For me it was night and day. Before, only fatties and old people would want to swing with my wife and I. Now we are the picky ones. I've even got one of our regular couples into exercising. We now have twice-weekly get-togethers where we work-out at my home gym during the day and fuck all night.
How has being Zig Forums helped your sex life?
I can bang my wife for hours and have a zen like control of my dick.
My sex life is inhibited by my antisocial lifestyle and not physique. I'm literally an 8
>be skinnyfat, gf no want fuck
>be lean, gf want fuck all the time
Sounds gay. I don't have any sex at all.
>Zig Forums swinger
How did getting Zig Forums make that happen?
>make significant improvements in confidence and looks
>be so isolated that you arent able to benefit from these improvements
Starting to think it was all pointless bros
Lifting over 7 years, 2/3/2.5/4 and khv. Literally work, gym and pool and sanaua, no social life. Felt bad at 1st but like most humans, I have drug vices to blind the misery away, mainly weed and mushrooms
the time will come my friend
tell me your ways user
those are hideous feet, are they trannies?
No, but they’re like 6’2”, so they’re pretty monstrous
You tell me:
>degernate nonmonogamous swinger
>thinks anyone cares about his degeneracy
SAGE go be a nigger somewhere else
>swingers have the highest prevalence of STDs. Higher than even street whores.
Let me try it again: >
>be skellyfag, wild sex with gf almost daily
>improve physique, almost no sex
It's garbage.
Maybe third time's the charm:
Well, I started out at 6'0" and 130lbs (literal skeleton status), and it's basically impossible for a man with those sorts of stats to have any sort of visual sex appeal. Four years on, I'm a lean 180lbs with good proportions. I probably get 2-3 physique related comments from people per week, and definitely get positive sexual attention from girls that I never used to receive. Being confident topless or semi-naked is also a nice feeling, too. I find that I'm more comfortable 'taking control' in the bedroom too since packing on the size. I always used to feel ridiculous acting sexually dominant when I was a twig, lol.
>highest prevalence of STDs. Higher than even street whores.
>i was still having a bunch of sex
i feel bro. friends make fun im 6'5" with good jaw and besides people in this board, my body is in top 95+ percentile to everyday people. Think its my bad acne that hit me, but thank god virus saved me
Do you ever work out while on shrooms? What’s it like?
if you were an 8 then random girls would try to talk to you when you're doing the most basic shit like groceries. you're probably like a 4-5
Now I like my body when I see myself in the mirror railing a chick from behind.
Bad Paranoia, almost got into a fight with a guy for thinking he stole my phone, but he never did. Had no hunger and lifting felt ok, volume work felt good tho. Go outside if possible
yes a 9 or 10. 8? maybe. would happen more often in bars
It hasnt
>my body is in top 95+ percentile