Join vc to practice speaking

>join vc to practice speaking
>too shy to say very much
>people comment on how im active in text chat but quiet in vc
i hate vc but how else do i get better at speaking?

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I learned it by watching a lot of youtube and repeated what I heard. But I have to say that you must be honest with yourself. If you repeat something and it is not at least 95% accurate you should not say that you are good to go. Do it until you feel more save.

get drunk, always works.
problem solved

This, I'd get shitfaced once or twice a week, hop on vc and make everyone laugh and then go back to hardly talking. Apparently this turned on a few roasties enough to make them want to DM me.

Keep doing it until you loosen up. Chatting 1 on 1 helps since it can be hard to take your turn speaking when there's a lot of people.

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i dont like drinking though
also my health is one of the few things i have which is good and i dont want to damage it or waste money drinking
what kind of things did you watch?
i can think of things to say, its just in vc i somehow fail to make the right words come out and can never find good openings to talk
the last time i talked 1 on 1 with someone was probably last year. I find it really awkward and uncomfortable but thats mostly because i dont have anyone that close to do it with i think

You don't need to be super close to someone to voice with them, even if it's awkward the first few times. Shit you could probably add people from Zig Forums just to have a chat.

What games do you like? It's easier to talk to someone if you play a game together imo cuz you can talk about the game
If you like any of the games I play I'd be happy to vc you to help you learn how to speak to people

dont do it if you dont feel like it
if im with a lot of brain fog i dont want to interact with others so i avoid vc
if im feeling better mentally then i can do it more often

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I'm the same way OP. In any text chat group or discord, I'm the extroverted person who's super funny and popular. I'm always quick with a joke.

But the moment voice communication is used, either online or even speaking to people irl, im super quiet and can't ever think of what to say. Its like there's some block in my brain preventing me from thinking of what to say. I can't come up with jokes, I flub my sentences and shit.

This is because ur a weeb. All weebs deserve bulli. :3

typical vc for me
>there's usually a few people domineering an entire conversation
>try to think of something to say
>ok this is hard what should I say?
>I thought of something!
>but I can't find a good opening because people keep talking about stuff
>ok awkward silence is happening now is my chance to contribute to the voice chat!
>by this time I haven't said anything in 10 minutes and I bet people forgot I'm in here and will think I'm a weirdo for going so long without speaking...
>screw it, gotta try to be social something!
>"s-s-so guys how about that new video game/recent event/funny meme, have you guys seen it h-haha?" in my awkward shy beta voice
>probably just ignore me or talk about it without including me at all
>feel worthless and just want to leave but stay for maybe 2 minutes in vc trying to see if maybe they wanted to actually talk to you
>answer is no
>leave and feel sad and socially inept and want to cry

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dont practice vc with a long lists of people you have no connection with user.
meet some people through text and talk to 2 of them max on vc. then just form a connection

i find it hard enough to talk to people i know decently
if i dont know someone much at all then the conversation doesnt even start in voice
i dont really
i wish i still did because they are a great way to get to know people since they can fill gaps in the conversation but i only really play games when im doing other things like listening to something
i want to get better at it though because you need to in order to properly get to know people
i kind of know what you mean though because when im feeling better i am more active
even if i can think of something to say i can never deliver and the words just arent the ones i think of for some reason. Its like theres some sort of disconnect between my speaking and thinking

your experience sounds almost exactly like mine
sometimes i say something and then everyone goes quiet for a moment though, like they forgot i was there and they dont know who is speaking, before they start up conversation again
it can be so embarrassing i want to die
i also usually sit in vc until pretty much everyone has left just in case i suddenly start having conversation somehow or someone wants to talk to me but then its even more awkward leaving

Even in my friends group with like 4-5 people on vc they all seem to ignore me and get annoyed by any input from me even when they talked to me fine on text. Going on vc just makes me want to cry.

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i had to do an interview today, it was live for 100 twitch watchers and is on youtube forever now
pretty sure thats far worse than your vc troubles

5 people vc when you are socially inexperienced is too many people. you should practice it with 2 people max. and if they get annoyed by your presence are they even really your friends?

Honestly, vc with a bunch of people is one of the hardest social environments. I'm (admittedly) a huge normie, I do well at parties etc. And I've struggled with vc with multiple people. You can't see them so you have no non-verbal cues, it gets hard to follow, you actually just get very self-conscious. So keep in mind you're attempting something already difficult.
The best way to get better is to practice. I think one-on-one chatting is a better thing to practice, even if its unpleasant. Do you have a couple of online friends who you message with, who are very nice and friendly? If they're nice and a friend, you could be upfront and say "I get nervous talking with people and I want to do it more. Do you have time to chat this week?" It'd be a low pressure way to do exposure and build up your comfort. But don't beat yourself up about not doing well at the ultimately unnatural vc stuff.

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They obviously have nothing worth talking about.

They are the closest things to friends so if I don't consider them friends then I am officially friendless...

Thank you I love you.

can someone drop a small discord with a fairly active chat/vc pls ol

Sometimes, no company is better than bad company. Living alone can be good if you know how.

vc where?

Just pretend your reading out what you would usually say in text chat. Try and get comfortable with a couple people you like in the vc, it'll get easier to talk to new people once your down with talking to friends. Also if anyone shits on you about your voice or anything deadass just ignore them. One last tip is to start Mongolian throat singing in vc, all of the bitches love it when you hit them with the >HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

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Truly you are an alpha among alphas. I will strive to only offer aid my king.

dont be afraid and learn to not give a fuck what people think of you.
been in your footsteps, be wary of fake friends theyll only pull you down.
find a neutral person and practice talking, its easier than it seems :D

>be really quiet
>some people occasionally mention this
>this means sometimes I feel like forced to say something
>nothing comes to mind so just say something dumb
>awkward silence
>get a reminder why I don't talk
I just don't know what you're supposed to say in conversations. When I see people doing it in public I just look amazed because it's just so fluent like they are reading a script.

Get drunk, then join and immediately say, "what up, fags/niggies??" to express dominance.

That's because they're literally going through canned responses. It's mindless small talk to fill the silence.

>"w-what's up, fags haha..."
>"Did you say something user?"

class a retard.

jesus fuck people can be this blind