One day i will win the lottery and no longer have to be a wagey

one day i will win the lottery and no longer have to be a wagey

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you are delusional. the chances for winning the lottery are so small you cant even comprehend it

i'm australian, so that alone makes me have more of a chance, smaller population to compete with

yea and i'm from norway so i have an even smaller population and seriously my guy you are going to really hurt yourself if you keep betting on the lottery

i only put in $50 a week, i'll be fine

Mate, your chances of winning the lotto, even here, are so impossibly low that the human brain is not capable of processing it, the brain is terrible with very large or very small numbers leading you to over estimate your chances

Youre fucking joking, you spend 2.6 grand a year on fucking lotto tickets

yeah, so?
i spend the same amount every year on my work commute
still have savings left

Think of all the shit you could buy with that 2.6 grand. Lotto truly is a tax on the stupid

Based don't listen to these faggots, live your dreams friend. Imagine all the GREAT things you will do when you WIN

there isn't really much i want that i can't get for under 1k

Literal fucking lottery shill, this is almost a direct quote from a lottery ad

i just want the freedom from wagey life desu + maybe a house and a few holidays, not much more

i know people dont like idubbbz here anymore but he sums it up pretty well here:

he won the lottery by being a youtuber who made it, very few people get to his level, how can he have this no hoper attitude, really is a hypocrite

>b-but the odds of winning are 1 in 1 zillion bagillion

Lol every time you turn on the news some rando wins the powerball. That's a real life human being who goes from wageslaving every day to living out their wildest dreams.

>b-but lottery winners lose all their money in 12 months and end up wishing they'd never won it in the first place

That's literally a meme that's been exaggerated to death.

100% of people who win the lottery buy tickets, those odds sound pretty good to me.

Youre a moron, every time I turn on the news I see that someones been murdered, does that guarentee that when I walk outside that im gonna get murdered?

The lottery winners losing their money thing isnt a meme, lottery winners die at a much higher rate than normal people and the majority of lottery winners end up poorer than when they started.

>100% of people who win the lottery buy tickets, those odds sound good to me
1) thats like saying 100% of people who die from being shot have been shot
2) you're the exact kind of idiot lottery companies prey on, the "gotta be in it to win it" mentality steals hudreds of millions every year

i'd say your more of an idiot to not try and win the lottery, setting yourself up to be a content wageslave forever with that attitude, what's your escape plan genius, investing? as if that will ever make you as much as a potential lotto win, enjoy being a normie sheep who shits on the lottery while wasting your money on car fuel and maintenance so you can get to your wagey cagey on time daily to pay off your inescapable mortgage

Or or, now hear me out, dont funnel thousands of your dollars directly into the pockets of the rich, also investment is more likely to make you rich than the lotto. Also, who says I need an escape plan? Who says I dont like my reasuringly simple schedule, I wake up, go to work, go home, do what I want then sleep, easy, simple, consistant. I for one enjoy my job, maybe you won't need an escape plan if you find a job you like?

Don't be late tomorrow wagee

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i don't mind my job either, but the daily monotony and the idea of it being my main existence for the majority of my adult life is soul-crushing and not something i'm willing to accept forever, unlike you

One day my large soul will slip out of this tiny shell and start eating the dreams of pigs.

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one of the few good things about my job at the moment is that i can be 10-20 mins late and noone seems to mind cause a lot of staff are working from home now anyway

>instead, spend your money on my gf's onlyfans

I love my job, it actively brings me joy to do my job, I hope one day you find a job you love, also it pays quite well

Thats nice user, i wish i could have your sense of hope

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probably not the most rational hope but it's one that never fade with me for some reason, might give up and spend less on it if it hasn't happened in another 5 years

closest i've come to winning anything big was $403 2 years ago

>one day i will win the lottery and no longer have to be a wagey
i like to imagine what it would be like to win the lottery and what id spend the money on.

t. elliot rodger

If I wont the lotto id buy a house/down payment. Maybe some stuff for my band like a halfstack/amp head. And then id give the rest away.

Seems like the more people have the more they hurt themselves with it. My mom won 38 grand and gave almost all of it away.

You're more likely to die in 10 car accidents than win the lottery

>That's literally a meme that's been exaggerated to death.
its amazing to read the true stories of people who have won lottery jackpots and ended up losing it all and being in massive debt. some of them do it by living like royalty and not planning ahead at all. one guy i read about bought a soccer team in the uk that was bleeding money. some of them win hundreds of millions and still manage to loose it all with bad investment and crazy spending.