take from here, whether it be emotionally, life-wise, or otherwise.
I wish you the best user- I'm sorry it ever happened in the first place.

Sorry user. Something similar happened to me. I'd like to give you some of that retard It Gets Easier bullshit, but it really doesn't. I think she haunts me.

You wouldent give up normies being slaughtered right user? True or not, this little kid killed herself over it, dont you think it would be time to avenge her OP?