You bots ARE voting for him, right? I know you will, we have to, or else twitter wins

You bots ARE voting for him, right? I know you will, we have to, or else twitter wins

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>or else twitter wins

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I could kinda understand the mutts that voted for him in 2016. It was still fucking retarded, but I get it.
But imagine voting for this mess in 2020. Now that's peak stupidity.

>or else twitter wins

Yeah biden seems like the much better choice lol. You hear yourself retard???

imagine having the choice between a demented geezer and an actual retard, God bless america

>vote for republican senile retard
>vote for democrat senile retard
Decisions, decisions. Freedom is hard

As I said - peak stupidity.

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>vote for the right wing corporatist party
>vote for the slightly less right right wing corporatist party
Freedom is of difficult choices

Both are shit, user

This. American politics is a joke.

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Lmao politics in the west since the democracy was introduced has just been: vote for what seems now crazy progressives, vote for the 'normal' progressives, or vote for the progressives of 20 years ago. I guess they'd be "right-wing" in the sense of pandering to big companies, but thats far from the definition it originally had. In short the right desires and protects order, while the left believes 'change' leads to all that is good but which really just means chaos.
It's like the second law of thermodynamics, we're moving away from order constantly and there's nothing stopping it. At some point people will be forced to realize what a scam democracy is but then it's just a matter of a couple generations before they demand it again.

>You bots ARE voting for him, right?
I would if it wasn't for the fact that I am Canadian

I would have voted democrat if bernie got nominated,
I am going to vote green party this year.

The establishment (the rothchild level guys) have always hand selected the leaders of nations and controlled the political process. Democracy is a big sham. Here in the UK they didn't want any chance of a socialist getting in so they slandered Jeremy Corbyn endlessly in the media until he was out of the picture. Now the labour party is led by "Sir" Keir Starmer who will no doubt be the next Prime Minister after Boris Johnson (next election). It's the same deal in the states. They want Trump to get a second term because he's a good whipping boy (with the bonus of having everyone on the right convinced he actually gives a shit about them) so they have made sure a guy with sex allegations following him around as well as creepy quotes about kids rubbing his legs has become the DNC nomination so that Trump is a shoe in. It works the same way in much of the western world. Careful media manipulation and slander to ensure the desired guy gets into the WH. Even Biden is a deep state nwo pawn though so they wouldn't lose shit even if he did get in somehow - Ironically Sanders has repeatedly spoken out against Israel & AIPAC (same sort of rhetoric that got ron paul buried in the RNC nominations in 2012) and the NWO were having nightmares at the prospect of him even getting close to being the DNC candidate.

tl;dr: Everything is controlled. All politicians are self serving puppets. Nothing fucking matters.

Nah fuck Cheat-o.

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Obviously will be voting for the emperor in the election.

>Why yes, I don't give two shits about politics, how did you figure?

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idfags are to blame, i ain't from us

You realize that you don't have to like either, right? Biden is the better choice simply because he won't really be president, he'll have his handlers do his job for him. America will go back to the near-dystopian shithole we were before 2016, but we won't go deeper into the dystopia we've been creating since 2016.

Neither of them are good but I prefer normalcy over the great political spergout the trump election caused

I don't give a shit about politics so I just voted for this guy in 2016 since it was funny at the time.

I'm contrarian and wanted to piss normies off, but now with all the Trump cock sucking all over this website I'll vote Biden just to watch Zig Forums's meltdown so they could fuck off back to /r/the_donald.

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I would if I was American.
I'm not though so eh. Still hope he wins or the left will be insufferable.

good for dramacoin desu

>Republicans support excessively expensive big government programs like social security, medicare and medicaid
>right wing

>Democrats support nationalising some 20+% of the American economy
>right wing

You commies are absolutely crazy. At least on economic issues, the democrats are lefties and the republicans are centrists. Trump even fucking campaigned on protectionism and gay marriage. Watch less breadtube.

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dsa pls

how the fuck do you read that post and assume i'm left wing nigger.

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please stay on reddit

no at this point i hate conservatives and right wingers and consider myself liberal

happy to see another redditor here

I'm trying very hard to convince myself to vote red this year but I just don't know.
I've identified as right wing since 2015, mainly because of the sjws on twitter/reddit. I thought of myself as hip/counterculture. I even adopted many right wing practices. I started watching fox news, going to church, stopped masturbating, supporting right wing figures such as Steven Crowder and Nick Fuentes.
But now? I just don't see a future for us. The wall has yet to be built, we still have mexicans/black people in our country, we're in the middle of a pandemic, Q hasn't come through, Trump pardoned a corrupt dem and worst of all, I've yet to find a girlfriend.
Guys, I'm starting to get the feeling that we've been goyed.

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don't use aerith you fucking crypto nazis
should just shoot you Zig Forumsfags at this point

our political system is inherently built to make change difficult.
you're not going to see it in four years. view politics as a trend and keep voting red. the only reason we haven't got what we wanted is because democrats control the house and have a fillerbuster in the senate. no one said it was going to be easy, bitching out and retreating before the battle is won sure as shit aint gonna get you what you want.

also stop watching crowder, he's kinda cringe. personally I watch a lot of Andrew Klavan and Michael Knowles.

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Ill vote against trump if AOC shows her tits

you were always on the wrong side
I personally looked at my life and saw my whole life i've been brainwashed by conservatives and I escaped right think and will never go back. Unless you're rich or racist there's no reason to be a conservative and they're totally evil. But I had to come to the conclusion no matter how oppressive the world is I won't give into right think again.

So like with corona I looked around this morning at Zig Forums and there's still this delusion it's a hoax and you have to realize conservatives are evil and retarded, they're just an oppressive force in society and they're npcs they hate soul.

>You bots ARE voting for him, right?
LOL no.
Can't vote for him now, couldn't vote for him before and will never vote for him.

I was a trump supporter but I will vote Biden even and all dem on everything now because I realized you guys are just evil. All the trolls are right wingers, all the wars are started by right wingers, soviet union wasn't real communism, you should try to not brainwash yourself more you're just playing yourself. I know though unless you're a normie there's no reason to be conservative so you probably are privileged, if your whole philosophy is "i want to own the libs" then you're crazy and have no real historical understanding. It's just something you're seduced into to be a right winger it doesn't solve your problems it makes the world worse.

Why are you a crypto nazi? You love discrimination? You want things to be harder on the poor? What is your excuse?

Biden may be the Illuminati choice, but I'd rather have organized, competent evil over dumb boomer evil.

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Jesus the level of brainwashing of this fucking idiot lmao

>soviet union wasn't real communism
>You want things to be harder on the poor?
median wage increased $5000 under trump 3 years of trump, whereas it only increased $1000 under eight years of obama and bush. the poor and middle class are finally seeing wage growth. Job satisfaction increased under Trump, which means people are happier with the work than they do than they've ever been. Also record unemployment.

You don't help the poor by taxing them to death and telling them where to send their kids to school and what healthcare they must use and what jobs they must work.

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I wish this had been me