Do you REALLY want a race war, groid boy?

>Do you REALLY want a race war, groid boy?
Yes, that man just lifted 1105lbs.

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I mean what fucking point does that even have in a race war? like just shoot him lmfao

Yeah cause we all know groids are more successful than whites when it comes to shooty shooty war fun amirite

>invents atomic bomb
psht... nothin personnel, kid

That man would also fight on the side of non-whites, as would about or over 70% of the other white people.

Ashkenazi Jews did that.

This and I would bump it up to over 90% even in my most optimistic scenarious!

...I mean... they kinda are, tbhfamalam

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>Muh race war
Who the fuck wants a race war? I'm a blackbot and love my white/asian/hispanic neighbors

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I reckon i'd be pretty notable in a race war. For looking uggo and sounding soft but having the grit to kill niggers (preferably hoodlums affiliated to street gangs) and not feeling any emotional reaction.

racebaiters of all races have small penises

Fuck racewars. Classwars are where it's at. Get to kill off poortrash and rich cunts at the same time

Please PLEASE have a race war in america
it would be a blast to observe it from Europe

If this lockdown/unemployment goes on for much longer, with no second stimulus money than you can bet your ass a class war will happen. Race wars are and have always been a bluepilled cope

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What's up with Iceland having so many of these giants?

>What's up with Iceland having so many of these giants?

So what's he gonna do? LIFT all the brown people to death? LMAO

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Probably outclass them with his superior planning, determination, and hard work? Three things that negroids are thoroughly incapable of???

Lmao this post made me audibly chuckle.

white people have negative birthrates. he can lift big objects and work extra hard but his role in the world is to be replaced by Big Black Cock.

>Race war
>cuz I don like nigger >:(
Just leave the basement and do something else

What??, if you are so superior what do you do in your free time that's so intellectually superior? Hard work?? your on Zig Forums wtf, leave the basement, thread closed, no not today fags

Groids birthrates are COMPLETELY AND ENTIRELY supported by white welfare. Africans CANNOT support themselves in any degree.
If whites stop paying taxes for two weeks, it results in the greatest genocide in human history.

Quality beats quantity every time, sorry.

???, what the fuck have you been smoking, done the math? I doubt it, you lack the superior intelegence

What? Yes, the entire continent of Africa is held afloat by welfare from whites. So are the minorities in white countries.

>small dick, anime addict, no street smarts
No. White males should work hard and pay taxes. Black guys should have sex and enjoy life.

They don't enjoy life though, they buy shoes, get AIDS, live in shacks, and get raped and shanked in prisons.

HAVE you done the math, have you forgotten all the trade deals, the fact that there are other ehtnicities paying taxes 2, how much that actaully goes to africa, have you considerd any factors at all or is your ape brain to dumb and redpilled to understand that, jesus fucking christ, democracy was a mistake when you hear this garbage

yes thats why africa colonised the whole planet through warfare... wait...

dude africans widely live in misery no matter what country they are in

Check your suicide rates nigga. Never have kids

>class war
>high class are all jews
>low class are all brown people

class war is basically race war with another name

Well if sociopath virgin whites work harder then blacks can have even more fun. Blacks really have nothing to complain about, they are literally G-ds.

white americans are the only demographic holding the country up
also africa is barely surviving while receiving billions of dollars a year from every other country in the world

without whites the lights go out

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but all they do is chimp out and beg for more gibs and riot of someone says nigger lol

does this make black bois insecure?

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The white wageslave genes will pass on through white women who fuck superior black alpha males. Society is gettin better, not worse, as a result of negative white birthrates