When did you lose your virginity and what was it like with her/him?

When did you lose your virginity and what was it like with her/him?
>20 yo
>she was 25. Redhead, huge tits. Friendly and we had noodles later. After she found out it was my first time she was like "what the fuck you should've told me, I would've tried much harder then" and we slept with rain sound effects on youtube because she said it helped her fall asleep.

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5 yo

she was sexyest girl in class and i sayed to her do you want to sex and she sayed back to me yes i do wan t to sex with you and then she took her clothes off and she has big boobs and then i used my big penis(lol) to impael her and then she sayes to me wow you have such a big penis it makes me feel good in where you impal me at and i says to her yes i feel good aswell and then we bothe cume and then she says haha you have cooties now and then everybody at reces lauhed at me and now i am sad :(

You're asking the wrong question.

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day after my 19th birthday in a normie college dorm room with a girl I was orbiting for a year. then go on to date her for over a year while never really be all that attracted to her.

Retarded abomination.

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>18 yo
>both virgins. weird experience
>became my gf for like 2 years
>made some mistakes. she was a nice girl. that's why you date though i guess
>break up finally and excited to try more girls
>start sucking guys dicks
>ffw 20 years i suck dick and have a wayyy hotter and more sane gf

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>21 yo
>he was 18
>in my room
>we did sexual things before like masturbating together
>he wants me to put my dick against him
>it feels good so he asks for me to go a little bit in
>continues until I say I can't go in anymore
>it felt warm and I liked the feeling of looking down in his eyes
>he asks me to start thrusting
>I make small thrusts until I eventually cum inside him
>RIP virginity

you're still a virgin
you need to have sex with a woman, homo

joke's on you, I am a woman

But you said you have a penis

>18 yo, he was 21
>both virgins
>he was rubbing his dick on my opening
>told him to go inside just a little
>tell him to go a little deeper
>need more
>he pushes in little by little
>at some point I realized he was pretty much inside me and we were no longer virgins
>guess there's no point in stopping now
>his dick is huge and it really hurts but feels too good to stop
>he cums inside me without a condom
>we spend the rest of the day in bed eating french fries and cuddling

>she was 33, mega milf, my best friend's mom
>a combination of my first time and being a stupid kid along with her not getting action for over a decade, it was pretty crap, but the experience was amazing for both of us, enough for it not to be a one time thing

yeah, I'm a woman with a dick. Want to suck it?

>my dick
>I am a woman

They meant penis-in-vagina sex, you retarded tranny.

>When did you lose your virginity
Wrong board, normalnigger.

>retarded tranny.
we were both trans. you're the retarded one

>in my early twenties
>with a hooker because I was getting increasingly depressed about being a virgin
>I told her and she told me I'd never forget and she was right
>I was awful at it and I didn't feel much better after I was done, the nagging feeling of needing to lose my virginity was replaced by emptiness

I don't regret it but it wasn't worth it.

>the year of our lord 2008
>meet girl at a concert
>we exchange phone numbers and start texting
>take her on a few dates
>we hang out all night and into the Early morning
>park my suv on the beach
>she puts a condom on my wee wee
>I go inside her
>literally last less than 30 seconds before I cum
>I start to cry a little bit
>we sitting there and a cop comes up
>he feels so bad for me that I just get a warning

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so you're a trans woman with a dick, and your partner from the story is a trans man with a vagina? Do I have this straight?

yeah, and you're a faggot on r9k

>she was 29
>had a body like pic related
>very experienced
>blows like a fucking pro, deep-throating, sucking my balls
>both very drunk at the time
>nearly 7am when we started fucking
>end up passing out as she's riding me
>wake up the next morning to her vomiting in her bathroom
not the best of experiences, but certainly memorable

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I was 16 and so was she. She was kinda dry and I couldn't get properly hard because I was nervous. We also couldn't get comfortable or make noise because her family was home. Overall it was a 3/10 experience. I have had much better sex since then but the first time was meh.

>end up passing out as she's riding me
so you didn't cum inside her? guess you're still a virgin

>was 17 and she was 19
>had been dating for over 6 months at this point
>only reason we hadn't done it sooner was because parents were always around
>finally, had a night where I had the house to myself
>gf comes over
>one thing leads to another and we go to do the deed
>honestly between the condom and me being scared to DEATH of accidentally making babby, it wasn't that great
>lasted maybe a minute before pulling out to cum, despite condom
>we decided to shower and regroup, second round was much better

I lost my virginity to a blasian stripper, and like an idiot I went bareback.

Luckily I didn't cum nor get an std. Gave her a burner number and a fake name if she ever attempts ye old false accusation at some point

>she was 27
>she's my gf. it was bad sex but it was still funny so we laughed at it
>vaginal sex for a bit
>pulled off condom and she sucked my cock for a while
>then she had me jerk off to get close
>she finished me off on her tits
>didn't fap for one week before that
>really massive load
>she comments "baby there's so much"
I remind her of that day every now and then kek

>After she found out it was my first time she was like "what the fuck you should've told me, I would've tried much harder then"

If you did just that she wouldn't have slept with you. She would've laughed at you and lost all respect for you.

Were you her special ed teacher?

did you know that your entire gender identity would disappear if you were taking lithium regularly?

Agree why are these people even here? How pathetic are they? They just want to belong to a niche group and feeel better abut themselves thinking they are special, but in reality they are just posers.
Like those retards self diagnosing themselves as depressed, but who truly aren't and have just gone 20 hours without attention.

not just lithium desu, antipsychotics are no joke