Male gyno

Hey fit
Iv suspected that I had gyno for a couple years now but I always just told my self that as long a I lose weight and get big chest it would be fine. I recently lost about 20 to 25 pounds and it five times worst. It's way more noticeable with clothing on and it's like my gyno has gotten bigger and perkier.
I can also feel mor solid tissue in there and if I squeeze my nipples a little bit of ffg fluid comes out.
Is there any way to slow down progression or reduce it without surgery are there any habits I need to stop until I can talk to a doctor.
Pic related looks like this

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dear lord..

I am truley sory for your lots

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Doctor my dude.

Have you been working on your chest muscles a lot?

I was for a while but chest gains come so fucking slowly my bench has only increased by 15 lb this year to a whopping 165 max. My pushups suck ass to just cant make any progress on my chest for some reason.
Might have something to do with my shoulders being asymmetrical. My right collor bone is deformed making it about an inch or 2 short then my left.

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Only a surgeon can fix that shit user

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Jesus Christ. I think so have gyno but it isn't as severe.

This cant be real also
>-what is it with pakis and indians constantly showing off their disgusting bodies?

>if I squeeze my nipples a little bit of ffg fluid comes out.
jesus christ dude go to a fucking doctor

>if I squeeze my nipples a little bit of ffg fluid comes out

Keep squeezing till your tits are void of the liquid. They will be back to regular size in no time.

I'm half Indian and I can bet I stomp your ass to the ground in .0003 seconds.

user, I am in the same boat. I kept trying to bloatmax to hide my gyno, but since covid shut down all the gyms, i decided to cut as much as i can. I lost 35lbs so far, went from 245 to 210, and my gyno is very pronounced now. You have to face to music, surgery is the only way. My doctor already pointed it out a couple years ago, but now that I've reached a new low in terms of weight, I'ved decided to go through with the surgery. I am going to see my doctor thursday, and after an assessment, he will refer me to a specialist. Just do it user, life's too short to be on the beach with a shirt on.

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Hey streetshitter how did this happen?

Did I run a cycle with no AI or something?
Or are u street shitter Genes just this bad?
Or is curry gyno inducing?
I legit wanna know

Post body you inbred. If you're half as muscular as me I'll agree with you. If not, you better eat a poop sandwich on video and post it on Zig Forums. I can tell you're from some poor fucked neighborhood.

>live nowhere near x population
>see exactly 0 x population
Damn user I didnt know you were retarded. Now I feel bad for laughing at your post.

Try anastrozole and raloxifene. It's your best bet besides getting it surgical removed.

>my gyno has gotten bigger and perkier
>I can also feel more solid tissue in there

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first photo gave me a boner

I have massive bosoms
Like an actual rack

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I live in Houston which has plenty of street shitters and is one of the largest cities in the world so what were u saying?
Indians virtually never work out. I see 0 indian girls or dudes. Theres more indian parts of town but why would I live by subhumans?

Poor angry street shitters. Mad because you know you'll never get any white pussy with the way u look and smell.

that's probs just fat user. You're overweight as shit.

Lose the weight, and if you still have moobs after you hit 15% bf then get surgery. Boom problem solved. Now get to work and put the fork down.

Hahhahahaha. Serves you right you stupid nigger. Deserve what get for posting this stupid thread just to get cheap (you)s when you know that the only solution is surgery. Proactive karma faggot. Everyone you meet noticed your gay faggot woman tits and thinks "holy fuck, what a faggot subhuman". Eat shit and die loser. Saged

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Street shitters aren't even people

this is either photoshopped or you're a tranny who's been taking too much estrogen. Either way just kys dude.

It isn't, nigger. Look at his nipples.

ok bro, then post body with a timestamp, no face

I also live in Houston but in the suburbiam sugar land area. A lot of Indians there and they are really chill and take good care of the neighborhood (doesn't look like utter shit like most parts of Houston) so back off faggot.

Lol. America, what a joke. You'll never be allowed here in Denmark you little swine.

post tits, we gotta see if its real gyno