
post cuddling stuff
cuddle cuddle! maybe not this year or the next one, or ever, but maybe one day oh who am i kidding im going to live and die alone

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its over isnt it

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i dunno, i dont think it'll ever happen.

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Here ya go senpai. Hold them feels

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Bump this is a now gentle femdom and role reversal thread

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saved thanks user
also where are all the femdom gfs?

they're all fiction. ok yeah ahhaa

are you ok user?
also dont say that please

no im not ok i have autism i'll never have a job i'll never find romance, i just wann cuddle and talk, kiss hahaa

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how bad is your tism? I bet you can still get a job

We're not gonna make it, there's no hope. Stop deluding yourself.
it's over.
At least we're all together in this.

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i cant hold a job nor find a job, i barely passed elementary school, im 22 and still no education at all. i just spend all my waking time on hobbies, gymming, reading and my pc

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gymming and reading are good user
maybe you can get a manual labor job?
As long as you arent in your own world all the time your fine

You might be right
>At least we're all together in this.
This is a good bright side
also where is mado going?

not a whole lot of jobs to get here where i live. i'm going to seek to a 1 year course that lets me do smithing, tailoring and working with wood, wont get me a job but it's fun.
not that i'll ever cuddle though, im just too weird, and this haircut makes me ugly i miss my long hair it was so soft to touch

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i feel like shit today, i should probably go do something else than lookikng at these cute images

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i'm cuddling with my tulpa right now, boys. feels good

time to go see ya whats up?

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Seeing my girlfriend tomorrow, pretty hyped.

>sleeping with lit candles

What are your your most gfd-esk moments of your gf

indeed that's a fire hazard

>this will never happen to you

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god i just need a loving girl's embrace
i've been alive for nearly 23 years and have never had the physical affection i need
it hurts, i'm gonna die alone like you OP

maybe we can hug each other no homo haha

no i've hugged other men a lot, it's not what i need

Can I have a hug?
maybe a bro grab?

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when you robots get around to cuddling a girl, make sure the temperature of the room / environment is cool enough and/or maybe have a shirt
nothing more disgusting and uncomfortable than getting overly hot and sweaty while tryiing to be in a loving embrace and feel the texture of their skin etc
naked cuddling would be great if it was much much cooler in the room

>tfw when I had asian girl that I used to cuddle like this with
>thought I could get better girl and didn't gf the asian
>of course other girl saw me as just a friend
>fucked my only chance of having cute gf and now I'm almost 30

In the end we all die alone, that is fine and natural, although unfortunate.

Cuddling is overrated. Its too warm and when you try to get away or cool off they wont let go.

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i wish i had someone who wouldn't let go...

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