Boyfriend says he wants to do anal

>boyfriend says he wants to do anal
>say ok to make him happy
>he puts it in
>hurts like hell
>tell him to stop
>he doesnt and cums inside my butt
i think he raped me but i dont want to ruin his life. i feel so betrayed. why are men like this?

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Is that the face you made during

>tfw raped in the ass

How else he supposed to fuck a tranny?

>think he raped me
He didn't. Please don't ruin his life because you chickened out.

>boyfriend says he wants to do anal
You have a boyfriend whos enough of a normie faggot to want to do anal, and youre posting about it on a forum full of men who cant even get one woman.

What the fuck do you want? Us to kill him or something?

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im a female. we usually do vag but his friends told him anal is better
i didnt know it would hurt and he kept going when i told him no. it hurt so bad i was crying and scratched him. this is rape fuck what you think my asshole hurts so bad now and i think its bleeding
i want to know why men are so aggressive and selfish

because we're disgusting little cretins that only want to get off and spray our coom everywhere

Why don't you want to ruin his life? he betrayed your trust and raped you. if you leave him he will just rape his next gf. Would you not want to ruin his life if he beat the shit out of you either? This man is not on your side, stop protecting him.

i still love him and i cant picture him in jail or something. he's also a top student at our university, this would shake a lot of things up and i dont want the attention. i am breaking up with him after i heal though. i just want to rest for now. i put some ice on it and drank a pain killer

Stop being a woman and do something about it. Also I highly doubt that you had no indications that he was an asshole before, so why did you even keep dating him.

>>he cums inside my butt

Hopefully, things get better for you.

Once you give your consent you can't just take it back no matter what the (((law))) says. If a girl "withdrew consent" in the middle of sex I would just kick her out right then and there.

sometimes he chokes me during sex but i like it and when i tell him it hurts he stops. things have never been this bad i dont know what got into him
thank you user

Sadly in some states if you initially gove consent then this would not count as rape.

With that out of the way, he really fucked up. He should have been thinking about you as well since you are his partner. I don't really know what to do in this situation.

If you are really upset by it then talk to him about it and express how you feel about the situation. I am sorry but I wish I could say more. He should have just stopped.

Hard to say das it mane as some people have the willingness to try anal and unwilling to stop their sodomizer. In fact now that I think about the number of times I've been in Sodom itself I think it's illegal/don't care.

just break up and move on, no point in being in a relationship when they dont respect your boundries

I don't get it. Why didn't you just pulled him off and took his dick out of your ass? He wasn't forcing you with his arms was he? Regardless of that, your bf is fucked up doing that. I never did that to my gf. Look for someone else but don't accuse him of rape publicly because you could have easily stopped that situation if he wasn't literally raping you

I dont believe that you are a woman or that this story actually happened.

But for what it's worth, this is most certainly rape. You stop when your partner says stop or you're officially doing the sex without consent and that is rape. The "law" definition doesnt matter unless you plan on pressing charges.

Not all men are like this. Those that are, are often bad, immature, or intoxicated.

If by some chance any of this story is true, you might want to visit an ER or Urgent Care facility in case you have an internal tear. Infections in your ass are terrible and likely in that scenario. It shouldn't hurt as bad as you described.

How about you actually communicate with him how you feel and stop posting threads on 4 chan like a fag

Break up with him if you have too that's reasonable. But sending him to jail for this is unreasonable.

yes you can. how the fuck am i supposed to know it hurts if i have never done anal before? he didnt even ease it in just went in and went crazy
> He wasn't forcing you with his arms was he?
i was wearing handcuffs so my hands were behind my back cuffed up. we sometimes do bdsm so this is normal for us. i just scratched what i could grab from him
if i go to the ER will they report the rape? i dont want to involve the authorities
we got into a fight right after and he stormed off because he thinks im going to call the cops but im not.

is this a consistent behavior from him?

Well you seem to be on the right in this one. Break up and move on. And go to the doctor. Also be more careful of guys like this who are into BDSM and all that crap. I imagine you must have seen red flags of all types during your relation

First time hurt of course. You'll get used to it.

Tsk. There's one a bit rougher sex moment and you be like that. Just talk with him about it, that shit happens. I still think this is bait. To give you some understanding, he was just extremely turned on by it. If you go off vanilla sex this stuff just happens and stop saying it was rape, you consented, but didn't think he'd be this fucking horny about it, combined with the bdsm gave you the situation at hand. How important is the relationship for you? Break up, if you're all butthurt (lol) about it, but don't accuse him of rape. Take some responsibility for your own desicions.

no i really dont know what got into him. he usually checks on me to make sure im not in too much pain
be like what exactly, user? i am a phone call away from ruining his life and im not doing it. i consented, thinking he would respect me and not take advantage and fucking stop if i cant take it.
> Take some responsibility for your own desicions.
hes the one that ran off what the fuck are you talking about. i have ice on my asshole and you want to tell me to take responsibility for literally nothing i did wrong

>i want to know why men are so aggressive and selfish
That's what women like and that's why we behave like that. We didn't make the rules sweaty.

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Shouldn't have said yes. Don't want your asshole to bleed? Then don't tell your bf you're okay with anal. Duh.

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>i want to know why men are so aggressive and selfish

Because if he wasn't he wouldn't have a girlfriend.

t. meek male