Here's the first post on the internet to ever reach 1 MILLION likes. Well, what do you think of it?

Here's the first post on the internet to ever reach 1 MILLION likes. Well, what do you think of it?

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LOL fucking wypeopo amirite my fellow niggers. oohohohohohoho

I've seen a Bernie sanders post from last year that had 2 million likes so i'm calling shit there friend

>Chink makes retarded post
>Nigger connects it to wypipo
>Meanwhile, chinks are colonizing Africa

Why are niggers retarded?

They weren't colonised because they were smart.

>china investing into africa financially is the same as europeans enslaving and genociding them
wh*toid cope

go to @bts_twt. every single one of their tweets hits a million likes in less than half an hour. its been this way since at least 2017. what point were you trying to make with this thread?

>first post to reach 1 million likes
No it isn't. It isn't even in the top list of most liked tweets on Wikipedia. Literally bitch slapped out of meaning anything

Based. How did the white race become so retarded. Negative birth rates too.

>what point were you trying to make with this thread?
op posted it for le epic racebait thread, hes most likely underage and homosexual
kill yourself OP

>whites are the most empathetic and kind race that's why they're superior and have real souls
>what about all these horrible atrocities that they committed
every time

My point was that we know at least 1M people hate white people for sure. But what's the total number? It's got to be at least 100M.

the total number is 7 billion

The whole world hates them. Even whites hate themselves lol. Check the suicide rate.

I don't understand why people still insist on generalising entire races and groups of people. Especially on things like twitter. I even see people do it when trying to explain why one specific slur or something is bad, while simultaneously blindly hating another race.

>oh no why are people generalising us poor whites :( that's not okay

Nigger, europeans made millions of you.

>this one person represents the opinions of everyone else

>he thinks NIGGER CHINK is uttered by more than 0.01% of the white population
>he literally thinks all white people go on Zig Forums rather than hating themselves

*enslaved millions
don't mind me just gonna whip you to death, it's for your own good :)

>nigger hate thread and chink hate thread anyone though? let me just repost the same webm from a 20 years old clip again to show how they're SUBHUMANS
retarded whitoids this is why everyone hates you

..When did I even say any of those things user. I'm not even talking about generalising white people only.

Can you not just actually conversate with me instead of pretending I said something, and even then, over exaggerating that imaginary thing I never said.

One does not exclude the other. Now your future chink overlords, they have the right idea. They'll just exterminate you.

oh yeah when whitoids are getting generalised then it's suddenly a huge problem, but the thousands of racist threads they make every day is fine
yeah, no, go fuck yourself
>uhhh my current enemies are gonna be worse to you than we were!
>like uhh, they'll build you railroads and bridges, and ask you to pay for it, that's basically worse than getting you whipped on a cotton field and having your wife raped
eat a dick

Bro seriously why don't you just use twitter instead of Zig Forums

When did I say they are fine?

My point wasn't even about white people being generalised.

cry more whitoid incel
when you ignore those threads but throw a bitchfit here, fucking bitch

>op starts chimpingout and strawman greentexting
>retards get baited and reply
300 post thread inc

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>frogshit spamming incel starts whining when whitoids are getting made fun of

user, I don't even know if you're trolling or not. I kind of hope you are, but I don't know if you pretending to be a complete retard is even much better than actually being one.

I'm not going to bother responding anymore, you're never going to learn. You will just keep mindlessly assuming things, make up points to argue with yourself..for some reason.

I know you're going to so your epic btfo post, maybe you are trolling, but either way, you're just wasting your time. What are you doing with your life user.

You can't make fun of whites. I have already won. No matter what you do, no matter how much you work, no matter how many threads you make, no matter how much you scream, I have already won. You are a nigger, and the only reason you aren't in the cotton fields where you belong is because whites fought other whites to free your weak ancestors. Niggers are the most impotent race on the planet. I am white. I have already won.

>31 posts
>11 ips
nigga you ain't even trying

>nigger hate thread #5413414
>*cricket noises*
>chink hate thread #525235
>*cricket noises*
>kike hate thread #389894
>*cricket noises*
>white people are trash
>OK GUYS GENERALISING IS HORRIBLE, YOU SHOULD NEVER DO IT, IT'S NOT RIGHT THIS THREAD IS AWFUL, but I'm not just going on about it because white people are targeted this time ;) it always applies! I just never bother to talk about it at any other time ;)
whitoids literally just wish they could be jews but they're not smart enough

won a ticket to hell, once you're wiped out everyone gonna be laughin' and spitting on y'all's graves

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I don't talk about nigger hate threads is because 99.99% of the population already knows it's bad. Good luck finding someone outside of this weaving forum that actually hates black people.

You're on a world owned by whites, taking advantage of a system built by whites. Everything you see was made by whites. The only reason shitskins can even pretend they have any relevance is because whites fight other whites to let that happen. Your race is truly the most pathetic one on this planet. You won't be laughing, though, you'll be too busy working for whatever race enslaves you if whites are gone.

>I don't talk about nigger hate threads is because I'm a whitoid incel and I don't care XDD

whitoids just stole shit from other races and used it to commit atrocities, literally the most despicable pieces of shit on this planet, everyone will be much better off when you're gone

Pretty cringe thread, surprised retards are responding.
Let's turn this thread into a fart fetish thread. Any other robots into facesitting and farts?

Attached: 71561434_p2.png (1300x1300, 1.05M)

>Real life