Gf race tier list

Fixed edition

You can add rename/add rows if you need to

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here it is, faggot. Change my mind.

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Mine bros....

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this is my list and it is correct
all other lists are shit

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Sorry for being a phone posting faggot. Also if I can, I'd add Mediterranean in the semen demon category and Slav in the zoo wee mama category, borderline semen demon. White is too vague so I assume you mean the average American white female.

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Obvious ranking


Based Tuvanchad

at least you didn't put 2D on top like a fucking bitch

:) we are all equal
all women are pretty

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2d power original

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This is the only objectively true list. All other lists are cope/trolls

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Phone call for you, originally.

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Rapid ranking based on all charts to bump the thread (lowest tier on each list means 0 point, upper row 1 more point ...) :
Pale (20) > Latina (17) > Arab (15) > 2D (13) > White (12) > Hapa (10) = Asian (10) > Light Black (9) > Indian (8) > Blasian (6) > Black (5) > Abo (0)

Based pale lovers

I wish I had pale skin I fucking hate being Mediterranean.

Cant be fucked to make one, but its 2d at the very top and everything else at the very bottom

First 5 are ordered other then that I dont care about race

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mine is the only right answer

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didn't count both of those btw

Dunno why, but the darker the skin, the less attractive to me.

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>everyone likes pale redhead
yeah but do girls like guys who look like that?

I'm a male hapa for reference

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Like this faggoooot fanalam

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objective, change my mind

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Here it is desu desu dead thread

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>Aboriginals still at 0
How will they ever recover

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men make this kind of shit then tell us that we are too picky about men? nigga sshut the hell up and eat a cinnamon roll

Go cry in your safespace

fuck off, hole, you aren't welcome here

i hope u all have fun dying alone. go fuck uur anime pillow AHAHAHAH FUCKING LOSERS LMFAO

Imagine caling yourself human when all you have to offer is a hole and coping on a buthanese basketweaving shadowshitposting board
pathetic incel

Relevant pic desu

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look at yourseslf bud, You're on this board talking about girls fucking skin colours and saying you would'nt talk to some girls because their sskin is "TOO DARK DXXX UGLY HOLES EWWWW". I'm Sad for you.

The actual correct ranking

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never called you an incel, and I think you should look at yourself you sad old man.

>more than 9 billions humans on earth
>maybe 1 billion of each race
>I'm picky if I decide to keep only a billion
>nooooo you can't just prefer your car red !!!!
gonna be a SHEEEEEEEESHHHHHHH from me dawg

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>and saying you would'nt talk to some girls because their sskin is "TOO DARK DXXX UGLY HOLES EWWWW"
Strawman harder, incel
>I'm Sad for you.
Who gives a flying fuck, you type like a 50iq American incel
Ok zoomer

more like based, keep those standards going kings

Oh piss off you fucking grammar nazi, all you can do is insult how people fucking type words because you're sad about your own pathetic life. Go suck a dick fag

Imagine being this triggered, mad, and assblasted at the same time
Seething dark hole

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Jesus nigga you cringe

IM NOT AN INCEL!!!! MY DISCORD FRIENDS CALLED ME KING SEE!! yeah okay, maybe if you go out into the real world, you will realise not all women are fucking satan.

I love how you can easily tell these are both American underage holes who nobody will ever, ever touch

Never say Jesus ever again.

shitskins could never compete, chinks have terrible genetics

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I'm 19 and I'm from europe you fucking retard

Huge yikes
Also you are not cute

My regard for 3D W*men is so small that I didn't even include them on the list

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did I fucking ask?? I dont give a fuck what you think, since you only think I'm a "hole." as if I'd care about you.

Ya know that "in" in "incel" means involuntary? So kinda does not apply cause I simply don't care. Plenty of other things to do in live than chase women I don't particularly like because "uwu I'm definitely so alone I'll take literally anyone uwu".

I've seen literal toads that are funnier than women

Nobody should chase anybody, They are not the right person for you if you have to chase after them. I fucking hate men/women like that.

>still replying
>even more assblasted
>literally hurt
Pathetic, lmfao

hahah never heard that one before !1!1 nobody fucking cares

In general, white women are the fucking worst in terms of moral values and personality but the only reason they're not on the bottom is that I want white kids

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>I'm from europe
Please be in P A R I S

Are you phisically crying yet or are you just triggered to oblivion?

Of course I'm still replying, I have nothing else to do today. I think its funny as fuck to see all the incels attacking me. "PERFECT GF THREAD XDDD" then say they hate women and we're only holes, fucking retards lmao.

Ye okay femoid. Is it that time of the month? Why don't you go back to your discord server where you'll be welcome. The actual seethe