It is my birthday

It is my birthday
I love you all.
As a birthday wish, I want you all to be happy

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Other urls found in this thread:

happy original birthday user

ya getting old son?

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A bit...
But I don't mind. I want everyone to be happy
And thank you nice user. I love you ^-^

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Well! One birthday wish is more than zero! Have fun fun all~ c:

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It's my birthday too, I turned 22. Started pretty sad because I thought how little I have accomplished but my roommates surprised me with a cake
There was another birthday user that was pretty sad but he got a vocaroo of that indian dude from here singing him a happy birthday.

Wheres the champagne?! Happy birthday!

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Happy birthday user

maid bot is very cute btw

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Maid bot...huh...

Happy birthday! \(^o^)/

Happy birthday to you, too~!

Yay! Happy birthday user!
And there is looootsa stuff you can still do, don't give up!

Thank you nice user~

Thank you user! Maidbot is the best!
I wish I could be a maidbot for someone *-*

Thank you!

I love you all so much~ ;-;

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Are you
A. Tranny
B. Trap
C. Female (extremely unlikely)

Hello turbie, we meet again amigo

Thank you
>Are you
>A. Tranny
>B. Trap
>C. Biologically Female (extremely unlikely)
If C you can be my maidbot

You're welcome. So, she is a robot? Because I have heard that term "___ bot" before...

>I wish I could be a maidbot for someone *-*

That's pretty adorable but give it 80 or so years user and your dream and my dream will come true

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happy birthday user, its good of you to think of others when its your own birthday, i do thank you for that. have a safe birthday and year, user.

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Say that thing you said to him for me as well, NOW....
Please, I need it.

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I listened to this song on my twelfth birthday
now I cry whenever I listen to it

I'm none of those, sorry. I am only a boring guy. I just want to make people happy!

Yes, the artist is Androjuniarto if you were wondering!

Yay! I will become a maidbot for a nice user ^-^

Thank you! Stay safe as well~
I really don't need any stuff myself so I rather have others be happy or get stuff c:

No need to threaten me~ I love you user

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Actually, I was asking what about the meaning of 'bot' any elaboration?

Say, you wouldn't happen to be that ENFP poster on the MBTI threads would you? I don't frequent them too much but I used to see someone exactly like you post on there

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>I love you user

Bot as in robot! Beep boop~

It was quite few months ago when I last time posted on MBTI threads ^^" People seemed not to like my posting style so I stopped posting there c:

Good night user~ Sweet dreams, sleep well~

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Oh, thanks. Cuz the posts I've been seeing that had "___bot" had nothing to do with robots.

Thanks user, really. Means a lot to me, especially during these lonely and uncertian times.

>It was quite few months ago when I last time posted on MBTI threads ^^" People seemed not to like my posting style so I stopped posting there c:

People aren't so used to extreme positivity so I can see how it gets grating on some folks but you're doing alright user, keep up the good vibes

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Very nice song ^-^

I don't want to make others feel uncomfortable D:
But thank you user~

Video doesn't work for me .n.

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>I don't want to make others feel uncomfortable D:
>But thank you user~

Don't worry about it too much user, people will be how they want to be. But what'cha got planned for your birthday today? Hope you have some nice plans today

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I don't really have plans~
But is oke c: I will just relax and maybe buy some cake for myself

That's fair, sometimes it's nice to have a relaxing day. I usually take my family out to the cinemas so we can all watch something together on my birthday but with everything going on right now I don't think that'll be a possibility by the time I have my birthday.

Although since you got the time you could always try making a cake for yourself today, assuming you have the proper cutlery for it

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I don't have much money sadly .n.
And I am as dumb as a rock! I suck at baking!

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