
>Be me
>be a dirty fag who wears girls clothing
>wear makeup and act feminine
>but hate the LGBT community because they make you fucking sick :3
>prey on straight men ;3

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you are a good boyo Op

ty newfag ;3

Ngl im a faggot but I cant stand other fags, like seriously, get an identity outside of being gay, I dont care you like men, stop waving your fucking limp wrists around

I hope for your sake that we cross paths one day so I can let you be at peace.

You just want to fuck him, dont you faggot, you just wanna meet him so you can fuck him

OwO you found me out!

Caught you homo, please report to your nearest hospital for immediate euthenasia

How about I wave my giant cock in your mouth?

why "prey" and "grooming" and whatever else
why adopt the language of feminists and thinkpieces
why chant the language of your conquerors in a futile attempt to gain their power

okii calm down inserru-tan

I was once preyed upon by an older gay man I was doing drugs with. He knew I was straight. It was some devious shit he was pulling, looking back on it. He kept recommending we get higher, but then only I was the one doing more really. I was so fucked up and then he started making me doubt things I knew to be true and just fucked with my head in general. Glad I didn't let that fag fuck me that day. Multiple times he bragged to me about fucking straight guys - he got off on getting straight dudes strung out and then getting them to do gay shit I'm pretty sure. I should've known that that was exactly what he was trying to do to me lmao. Fucking faggot.

this land is our land
i will not partake of the ways of the White Woman

Pics in dress?

u want my socials :p

Interact with other gay people outside reddit and /lgbt/ most of us dont care that much about it all

After he revealed himself to be a predator what made you go oh gee guess I wanna accept free drugs off this guy?

fembois and robogays are basically all i can tolerate
mass culture beardos are the worst

when i wrote one of these, the answer was "the story wasn't real and didn't happen so nothing in it had to make sense"
maybe this one is different

i ain't straight fellow gay

mmm wanna habe ur bollz crushed ;3

I did drugs with him because I wanted to get high. On drugs. Also I didn't really think of him as a predator just from him telling me he's fucked straight guys. I just shrugged it off thinking how the fuck are these people straight if they're having gay sex? Only after he tried pulling some shit on me did I realise he likes preying on vulnerable straight dudes by getting them fucked up and then fucking them.

>be masculine bi male
>be closeted because both straights and gays don't really like bi men
>also cannot STAND lgbt "community"
>also kind of right wing white nationalist
>chad af on grindr, dom tops are in very short supply
>fuck sissybois and tranners mostly

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>masculine bi male
>gays don't really like bi men
dude, don't you get it? we're jealous of you, pay attention to us regular guys sometime. bi guys are hot.

>bi guys are hot.

you sound cute user x3

I still top regular men too, but the thing is I can't see myself in a relationship with one.
I know that's a big reason why gay men resent bi men, is because they fuck them but won't date them.
I however make sure it's know ahead of time that what we're doing is NSA.
I have caught a couple clingy faggots in the past that thought just because we hooked up over grindr a couple of times means we're going to get married or something.

With tranners...I could be in a relationship with, as long as I could look at her in the face and not see a man looking back at me. I know that probably sounds terrible, but i'm being completely honest.

idk man, to me, bi guys are often pretty masculine and its a sort of thing where you want what you can't have - most aren't interested in gay shit outside of hookups or whatever, see btw, if you are a right-wing type how can you be ok with hookups? doesn't seem compatible with the type of stuff I read on this site. you're likely larping anyways, but I'm still interested.

I'm not really cute, I'm more large and imposing.

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still sounds cute 2 me :D

being right wing doesn't mean I'm Christian. I'm a right wing atheist, and I believe that Islam is the biggest threat that humanity has ever faced, and it's already too late. Civilization as we know it is doomed to be taken over my these third world savages by sheer numbers, and because the west has become soft and weak and incapable/unwilling to defend itself.
I'm mostly libertarian if anything. I believe the government has FAR too much power, and left wing policies have doomed us to 3rd world squalor.

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and if you think i'm larping i can show you some of my gear ahha
how cute do you think you would look wearing a collar?

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I probably look vewy cute inna collar ^_^

holy shit. marry me now. i'm legit hard.
that being said, i know i'm wrong, but i don't think of those views as right-wing. i always tend think of stormfront larpers. i guess I just don't want to think of myself as being "extreme" lol