Past a certain age a women without kids can be a bad thing

past a certain age a women without kids can be a bad thing.

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...or an extremely good thing

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Small bones are the curse

She seems happy enough. You don't

In what kino did you guys realize Ali jobbed to the wall?

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i'm not a childless 40 year old

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So you are unhappy though?

no, because the basic function of the female is to birth as many children as possible.

being happy is not the meaning of life.

Sorry what??

So why are you on this board then?

to deprogram anons from MSM brainwashing

Not the meaning of life buddy

the meaning of life is to continue the species. MSM brainwashes you to care only about self-gratification.

she is 38 and dressing up like an edgy teenager so obviously she's dead inside

also pedophiles are happy when they can rape little kids therefore being happy is not everything, what a stupid thing to say

>the meaning of life is to continue the species.

Since you're clearly a virgin and no doubt will remain so, aren't you being a little hypocritical?

me on the right

is that natalie imbruglia?

As a 28 year old woman on 4channel I feel like I'm doing the world a favor by not reproducing

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some of the childless women i've met don't seem mentally fit to nurse life into this world and I can't tell if that is the cause or effect. At least they we're the ones to bring up children in terrible conditions for selfish reasons.

>being happy is not the meaning of life.

this and having children quite literally is though.

why not both? have children, try to be as happy as possible and not an asshole. everybody wins.

I want to reproduce with a woman on 4channel.

they've been brainwashed by MSM from a young age.

same here. I have material instincts, but I don't want to spread my family's autistic/schizophrenic genes, so I'm just waiting for death

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schizo based

you've been brainwashed by MSM. sad.

I love children but if I had to go through a pregnancy I'd probably suicide myself

thought of donating my eggs b4 though

the world can go fuck itself

why not find a widow with a child ?

Past 30. It saddens me there are 10/10 women out there who are a genetic dead end just because they don't want any kids. Kelly Brook once lost her child in her womb so she decided she will never get pregnant again.

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She's a disgusting coal burner, so that's a good thing

Good taste.

Where the fuck do I find handsome widows with children?

Unmarried and childless 30 year old woman is a red sign

you poor sweet beautiful innocent thing show me your cunt

Her current boyfriend (for several years now) is an Italian chad. She even proposed to him and he declined KEK

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she's perfect looking

>an Italian chad

Apparently so.

Imagine looking like this at 34, never been married and no kids.
Do women think their careers are going to keep them company later in life or something?

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>Zig Forums
shut the fuck up tranny and go dilate you freak

The makeup is stupid but she looks sexier than ever now.

>Do women think

Imagine looking like this at 34, never been married and no kids.
Do women think their careers are going to keep them company later in life or something?

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She' s a slut innit

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I remember fapping so hard to this cunt, like 10 years ago. She's a sad old hag now.

you're gay

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If you look like this at 34 you know you are a very rare case and that normal rules don't apply to you. But yeah it must be a tricky thing because at the same time you look so young that you can just keep on enjoying the youth life but at the same time your biological clock is still that of a normal person and it would a service for society to spread your top tier genes. Must be hard making a decision between those two choices.

imagine looking like a Zig Forums autist at any age no kids etc
at least you'll have other Zig Forumscels to keep you company

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Those ears. ...

Kelly Brooke is not a 10/10
She's a fat ugly slapper. She photos well but in real life she is trailer trash

>imagine looking like a Zig Forums autist at any age no kids etc at least you'll have other Zig Forumscels to keep you company

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Men remain fertile much later in life than women though...?


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>5 replies to this post
>not even one has asked for pics
post bobs and vegana bitch or i don't believe you

you say that like having kids makes any difference

...realistically speaking, "you say that like age makes any difference"