Remember this anons.

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Who is that? why does she look so familiar?

Theres nothing wrong with having sex. Grow up, dude.

A whore, try to keep up.

AIDS, herpes, syphilis, and every other STD.

I literally feel like Ive seen her in real life or known her. Wheres she from?

good thing that Kasper is a goddess and not a shallow disgusting women

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Not all whores are bed desu

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Whoreville, population: all women

you rang?


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Yeah, but you can make them your whore if you handle things right. When a girl is all about you it's the fucking best.

Stop shilling yourself kasper, we all know you
>had sex with two drug dealers
>have nudes floating around online

You are very far from pure

post e-whore nudes faggots

is brooke already sexually active?

Yup , prerty much, and you have to cope with it, the only way to not fall in womens dirtygame , is being an even more asshole yourself, belie me try it, not only you would get more women but you will also see how they become more dependant of you

Jordan Belfort was the best at being a woman.

is your mother a whore too? pretty sad ngl

It works both ways cunt.

pathetic that u do this with the internet ur mother pays for ngl

don't listen to Kasper is our only true and pure Queen

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only with non-whites

all women are whores except mommy, fixed it for ya

they all LOVE big black cock. no exception

This but not as a joke. People who hate women can act edgy all they want but they refuse to do it to their own mother or grandmother

Incorrect, I would burn then both alive.

I blocked a girl on tinder because she wanted to have sex with me. I don't associate with whores

I get the whole pussy part but what are some other benefits of women and relationships?

I don't hate my mother though, I just hate modern women

If theyre whores why wont they fuck you? oh

In addition to what this wise user said there is also mircochimerism and personality defects.

You must be special. She has been fucked by black guys.

I miss this whore like you wouldn't believe.