Im a girl i want to flirt with coomer

coomers are u here?

Attached: IMG_20200210_213508_021.jpg (1280x987, 158.21K)

this is taking up valuable time i could be using to coom
make it quick

Fuck off tranny larper, I dont want to talk to some 30 year old 2/10

im a girl, real

Can I be your coomer?
Plz tranny.

I doubt you're interesting enough to be worth flirting with, and my porn princesses are just a click away.

I coom once a day and have a porn flash drive do I qualify?

But I'm not a coomer I'm a wholesome boy

I want to coom in your butt!

Dont care if youre a girl, I like men. Come back when you have a fat cock

sure , im a girl white guys
dm in telega

i coom 4 times per day, i need white cyber sex

Word around the office is that you have a fat cock. I also have a fat cock. Maybe sometime we can get together and rub our fat cocks together

Yeah more than twice just makes me feel like shit

The fucks telega? Also why white guys?

cuz i love white men not built for bbc , sorry

telegram.... thats programm

Are you white then? Asians tend to be better at pulling of cross dressing or whatever you call it.

Word in town is, you think youre the fattest cock around and why I just cant abide that, so whats say we have a cock duel at sun up tommorow to show the world who the real fattest cock is

yes im a white girl. its ok to be a white slut

Are you a slut? Also calling yourself a girl is misleading, try girl(male).

cyber whore , yes. im not a man

what if I coom to white girls getting blacked? Is that okay?

Prove your not a man then. The odds tilt in favour of that being the case.

put your girly fingers in my bum as i wank and cooom

If youre a real slut, post tits or gtfo

have we fallen so far that the rules have been forgotten?
tits or GTFO

its r9k not biz kek

why flirt with you when I can search for big boob on google image and get 1000000000 result

good point doe

This post is why I don't understand Onlyfans and Patreon e-thottery.

We have access to so much porn, but we stil choose to throw money to attention whores.
What is happening...

Thatokay but only if you're a biological girl and dominant
If so, just drop your Discord