Feminist mom and sister put security cameras in the bathroom to make sure I'm peeing sitting down

>feminist mom and sister put security cameras in the bathroom to make sure I'm peeing sitting down

Attached: bored-at-computer.png (400x400, 7.97K)

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what fucking dystopia have we wrought upon this earth

Pretty sure that's illegal, broski

Imagine not sitting down while peeing. There is only advantages to it.

But instead your jerking off standing up and winking at the camera when you're done. Right, user?

slit your mother and sisters throats, it's the only way to end this.

This user here knows what's up.

To be fair pissing sitting down is better
Since I got used to pissing sitting down I don't have to see any more disgusting piss stains all over the floor and the wc
As said, there's only advantages to it.

My dick sometimes hits the w*ter and its pretty gross :-)

That would net them the result of me pissing in the sink and waving to the cam.

post toilet design

It's a st*ndard american toilet (toilet) but when I have a semi my dick is ~5.5 inches :-)

>pissing sitting down is better
simp detected

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is that supposed to be a brag lmao my dick is 5.5 non-erect

>pisses turn into shit sessions
>more time-consuming

just take them down. women are weaker than you anyway, so beat them the fuck up. murder them in their sleep. your family is a cancer to society

not him, but i also prefer pissing sitting down. we would be real idiots if we started pissing standing up just because some idiot from the internet told us not to.

>>feminist mom and sister put security cameras in the bathroom to make sure I'm peeing sitting down

blast it with piss

I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing! Try reading a book on the toilet! Sitting down reduces pee stains and corrects nerd neck through ergonomic toilet design.

I also pee sitting down. I just hate having piss splash all around the bathroom

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Pissing while sitting is like cheat codes
>Drunk/tired as shit
>Just came/worried about some magic bullet angles
Also almost certain you actually urinate more while sitting

first of all, unless you are going for a poo, just pee outside. if this is not a viable option, just pee into discarded water bottles in your room.

secondly, peeing sitting down is a luxury. stand and be worried about peeing everywhere? or take a load off, have a read of some literature.
>tfw sat down to pee, piss underneath toilet seat and onto floor.

piss standing up at work stalls, no urnail, dont want other people to notice i sat down to pee.
piss stream forks, spray front of trousers.
spend 15mins trying to dry it while standing in stall

Imagine not pissing into the sink in the year of our Lord 2020.
>more comfortable
>less splashing
>saving a lot of water and washing hands at the same time

>Pee sitting down since forever
>Hospitalized, overdose
>I tell the doctor I'd like to sit down on the toilet to Piss
>He tells me men only piss while standing


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i tried peeing sitting down when i was younger
it was all fine until i tried peeing with a boner
not only does it not fit into the toilet unless you like lean forward and squat but i tried angling my hard dick into the bowl and ended up aiming out of the little slot between the seat and rim and absolutely dousing the back of my legs with piss
i have not sat down to pee since, i do not recommend it


One of the biggest chads ive ever met pisses sitting. Hes not cut so he just sits.

piss on the camera.

that's honestly pretty fucking weird

Why would you make such a silly larp? I applaud the effort but am still left confused.

I would bet good money on the following two things:
1. OP has a circumcised penis
2. OP's mother was born with an Anglo surname

Sounds like ur a tranny and since ur on r9k I wouldn't be surprised

all you fags unironically pissing sitting down here jesus christ no wonder you're all incels