Hello hello, I am a really fucking mystical Magician!

Hello hello, I am a really fucking mystical Magician!
And today boys and girls, I will help not one of you, not two, but all of you.
You can ask me any question you want, but spiritual problems and such information is my speciality.
Remember, this is not about me, this is not an AMA in the sense that you ask me questions about me. But rather, you ask me, about you! Now how often do you get to do that and get that perspective on yourself completely anonymously eh?

My special areas of gnosis - Hermeticism, Gnosticism, Alchemy, Prisca Theologia, Sexual discomfort, Christianity, General Psychology etc.

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should i megadose shrooms in public tomorrow?

What do you consider a mega dose? Also depends on the country. If it is legal and you are considering doing that then you probably aren't easily scared, and still, if it's legal people will know what to do and call an ambulance or something if you start losing it.

today i saw about 5 doses growing and i dont have a dehydrator to dry them so it is a good opportunity to megadose

i might wait until my mother goes back to work and trip at home

>5 doses
Hey man, please, never measure your drugs in "doses" or "hits".
How much is it? How much are you taking? 5 grams? 25 grams?
It is already bad enough to take a random amount of a drug, but it's even worse when you remember that while tripping and you realize you actually have no idea how much you took.

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ive never weighed mushrooms. i just eat whatever i find growing. i do have a scale though so i could weigh them if i feel like it.

God damn you Americans hahaha, no wonder you have so many people ODing in the streets.
Well of course I don't know if you are I'm just assuming. But how many grams is 1 dose to you?

a few handfuls is one dose. one time i megadosed i didnt even know who my dad was when he was talking to me.

Dry them and get a scale lazy.

Should I just accept the hermit life, and continue my self imposed seclusion, or should I once again try to break free? Keep in mind I've failed once already.

If your dad couldn't tell you were high you weren't "megadosing" brother :D

why you telling me this for?

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>Should I just accept the hermit life
Half of it. The latter half, as in life. Accept life.

>continue my self imposed seclusion, or should I once again try to break free? Keep in mind I've failed once already.
It doesn't sound to me like you want to continue seclusion, so why are you asking me? If you already know you don't want to, then you should be asking me why you can't admit it to yourself. Well I'll tell you what I think, I think you are afraid to, because coming out of seclusion implies things you don't feel good about right?
So it sounds like you don't want to continue seclusion or break out of seclusion, right? Now if this is actually your situation, what we are looking at here is a trap. And no, not a girl with a penis, but a trap set by your unconscious.
You see, you don't want to be secluded, because you want to live life and do things and get friends and yada yada ye? So that is logically reasoned and pushed by the conscious part of the mind. But the things you don't like about breaking free, for example failing or putting in the work, or the anxiety that comes with it, all have 2 things in common.
1. They come from the unconscious
2. The very important part; they are all based on fear.

So when you weigh the two it is Fear against Reason.
Now as I have shown you, the real question you have is:
Do you choose Fear, or do you choose Reason.

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that took a long time to write and this nibba just left sadface

Theres an energy blockage in my root chakra which is having follow on effects through the rest of my system. How do I address it?

Wow, every time like clockwork someone asks me about the only religion based thing I know very little about... But don't worry, the only problem is that I do not understand the terminology of this practice, and usually I have just asked if the people could write the question in more direct terms. For example if I used the word satan to symbolize evil, the straight version would just be to say evil.
I don't know if you can do that for me, but I don't want to give incorrect advice so I just want to make sure I understand your question fully

Is law of attraction legit? Can I gain height and good looks

sorry for late reply, but no you can't gain height without surgery, but you can gain looks. what do you mean by the law of attraction? there are many variations of that.
how tall are you?

This thread sucks and has been unhelpful so far.

did you ask about the law of attraction? or what?

If I kill myself will I be reincarnated somewhere better

What is the easiest way to stay cute as long as possible? :3

How do I punch the demiurge in the fucking face user

well if you believe in that, you could also become a snail, so, I wouldn't risk it since... listen carefully... there is no better species than our species, you cannot improve from a human.
>but my anxiety and depression and...
if your car has a popped tire do you drive it into the lake and get a new one?
do you not think you have to solve problems before becoming what you want, sincd if you didn't have to do anything, you would already be what you want to be.

obviously I'm just guessing, tell me, what are your problems in life?

I don't know lad, I'm just miserable when I should be happy, happiness when it does occur is so fleeting it's almost easy to forget it happened. I am directionless, ambitionless, goalless, even though there is nothing physically wrong with me. I don't want anything out of life.

Probably make up if I'm going to be honest

Don't worship him, that's the worst he can get it. Do not hold worth on his life, aka do not hold worth on material posession beyond you exact need for survival and health.
Do not desire any sort of physical pleasure such as sex, drugs etc. Now, you can still have sex, just don't desire it. the punishment of desire is the agony of unfulfillment.
also read the corpus hermeticum

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>Don't worship him, that's the worst he can get it. Do not hold worth on his life, aka do not hold worth on material posession beyond you exact need for survival and health.
>Do not desire any sort of physical pleasure such as sex, drugs etc. Now, you can still have sex, just don't desire it. the punishment of desire is the agony of unfulfillment.
>also read the corpus hermeticum
>no drugs
>no sex
I'm working on it. Which hermetic bookk should I check out first?

>I don't want anything out of life.
Are you sure, or are you simply afraid to fully consider the question? for one, you probably haven't though about it this way; maybe you shouldn't think what you want out of life, but what you can make with and give life. Or this way; maybe you do not want anything from life, (which is actually fantastic in a way since you are seeking happiness but still do not desire anything, which is perfect) but then, maybe it is life itself that you want. I know you will mybe think that no, you maybe want to die, but have you though in that way? you have always wanted something from life, but try to think that life is the only thing you wish to have, and there you go, you have it. it may give you a new perspective for the future if you just want to live and then do the other things just for fun.

>I'm just miserable when I should be happy
Ooh no, no no. That is a very bad way to think. Don't think that you should be happy. you see happiness and pain are two sides of the same coin, so if you think you should have the coin with happiness, you will also get the pain, and eventually this wanting and switching between the two will wear you out. Don't desire happiness, don't desire pain, think of them as the same, even though they may not seem the same due to the illusion of self.

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the corpus hermeticum, that is the book. the kybalion is a shorter version with the teachings but you should read that after the main corpus. the corpus isnt very long either

Oh I thought the Kybalion was part of a collection of books called the Corpus Hermeticum ok thanks will do

Should I become androgynous or just take hrt to become a female and pass instead of risking not passing

oh no, the corpus was written way before Jesus, but the texts were only found in 1945 buried in a monastery in syria. so basically the most advanced religion ever (in my opinion) got down to a single book! the christians tried destroying them all because they didn't want people to find out that christianity stole ideas and such from Hermetic texts such as the Holy Trinity.

Why? Do you just feel like you are female inside? I'm not judging, I want to be specific because I think I have a point of view for you on this that you probably haven't thought about

I'm a random lurker in the same predicament and I your post helps me, thanks