Some questions:

Some questions:
What caused the big switch from Zig Forums being a mostly left leaning site in the 2000s to a mostly right leaning site in the 2010s?
Why do so many people make their political views their identity and their only form of personality these days?
Why did so many people dart to the extreme ends of their political spectrum in the late 2000s?
Why do so many people argue about politics and even bring it up knowing it'll cause an argument to people they know won't have their political opinion changed as these days its so solid and set in stone?
Do you think all this is dying down now?

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>What caused the big switch from Zig Forums being a mostly left leaning site in the 2000s to a mostly right leaning site in the 2010s?

People critizing progressive left SJW excesses and the 2016 election attracted retards that are incapable of understanding nuance and context

>why right wing
Stormfag invasion + liberals LARPing as conservatives because nothing matters.
Trump's election was a perfect storm of idiocy.

Literal boomers from Plebbit, not even joking

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I didn't know it was mostly left leaning in the 2000's, that's surprising seeing how it is now

>What caused the big switch from Zig Forums being a mostly left leaning site in the 2000s to a mostly right leaning site in the 2010s?
Obama being elected was the start of the Republican party and by extension the "alt right" becoming what it is today. It happened very gradually until it became undeniable during the 2016 election. I remember back in 2014 you could have been forgiven for thinking the racism was still ironic and was mainly to get a rise at oversensitive SJW types. Afterwards, not so much.
>Why did so many people dart to the extreme ends of their political spectrum in the late 2000s?
During the election, it was due to fake news, established pollsters predicting a trump assrape being proven wrong, etc. In the years before, it's hard to say. I think it was due to the conspiracy theories "ironically" being posted, but the election really cemented them as "fact" into peoples' minds.
>Why do so many people make their political views their identity and their only form of personality these days?
>Why do so many people argue about politics and even bring it up knowing it'll cause an argument to people they know won't have their political opinion changed as these days its so solid and set in stone?
Answer to these 2 is the same: The inherent evil of human nature makes us crave ingroup/outgroup dynamics to the point where we get our kicks by degrading others (outgroups) and having our ingroup praise us for it.
>Do you think all this is dying down now?
It's an election year again. What the fuck do you think?

>political views as identity
Evangelicals started this after 9/11. Religion is bound tightly in the left/right debacle.

>Why did so many people dart to the extreme ends of their political spectrum in the late 2000s?
Forgot about the recession. That's a big one since losing your home, job, life's savings, and more all while watching people who caused the catastrophe to happen get free bailout money while calling you lazy is enough to radicalize everyone.

>What caused the big switch from Zig Forums being a mostly left leaning site
It was never really leftwing, besides having a lot of "tips fedora" and "dude weed lmao" types
t. here from 2006

>What caused the big switch from Zig Forums being a mostly left leaning site in the 2000s to a mostly right leaning site in the 2010s?
I have noticed this change as well, OP. However, I've concluded that it isn't really a transition in the ideology or userbase of this site, so much as a realization of what it always has been: a counter-culture collective. Zig Forums is contrarian above all else. I truly believe this. A lot of the people I've come to personally know from this site don't really care about politics or think about their positions, so much as draw enjoyment from how controversial their positions are.

>Why do so many people make their political views their identity and their only form of personality these days?
You know it's more than just politics. People define themselves in whatever way they plausibly can if they don't have a deep well of experience to draw from to define themselves. We're all desperate for any kind of group or tribe to identify with, when the modern world seems hell-bent on making us all a homogeneous, cultureless mass. (Note that I say that without any political intention, I just think this is true for a variety of reasons.)

>Why did so many people dart to the extreme ends of their political spectrum in the late 2000s?
I'm not sure if I agree that this is true, but if I did, I'd say it's the 9/11 and the global recession, along with the internet blooming, and enabling quicker polling/gauging of political alignment.

>Why do so many people argue about politics and even bring it up knowing it'll cause an argument to people they know won't have their political opinion changed as these days its so solid and set in stone?
People are moralists. Even people on Zig Forums, to some extent. People have a need to see themselves as "good", and so they convince themselves that advocating for their political/ethical/religious ideas are, in some small way, contributing to a net good.

>Do you think all this is dying down now?
I don't think so, no. See above.

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>Zig Forums is contrarian above all else.
I could believe this if Zig Forums didn't suck Trump's dick for 4 years

It's like this all over the internet. Everyone's retreated into their little political silos from all the asshurt of the 2010s, especially the 2016 election. I mean you could always tell certain places were more right or left wing than others, but back they weren't so overtly political before. For instance, before all this, you could have gone on a gun forum and had people talk about how they didn't care if a gun owner was non-white or gay or whatever so long as he was safe. Now, you have them openly talking about using their guns on political enemies, praying that ICE would round up all the non-whites, and literally hoping the government prays the gay away. Were these sentiments always there? Perhaps, but the important thing is before people kept a lid on them because there were enough "normal people" around to tell them they're being ridiculous. Now? Being a "normal person" is the worst thing you can be since it guarantees you have no allies. Most of us "normal people" have left these groups, or if we stick around, we just adopt the strategy of nod and pretend to agree to not cause trouble.

well look at Zig Forums they were hyping up corona at the beginning of the year , but now that governments of the world are doing something about it they've turn the other way around and now claim it is a hoax or something.

whatever the new normal is you can bet that Zig Forums will always be on the opposite side of it
not for any strong moral code mind you, just sheer pettiness
oh and gamergate and election tourists who didnt get the fucking memo to get the fuck out

>What caused the big switch from Zig Forums being a mostly left leaning site in the 2000s to a mostly right leaning site in the 2010s?
First off, there have always been a few of those here, because we don't ban them and everyone else does.
Second, causality is not real, so what I'm about to tell you is less "the truth about why what happened, did" and more "random shit to which I have assigned way too much importance, in totally arbitrary order". This will not be a chronicle, it will be an editorial.

