Anybody have a gf they can have sex with anytime during the COVID-19 quarantine?

Anybody have a gf they can have sex with anytime during the COVID-19 quarantine?

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Yep started dating before the epidemic and got her to move in with me

Wife but yes

Can you teach me how? Do you have troubles since you're locked up together 24/7?

Your mom but yes

Your wife still lets you have sex with her?

Nope. Last time I laid my pipe was in Feb. of 2012.
>ain't gonna happen again, btw. don't care.

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who allowed you to put your penis inside her vagina

What do you mean how? Just fuck her bro

she called during the 501 dl live stream
and she broke up with me..

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I want to fuck! What is a good way to fuck sloots now in rona-hell without using those gay apps like tinder

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Have a wife. Sex pretty much every day. No gym yet though, which is devastating.

Can anybody teach me how to get pussy?

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How to get a gf. And do you and your gf bickle since you moved in together so fast.

she lives with her parents on the other side of my city and i can't see her because of quarantine

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how ddo you get your wife to hacce sex with you
do you rape her

Gf and I live together, but her grandma passed 3 weeks ago. No sex since. I feel like my sack is about to explode.

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cant you get her to jerk you off

Sorry user, in rona hell its p much exclusively apps like tinder, bumble, and Instagram right now. The only other thing is hitting up girls you already know.

I have a few fwb that I still see.

can you teach me how

nope we broke up right before quarantine started, so glad we're not stuck together in a house

On Friday I brought up something funny that happened when we had sex a few years ago and she started crying and asked how I could talk about sex right now. Think I'm celibate for the long haul.

Have a decent face and good social skills. Im a manlet (5"9) with an average normie bod, but that doesn't matter if you know how to (small) talk, have confidence and at least a decent face. Also date girls a few years younger, Im 27 and my fwbs are 23, 22 and 25.


Just "accidentally" let her catch you jerking off to a sexy picture of her.

Then don't ask. You sound like a little bitch.

>How to get a gf
just be your [spoiler]attractive[/spoiler] self

I'm sorry haha can we start over again haha

You can't move my thread here like this!