Help me father out emptying the garage

>help me father out emptying the garage
>found live worms outside and decided to toss it to out front garden
>dig under the small tree and felt a peck on my wrist
>saw fur like texture moving
>scream because I thought it was a badger
>instead its just a duck
>tell my mom and she says "That was always there"
>see it made a next for himself and keeps hissing at me when I come close

I named it "Winthrop" , despite the possibility it could be a girl. What should I do with it now?

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A l'orange

>What should I do with it now?
Give it some water?

Take [Spoiler] very good care of it, because birds are precious [/Spoiler].

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That was be cool, but I'm a Canuck.
I believe killing a duck is a capital offense

capitalized the spoiler by acc, my bad famalam

Naw dude. The ducks are free.

Not him but, if you're on PC you can ctrl+s.

Wild animals help the ecosystem, do not KILL IT just leave it alone.

It looked like it stayed the same place all day and night. Should I feed it?

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Probably drop it off at a local pond, where other ducks are. Then it will find food by itself

Thank you, Here is a sweet bird

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Its a female and nesting season right now man leave her alone lol you will stress her out and she could end up leaving if you want to feed her do seed or corn away from nest she will find it, bread is fine as long as it doesn't have mold on it and don't feed her everyday after she has ducklings if you feed everyday they will be come dependent on you, every once in a while is fine and she and her babies will come back year after year have fun!

Make sure she isn't nesting first, she might be incubating chicks

What should I do if he keeps hissing at me? Itll probably attack me again

give it some duck food and make a feathered friend

Leave her be faggot you can have a chill senpai of ducks hanging there if you don't mess with her, I live on a lake in Maine and have 6 females nesting in my yard they came back from last year and most of their babies from last year pretty cool I feed them a little once every 2 weeks not much they get used to you and when I go out they hang around me about 10ft away its cool

I will be the first to ask for you to put your penis near the duck and post picture make r9k great OP

It's a duck, what sort of harm do you expect it can do to you? More likely you'll break one of it's wings trying to move it. Just let it be. It will leave eventually, one way or another.

This is the best thread that has been up in months something different and not shitty bait or porn

Am I doing it right? I put pieces of toast bread and a cut out carton of water beside the nest.

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ducks like green stuff too, like if you have lettuce or spinach or something

I would had respectfully declined, however, I do see you have dubs. So I guess I must insist...

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I gave her pieces of spinach just now. I think she ate a few of the bread. I'll see what she does next.

cool duck, i like ducks but cats are better

bread is not nutritious, not good food, especially for a mother

I have sunflower seeds, but bread is all I have to offer it. I'm not smart about ducks. All I know it taste really good.

Not him but, I googled it.
You're not going to eat winthrop are you?

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Ducks really like peas.

You're wrong if you think the answer is to do anything besides devour the duck and any eggs as payback for getting pecked. Clearly the duck violated the NAP first

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>You're not going to eat winthrop are you

I wouldn't and couldn't do that. I would never intentionally harm an animal, plus I'm pretty sure its illegal in Canada.
There should be bugs on our soil though.