So, like, back in the day, there were edgelords (for lack of a better word). Edgelords went to sites like "Ogrish" and made fun of you for crying when celebrities died. They did this because it was a display of strength. You couldn't hurt them, they were too jaded, but they could hurt you by posting gore, or calling you a faggot, or whatever. Right? It was a social dominance thing.
This was the status quo for, like, '97 to '04-'07. Around that time, edgelordism reached saturation. The thing about edgelordism reaching saturation is, if everyone's an edgelord, it confers no power, i.e. you can't shock people by posting goatse anymore. Worse, lots of idiots have absorbed the technique, so being a fuck-you nihilist has a good chance of making you look like (in modern parlance) a fucking Redditor.
So inveterate assholes needed some new crap to milk for dominance, right? Enter leftism/communism/That Tendency. The advantage communism has over edgelordism, is that it makes it morally righteous for you to get up in everyone's shit. It's a riposte to "fuck you nothing matters", which, recall, has trickled down to the idiots- "fuck you, EVERYTHING matters".

Now, Zig Forums was a hive of edgelords, and due to historical contingencies, edgelordism already sort of coded left- Frenchfags, Illegalism, V for Vendetta, etc. So it wasn't that hard to confuse the two, or to have spillover.

I'd argue that doing so would be contrarian, at least compared to the media/twitter. And desu, anons on this site have kinda been falling out of love with Don-don. It's getting to the point where defending him is no longer "owning the libs" and instead becomes a self own.

>falling out of love with Don-don.
only because his job performance now has an immediate effect on their lives.

Like, if you were an intellectual, and you wanted to have some philosophical backing for your antics, you were probably going to cite Focault or somebody.

What people forget is that Zig Forums used to be way more upscale than it is now. Moot was from New York! And, also, edgelordism was more upscale, as in "something you did if you were a scion of the cosmopolitan upper middle class and online at the time". I mean, punk rock and shit, right? Anamanaguchi illustrating their stuff with straight-up guro, Suehiro Maruo on album covers.

And that sort of fell through, for various reasons. It stopped working as a dominance signal (see previous), and plus you had an arriving generation of people who came of age on Edgelord Internet, with a bunch of psychological scars from being ruthlessly mocked and screamed at.

So you had old-school trolls/narcissists (who don't really believe in anything) assembling cadres of newfags with PTSD (who wanted revenge on the people who fucked them up) around this "new" belief system/technology, sussing out arcane chains of reasoning whereby coffee was racist and shit. Conducting what were, in all but name, raids.

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It was leftwing, but not radically

That's because the people sucking Trumps cock on Zig Forums aren't channers

I think Corona has made people realise that there's more to politics that left wing vs right wing and a good politician needs to know how to handle things outside of that e.g. Pandemics. They were so focused on owning the libs that they voted for someone who only knew how to own the libs and nothing more. So now they pay for all the other stuff outside of that affecting them negatively.

And there's a sort of built-in idiot filter with leftism, too- "theory" and shit, your work had to be at least plausible-

Anyway, the same thing happened to leftism-as-a-social-dominance-tool. It got discredited. "8192 genders" etc. The trolls/narcs had a good go at holding onto the reins- Maoism, Third-Worldism, various other purityfucker domains- but none of it really stuck. The tree was pretty much rotten from the inside.

Now (to pull us out of this degreeless soup of baseless assertions and into, for the moment, a timeline), come 2014, and gamergate, the rot becomes apparent. You had C van V pulling shit that any reasonable human could see was ridiculous, but the structure was too ossified, too tied up in friendship networks, to jettison her. So they closed ranks and banned people, and those banned people had nowhere to go but Zig Forums/8ch. And about this time, Zig Forums itself was starting to fall out of favor with the current Troll Court-

No one remembers the Peoples' Champions' Glorious Campaign Against The Invidious Wreckers' Scourge Slanderously Known As "Board Culture", but that's what that was, moderator oldfag clique trying to clear out the old anarchic shitshow because it was losing favor with its patrons-

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>lady centipede

boomers have centipedes in their vaginas

Can someone tell me if this is dogshit or not so I know whether to finish it

You weren't lurking enough then, friend. It wasn't as political but it was easy to tell most were left wing. You sound like a newfag to me.

It was an attempt it at a full on "do what we say or else" takeover facilitated by the entire media being corrupt. It was elite power posing as a collective action and it was fucking bullshit.
Disgarding that entire element of society was the right call.
>context and nuance
What a meaningless, retarded as shit thing to say.

It wasn't. The anonymous persona and guy gawkes mask was just hijacked by Reddit assholes doing occupy wall street. Basically being a homeless skater was cool for like a year in 2011.

The amount of shilling in this thread from people who have no fucking clue is absurd. Go read about biting beaver.

Biting Beaver was feminist. Feminism isn't left or right- it just colonizes whatever's in power at the time. Of course, "protect women" is kernel-level, so it's more like "everything devolves into feminism sooner or later".

Lurk moar, newfag. stop spreading misinfo.


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