You DO realize there a many cute girls for you, right? You have no reason to be single

You DO realize there a many cute girls for you, right? You have no reason to be single

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based. there is no refuting this.

Who cares if they're cute, they're all degenerate scum unworthy of my time.

t. Elliot Rodger
Get some help Incel

Except they're all in the opposite side of the earth and talk a shitty language

According to my geographical location, there are 16 single males per single female

Screw you, op. You might be right, but I'm going to find a reason to be single.

theyre in north america, wdym, they speak english

>I really want a girlfriend but I'm too lazy to do anything about it.

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I am ugly short and autistc. No girl would even consider me attractive and lovable

Lol where? no woman wants to talk to me and the ones that do put zero effort into conversations and are boring with no similar interests to talk about

Most of those women are catfish trying to scam you or they just want a green card

>non white women
no thanks

>I am ugly short and autistc. No girl would even consider me attractive and lovable
Stop making excuses and start acting

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>Femoids try to gaslight incels episode part 9

No sweetheart. Girls are not breaking down incels doors like men are breaking ow girls doors. Incel ar not sought after nor do thy have choice like all females do. FEMALES CANNOT BE ROBOTS


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>born in country
>get degrees in same country
>realize girls in said country don't like me
>have to quit my comfortable income and start learning a language to find a potential gf in mid africa
>I'm lazy

Not true. Awful bait

get an african american gf then. easy peasy

>>born in country
>>get degrees in same country
>>realize girls in said country don't like me
>>have to quit my comfortable income and start learning a language to find a potential gf in mid africa
>>I'm lazy
Looks like you don't want a girlfriend at all. Just stay lonely then.

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In non-burger land you are lucky to find any Asians that speak English. Muslim women don't exist and the occasional Christian African is already married.

>told I'm 7-8/10
>make tinder profile, get gold
>swipe for a few weeks
>15 matches, all around 4/10 or less.
>majority of them don't even reply, only receive about 1 first message

Look at this graph, hun. I'll post more.

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>>told I'm 7-8/10
>>make tinder profile, get gold
>>swipe for a few weeks
matches, all around 4/10 or less.
>>majority of them don't even reply, only receive about 1 first message
>Look at this graph, hun. I'll post more.
You do realize that Tinder cannot be compared to the real world and says nothing about your success with women?

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Also, women on average get a 10-20x higher match rate then men. Top 80% of women go after the top 20% of men, bottom 80% of men get the bottom 20% of men. This is the reality. Do we deserve to settle for someone SIGNIFIGANTLY less attractive than us?

>using a proxy on my board
Prepare your boyhole.

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Tinder has severely impacted real life, because women now have access to a huge pool of suitors when they already had the advantage before. I've had even worse success irl, i've only been ghosted, used for food, rejected, led on, and hurt. About 6-7 times in a row now. There's nothing even wrong with me.

Just pretend you work for facebook, you will get hundreds of matches

Literally not true at all
How inflated is your self worth to believe youve got legions of girls willing to date you?

>easy peasy
No stop buying into this racist supremacist idea

I don't want a gf. Women are boring and never work to improve themselves.


Why are you retards biting ? The bait is so fucking obvious

tinder doesn't have many real girls on it. it's literally 85% male.

you only prove OP correct, you shut the door on girls and think you are lonely.

the mental gymnastics are quite impressive on this one, good bait