Why are women so blind to the fact that they inherently have life on easy mode...

Why are women so blind to the fact that they inherently have life on easy mode? Is it really just indoctrination by society into viewing themselves as the victims? They always claim to desire the life of men but rarely do any put any work into obtaining the average males lifestyle. I just dont understand. I would kill to become a woman. Wage gaps(lol) and perceived weakness are irrelevant when you can just get a man with no effort to take care of everything for you

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I don't like gabe
refrain from posting her please

Because when you're a god you don't concern yourself with the suffering of the mortals who worship you. You know only of yourself so all the trivial problems become significant to you.

>Is it really just indoctrination by society into viewing themselves as the victims?
Yes. It's be like that for eons. We're taught it since birth. Women fragile and need protecting, big man strong and provide. Women want to break gender roles until it's time for big strong men to be hyper masculine and do all the work.

it's all about perspective user. they're afraid of not being able to blame their problems on something so they can't accept that that they have it easier than others. the same way you probably don't like thinking about how bad africans have it when you're feeling bad.
why do you concern yourself with what women think anyway? it sucks they don't see eye to eye with you but it's probably not healthy to worry yourself with why they think the way they do. I'm personally just glad we got the chance to live in a universe where beautiful girls exist at all.
also girls have to pee blood sometimes. I wouldn't like to pee blood desuuu

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I dont know what it is but I just absolutely hate anime posters, the most delusional, autistic low life degenerate posts... every time

>be male
>notice since childhood that females control sex and family structure
>feel jealousy of women's dominant role in family structure
>surpass females in literally every other aspect to gain recognition as the dominant sex
>as civilization gets more complex female's role as family leaders loses importance
>male asserts himself as dominant sex
>females gets jealous of male's dominant role in society
it really do be like that

You're not fooling anybody, women. Bleed out of your birth hole.

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I've had a conversation with a beard that went something like:

"So you're seriously telling me that you think females are more privileged than males?"


"females live in constant fear of getting raped, any man around them could just rape them at any time"

"oh male privilege does exist, we're just not as privileged as females. Our entire role as men, how women see us and how we see ourselves is 'providers'. If you can't provide for a woman you're not considered a human being. Men can't make mistakes. If we fuck up it's a death sentence. Women can start over with a new partner and a new life a lot easier than men can, divorce laws and society as a whole even encourages it. An American man who marries an American woman is trusting her with his entire life. The crushing level of responsibility that gets put on us is intense and there's a reason why we're far more likely to kill ourselves than women."

"*shocked onions face*................................................."

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They just arent powerful enough to rub it in yet. Being the victim is the source of their power, they dont have authority by birthright yet.

A lot of feminists will talk about how privilege will often seem invisible to those who have it. Their lack of self awareness is so shocking it's kinda scary

no they dont, unless you are attractive, you wont even be seen as a person

Easy mode is an incel meme, nobody has that

>nobody has that

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You can throw easily evidence the other way around, this site has done so for decades

But it's just a gross exaggeration of "grass is always greener" that is not only insulting to women but even to fellow incels, as they keep roleplaying who is the most miserable one

I think that guy's grass is white.

>You can throw easily evidence the other way around
Do it

It's a well documented fact that women get less punishment on average for the same crime.
They all get 4 times as much free money for college and higher education, on top of quotas and affirmative action mandating a set number of them be admitting first. The only thing men get to enjoy 4 times higher rates of than women is suicide rates. Men in many parts of the "civilized" world also get to enjoy having their penis mutilated at birth which literally no one is making any effort to stop, laws to protect girls from anything even remotely similar were written decades and decades ago because protecting them was everyones top priority.

So people on 1 side of the grass are being held prisoner, tortured and killing themselves, while the people on the other side of the grass are showered in free money, get away with anything they want and enjoy absolute protection from all physical, financial or mental problems just for having a vagina. But you're gonna tell me "Nah it's all a matter of perspective if you could actually see the other side you'd know it's totally just as bad". Fuck you. Fucking women.

>go on anime site
>complain about anime
why do people still do this in 2020? it's been getting old for a while now

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>just depend on some guy who will leave you when he no longer finds you attractive
wow i have it so easy thanks a lot being born weaker slower dumber shorter, not being respected, not having anywhere near as much energy due to a lack of testosterone, only being able to befriend other girls who act like snakes, etc was all worth it because i can be a leech
shut the fuck up

For women "attractive" is 3+/10 thanks to makeup

Go cry about it to your boyfriend.

And if he doesn't want to listen, just dump him and replace him with a richer one.

He wont leave you if you give him a lot of children. But you wont do that will you

Men and women have their own sets of privileges and issues
From what I can tell, it's one of those "grass is always greener on the other side" things

implying men dont leave their kids all the time
why do you think there are so many single mothers? simple, they don't give a fuck because they're built that way by both biology and society

They don't feel empathy for men in the slightest, why on earth do you think they'd ever give up even the slightest bit of privilege they get from being eternal victims?

> They always claim to desire the life of men but rarely do any put any work into obtaining the average males lifestyle.

Why are you saying that, I ve been watching harem animu meticulosly for decade now...
Jokes aside my brother is a fucking degenerate drunkard and psychpath who gets kicked out of everywere. Yet for that he was gifted a flat just so that he eould fuck off. While I always fo my best and struggle hard to prove everybody that I am worth something and be ignored. Wish society allowed me that degenerative lifestyle of all of those incels with their neetbuxes and privilege to think that somebody owes them anything.

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The average man can achieve things the top 1% of women would never even dream of, and building that legacy up and living through it is what makes them MEN

But of course lazy fucks like OP who leech off his parents want nothing else but to continue being a leech for the rest of his life, no wonder

Shut up woman. You know no true struggles

To use feminist rhetoric it's the whole "privilege is invisible to those who have it" thing. In the age we live in we has men have been made very aware of the struggles women endure and the benefits we reap in contrast but they are still all totally blind to the burdens laid on men and can't see that despite the unique challenges entailed by being a women, particularly an attractive one, that the burdens entailed by being a man are significantly harder, because of their female privilege.
I hate phrasing it that way and the idea of "privilege" but it seems the best context to relay the idea in the current climate.

So do you hun. Your most tragic struggle is not getting your peepee into Stacys vag. Absolutely pathetic.