I have a crush on the 16 yo daughter from my boss

i have a crush on the 16 yo daughter from my boss
for context im 19 inb4 pedo

what the fuck do i do now bros

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make sure youre legal before you pound that pussy bro. i dont want to see u getting deported again :c

to know your fucking place peasant.

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wait 2 years first of all

dont fuck your boss' underage daughter user
go find someone else that isn't a child

but shes 3.14 smol girl

>but shes 3.14 smol girl
So fucking what, you retarded fucking frog poster?

Idiots and normies. The age of consent in most places is 16.

If your intentions are pure go for it.
Only retarded amerilards would whine about the age.

Cum knowing you never had a chance.

Love is more important than wage slavery.

14 in my country and Germany.

>The age of consent in most places is 16.
So what? It is his bosses daughter, and OP sounds too stupid to get another job when he gets fired from this one

Abduct her and keep her as a concubine.

Would your boss be okay with you dating his daughter?

ask her out, you only live once right

hes a based guy but he, his wife and his son would murder me i guess because thats what i would do as well

That's your answer then, get over it... or at least wait 2 years (so she's at least 18) and then see if you want to do anything about it. You'll have an ok chance aswell as most girls go for guys a few years older than them and there's the perfect gap between you two.
At this point you might also have a different job so might not have to deal with the dad as much.

Basically just wait, don't be a faggot autist, there is a pretty clear answer and reasoning to this problem, don't embarass yourself and get rejected and labelled a degenerate for the rest of your life, not worth it (or moral but you faggots never care about that shit...)

Whats so wrong about that age difference?
Seems totally normal to me.
Just be a good person and her parents will see that but don't make it obvious you want to plug a dick into her sweet tight sixteen year old pussy and make her call you daddy.

You never ever ever fuck your boss' daughter. You don't piss off the guy who signs your paychecks.

Pussies. This isn't the 30s
If you become his daughters bf it secures and raises your position

>If you become his daughters bf it secures and raises your position

You shouldn't just assume that things will work out in your favor.

Fathers arent threatening anymore, they want their daughters to get bf

That doesn't make you a pedophile. Gunjy fucked a 15 year old at 26; that makes him a pedophile. The law doesn't determine morality.


Comfy environment for mentally ill / neet / shutin. No trannies no fags no women.

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Why? Come on brainlet, explain.


Its a three year gap, no one would care, but is still your boss daughter. You shouldnt mess with the thing that puts food on your plate, unless you actually love her, and I dont think thats the case here

and you dont determine what is right or wrong or the laws of nature bitch whatever the fuck his name was you menitoned is not a pedophile either

basically admitting its the age gap wimps care about and not the actual age, I personally would not give a fycj if he was 30 years older the only reasom you do is because you are a seething faggot

OP If you wanna date her go ahead and fuck what evergone else thinks

it is not illegal to date ANYONE REGARDLESS OF AGE sex is a different discusion in the eyes of the law

just make sure you have an interview for another job

dont be a pubk who lets women and pussy boys control him do what makes your life worth while it is your life not theirs fuck them

It is just something I have observed with Gen Xers
They don't care about bfs

She probably thinks you're fucking gross.
I say go for it so you learn a valuable life lesson.

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