You guys are my only real friends, even if 70% of what you guys say is "get topped on grindr" and "OP, you fag"

You guys are my only real friends, even if 70% of what you guys say is "get topped on grindr" and "OP, you fag"
I love you all

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Same op, but not in a gay way

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Same OP, but in a gay way.

OP you fag, I love you too

I know the replies are mostly for the sake of being meme-y and all, but it means a lot. Had a particularly hard past few days and I'm tearing up a little :,)

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even if you knew me OP you'd definitely dislike me just like everyone else, but thank you, i like you too OP.

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Just because we meme doesn't also mean we don't genuinely love you. You'll always have us to care for you, bro.

I love you too, user. But in an actual, unironic gay way. I'm going to think about you later when I beat my dick.
This post is not a joke.

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I love you too user. Thank you for wasting so many hours in this shithole of a website with me.

Even with all of your little wrongs, there's something in everybody to love. user, don't be too hard on yourself !!
Again, that's really nice, user. Real shedding tears, now. Stay safe, be well, user. c:
Haha, thank you, user. I'll think of you, too, when I rub one out before bed. ;)
And thank you for being there with me. This place is a cesspool, but there are times I wouldn't wanna be doing anything else.

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I like you too buddy, I hope things get better.

Based OP keeping it real

>Even with all of your little wrongs, there's something in everybody to love. user, don't be too hard on yourself !!
Thanks OP, sadly most people can't accept a few things considered to be bad in a person.
Hopefully things will get better, Thanks for the positive attention OP.

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I hope I can get this in before the thread dies and that you get to see this, but it's the least I can do!! I know things are difficult but we'll make it through this together!! Stay strong, user.

>You guys are my only real friends
Don't remind me

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I love you too my bro.
This place might be severely flawed in some aspects, but nowhere else do I feel more at home than with you guys.

haha im in the same boat
user is my closest friend and he doesnt even know me

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Op you secretly hate me and your acting like you like me just to gaslight me fuck you

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OP you fag. Get topped on grindr.

same here OP

but I'm a girl, real girl, not a troon

It's okay user, I hate you earnestly. :D

Find hope in a coffin.

Nope I will likely still bulli you in there too. :D

how can you bully him if you're dead and he's dead?

Oh believe me. I have ways. ._.

I'm at the point where only on Zig Forums can I relate to others. At least we are not alone in our suffering.

>sits down nearby
>pats you on the shoulder

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I love you user.
I want to hug you tightly and tell you how awesome you are~

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no one hates you really, don't be sad, user

>only friends
That's what this board is for user, past all the people posting nonsense like that one topped poster, the r9gay joke threads, or any other thing, this board was always to serve the purpose of giving people like us some form of friendship. Things can be groovy man.

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nobody here is really your friend user...

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I love you all, even if theres a bunch of assholes and retards, this is the only board I can call home

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