Suicide is losing

suicide is losing.

if you commit suicide you lose the game.

if you cannot find meaning or happiness in your life, you lose.

i have respect and empathy for people battling depression. i truly hope they win.

but i do not have respect for people who commit suicide because they lost to the depression.

it is more than possible to beat depression or suicidal thoughts.

it is more than possible to win because most of humanity (excluding normies and npcs because they don't count) does win.

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Life is worth losing

Losing a bad, rigged game that ultimately doesn't matter is fine with me.

The only alternative is suffering.

Suicidal people don't care if you respect them or not. Neither do the dead for that matter, they care even less in fact.

or maybe it's cheating the system?
it really just depends on how you look at it user, I don't think it's fair to say suicide is a good or bad thing.

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if you've got the resources to browse Zig Forums, you're able to make your life better and live a fulfilled, happy life. in western society, suffering is not eternal except in very specific circumstances like a sex trade ring or slavery.

a happy life is going to feel infintely better than not feeling anything at all in the abyss.

My thoughts on suicide:

I am not here to tell you it will get better if anything I like being real and I am certainly not all about this fake nice persona bullshit that we are all supposed to engage in for the sake of conforming to societys social standards. All I will say is that suicide really is the end and you have to acknowledge that there is no coming back once you do it.

Believe it or not, but whatever it is that is making you feel unhappy is temporary. It really is. Most things in life are short term. Maybe getting into a terrible accident that leaves you crippled is permanent or maybe losing your appendix is permanent but feeling depressed over a break up with a girl or over being a NEET that is going crazy from boredom is temporary. Trust me. Dont worry about the regrets either because you cannot bring the past back. I regret things from 6 years ago but there is nothing I can do at this point. It is what it is.

>"hurr durr having stuff takes away the mental disabilities, years of abuse, and uncontrollable facets of existence that hold you down on a daily basis. Just be happy"
Spoken like a true normie.

Spoken like a true normalnigger. Fuck off.

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>doesn't actually understand any of the real points being made.

being bound down and defined by your past is retarded.

take your life into your own hands, don't be tied down from the actions that other people made that affected your life. don't be defined by your disabilities.
if there is honestly no way out, like a sex ring or slavery as i said before, i can understand.

but be the subject of your life.

>take your life by your own hands
That is suicide, retard.

If you're trying to argue against suicide then you're doing a shit job of it. Life is a race and in any race there will be losers. If you totally suck at life and have accepted that you are already a loser then what does it matter if you commit suicide anyway?

>living for the approval of other people
>committing suicide thinking about how everyone will react
>believes the lack of good people in their life justifies ending all possible happiness and growth that can be made in their life

this is normalfag bullshit. live life on your own terms.

He said take your life into your own hands, you retard

My life is already fucked. Committing suicide is an exit door that leaves you ironically immortal. No one can do shit to you anymore.

life is a singleplayer, sandbox game.

you can ragequit

or you can make your own journey, find your own fun in it.

"By" "into" either way there is a mess.

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you can protect yourself from the bad that could happen. but you're missing out on the good too.

if you want to be immortal you can do something great and live immortally in history books.

i know i can't do it cause 1. it's devastate my family, 2. my depression is fleeting so it isn't something all consuming, when it happens i know it's going to pass and 3. i value my health and life too much to just let it happen, even if my health isn't perfect and my life is mediocre i still want to live it out for as long as i can, this is the only life i know i get, might as well allow it to finish it's natural ending rather than ending it abruptly

you aren't living on your own terms with suicide.
you are dying on your own terms.

live your own life, until the end.
don't live by the problems other people gave you and then take control by ending it.

>the game
goddamn it

Dying is the only guarantee in life. Why waste what precious time I have trying to obtain an impossible dream, when I can spend it achieving an eternal dream?

>if you cannot find meaning or happiness in your life, you lose.
I have already lost then.

what fun would there be in playing a game knowing that you could leave it running and it would complete itself?

death is the only guarantee, so why make the only time you live on your own terms be an experience that every lifeform goes through?

create your own meaning, suicide may give you control in the sense where you can choose when to die, but by committing suicide, you are giving up control entirely.

>what fun would there be in playing a game knowing that you could leave it running and it would complete itself
Ask that to the people shilling raid shadow legends.

you haven't lost until you commit suicide.

the fact that you are living and haven't commit suicide, means there is some meaning and some drive somewhere.

It's pretty clear you can't relate to people who suffer from depression.

What's so bad about losing a game that you don't want to play?

suffering and pain are temporary.
if you take control over your life, not being bound down by the actions of others, you can make your life happier.

a happier life will always be better than the abyss.

The game is actually a hilarious shit show for me at this point. If you guys never figured out the whole drain gang label. It literally just stood for Drake and Zayn, Drain. All that the woman in my life have ever perceived me as.

i have a good life but it doesn't make me happy. How exact;y am i to blame here? For some people anti depressants fix everything. It's literally a chemical imbalance, it's not always their fault. If you were to feel nothing but suffering every day without being able to enjoy anything on any level, you would understand. Until you've had your reward system completely broken down, you will not get this. Your reward system is the basis your entire humanity. With no reward to do anything, why do it? You do the most fun thing you can thing of, nothing. What is the point then? How can you be motivated to work, have relationships or do anything? Only thing that ends suffering that you can see at the time is death. People say it's selfish, but keeping a human hostage in their body because you want them around to make you feel good is the selfish action. It's like keeping a rabbit in a cage. If you love something, let it be free. It may be sad to lose it, but they do not want to be there and it's fucked to try to force them to stay. Some people have really fought hard and not succeeded. Some people can't beat it. Let them die. It takes more guts than you have to off yourself, can't you respect that? It's not fear of living. It's wanting to stp[ the suffering because the brain shows you no reason to continue the suffering. If you're standing in fire with no reason to stay, you'd step out.

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>it is more than possible to win
there is no winning in life op its a gradual decline it will never be as good as it is now and life is already hell

>Most things in life are short term
life is short term user there is nothing in the end people only live an illusion because they fear the unknown but in the end nothing matters

except who would want your respect

Sometimes its better to leave the match than to keep playing when its obvious you won't win

>live a fulfilled, happy life
what does that even mean op life is always suffering there are barely any happy moments and none of this matters anyway so why bother