/r9gay/ - #1010

can't think of an edition edition

last time

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no more scandiposting go away

first for being second because captcha fucks me over.

I've come to the conclusion that being angry works for me and as long as I can stay permanently mad I won't have to sleep or take in nutrition that isn't mixed with coffee

goodnight discord friends ;^)

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>tfw no khaI bf

>tfw ran out of material to keep new internet bf prospect interested in me
Who wants to join me in countdown to when I get ghosted? I hate being boring so much.

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Reminder to stop being not cute and start being cute. Bf formula men will cold approach you if your flowery boy aura is strong.

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>Who wants to join me in countdown to when I get ghosted?
I'll join you in the countdown, user.

I'm going to read vidya wiki articles, watch lore videos, then go fantasize in bed about new scenarios and no one can stop me.
Man you're still trying? Well, best of luck. I give it a week or two.

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Play bideo games together or share music you like or read books and Manga at the same time and talk to each other about it. Or just any interest just speaking from experience.

Can I get you on the rebound?

Bretty bad advice user. If it takes such effort to keep him to talk to you, things almost most certainly wouldn't of worked out in the future since you clearly don't click with each other, if you did, you two would have no trouble making up conversations.
Why the hell do you (and well, most of the world really) people give others a chance when you know that you don't connect and then try to prolong the relationship as hard as possible even though you know it will break down eventually, you guys are weird.
Oh yeah forgot to say that you should probably stop talking to him yourself, you're just wasting both his and your time at this point.

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>tfw no scandi bf to cuddle in the snowstorn

user let me at least fail first.

How do you talk to e bf, discord or something?

Imagine actually doing a bit of effort. Some of you might aswell be limp dead fishes, just clogging up time and space.

It wasnt a bf, just a prospect. Also yes, it's really the only option out there for this kind of thing, at least that I know of.
Also thanks to all the other anons with advice, both positive and negative.

Fair enough hope to be your propective bf someday x

I hope so too, you seem very nice and seem like you'd be a sweet bf.

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He's to this retard being a easily bored prison gay zoomer then.

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>tfw no bf to keep me warm at night because I sleep without pants and days are being very cold lately

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>he can entertain anyone for more than 3 days

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>tfw there is no one in this world I am capable of pair-bonding with
That's like, super uncool. I've no motivation to really do anything but rot away in my room, which ain't that bad at all but still, fuck man.

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I also sleep without pants, its very comfy and airy.

This clearly works because your flowery boy aura is making me want to talk to you.

user I'm pretty sure most people sleep without pants or any clothes at all really, expect for underwear.

I only do it after a shower, I love getting my boxers all stinky with my uncut cock phwoarrrr behold my man musk.

Sleeping without underwear is weird. I sleep with boxers too, very tight

yeah my big balls and cock flap about and get in uncomfy postions

Nice, time to get the fuck out since it seems to be peak degenerate hours right now. Seeya later fagoids.

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