Robots, when can we as a site admit that our racism/homophobia/nazi worship isn't ironic?I'm tired of pretending...

Robots, when can we as a site admit that our racism/homophobia/nazi worship isn't ironic?I'm tired of pretending. Why can't we just rebrand this site? I know we claim it's all satire but we all know that we just say that to get normies on our side. I'll be the first to admit that I originally came from stormfront during gamergate. Why can't you do the same?

I even wrote us an anthem for this site:

Attached: the real me.png (645x773, 205.96K)

Other urls found in this thread:

uh no one claims it's satire racism is facts and most of us are over 80 iq so we realize this

Of course it is. But some degenerates try to say it's all ironic. I'm tired of the lies. I want Zig Forums to become what it was meant to be, a haven for identitarians such as we.

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Nice anthem op

>I know we claim it's all satire
Do we? I never have





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stormfront is so fucking gay, it's only larpers and numale faggots.

Thank you very much. My parents certainly didn't think so, kek XD. My dad freaked out on me when he found out I'm a nazi. "HOW COULD YOU DO THIS?!" "HITLER WAS EVIL" "YOU'RE HALF MEXICAN!" Just his usual bs. My mom won't even fucking talk to me. Once I get myself a better job (currently working as a cashier at Mcdonalds) I gotta move out.

>half mexican
never going to make it, mutt.

LOL, stormfront is fucking BASED. They aren't afraid of the truth. Black people are genetically dumb, ugly, fat and fatherless which is why I don't respect them. My boss at mcdonalds is a groid and he thinks he has the intellect to boss ME around. That nigger should be luck affirmitive action and white genocide got him such a position. Just yesterday he got at me for my armband and I had to do everything in my power not to call him a nigger. I was sweating, fuming, trying to keep myself from saying it because if I did, (((HR))) would have me fired and I need this job right now, lol.

Attached: The true me.png (910x677, 28.52K)

This thread is glowing brighter than the sun holy shit

OP here, what does "glowing" mean?

and so is almost any other website, calling a black person a "nigger" isn't based, these people can range from junkies to literal sub-humans. I have respect for nigger compared to a weak, frail and uneducated white.

t. journalist
this whole thread is so fucking pathetic

LOL, cuck.
I'd upload a webm but all the ones i have saved are too big of a file size

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>I originally came from stormfront during gamergate

lol ironic how you have that shit saved. There is a dividing. Who ever is willing to fight and educate themselves to becoming a soldier is respected by me. If you aren't willing to change your ways, you're better off dead.

I keep it saved as a reminder of the crimes that are commited agianst my people. The Jew pushes interracial porn in order to brainwash the masses and force out the white race. We were chosen by God, not those kikes. Just you wait, traanny, once the day of the rope comes you will know the true meaning of christmas

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>*unzips pants*
>*jerks off* "H-heh, I have it saved as a... Reminder..."
Ok, cuck

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>I originally came from stormfront during gamergate
Stormfags need to be persecuted again. Fuck off newfag.

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Masturbation is a sin, tranny. I'd never do such a thing to myself.

>*saves porn in pc*
>"B-but I really don't jerk off, y-you have to believe me!"
>*visible erection*

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>We white people are the best!
>*gets "tricked" by the Jews*
>*has women stolen by Africans*
Where has your supposedly superior intelligence and might gone, I wonder?

Unfortunately, our innate generosity and kindness can get the better of us. But I see that as just the more reason why we are mighty

The trannies are the problem, they are the only ones holding us back, brother

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God, I hate trannies so much. I regret having that brief phase when I was mildly attracted to them. Once I came here I realized how retarded they truly are.

Meh im more of a Maoist

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I don't know who you are
I don't know where you're from
I don't usually say this
But please, PLEASE commit suicide

Oh god so many newfags. OP is obviously trolling, you fucking retards.

But yeah, white power ftw.

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>We're stupid because we're kind
Got it

i cant wait for the race war so i can not participate and coom all day long

>LOL, stormfront is fucking BASED. They aren't afraid of the truth

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