How to get the virus?

how to get the virus?

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I don't get it.

She's been playing Nier Automata and she's showing you the ending she's gunna get if she dies of corona

once again women prove they can't go one single day without being whores

I love whores though

cope, she has extremely high iq

Attached: opthalmology.png (393x166, 9.53K)

Who said you can't be well educated AND be a whore?

I (as in me, myself) [F] (female)

Which means that
1) She will fuck only 6'0 tall handsome chad
2) She does not need a provider
3) She is a midget ( look at her head). Thus, she will definitely fuck only tall guys.

>how to get the virus?
If you are a Chad you do not need one.

Where's Rich Evans whwn you need him????

Alright am I going to have to be the one to point out the elephant here, why is she wearing two pairs of different panties at the same time? I mean I wear two pairs of pants sometimes, or a pair of shorts with sweat pants and then jeans over it. So maybe I don't have much room to talk. It just seems kind of odd to me.

It's probably a single pair stitched together along the cross section I've seen similar designs. Seems a bit over the top for day to day wear though.

I really want a thin gf
but not a doctor

God damn why are nurse bitches so insufferable. What are the odds the guy who asked her out was a giga Chad in order to make her want to make this post? Is it even possible it was an average/ugly guy?

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How can behavior degenerates always make more money? The ones on the internet are almost always loaded with money

she is just showing her sex lingerie user
she is pretty so men hit on her almost every day

like i said in the other thread, its high iq + knowing your market

>she has a high IQ that means she's not a slut

Attached: CFFB0074-2950-475F-9631-A83A71E39334.jpg (1200x675, 129.89K)

It was probably an average looking guy desu. Women's standards are much lower than robots make them out to be.

Oh she actually is a complete whore and also selling porn. Nice. There are no women left.

i wouldn't say "there's no women left"
but its virtually impossible to get a good-looking, successful woman in 2020. Competition is too fierce.

eat bats with lyssavirus

also, this translates directly to money

Attached: money.png (792x489, 40.51K)

Christ she's really hot

I chuckled a little

Imagine believing everything you see on the internet...

Really gross chin but slamming body. Maybe would keep around if the pussy good

>Being a nurse requires high IQ
Top kek m80. I'm assuming she's a nurse because she looks too young to be an Ophthalmic surgeon.

Try going 1 day without proving that you're a bitter retard.

>too embarrassed to say she's a nurse
nurses are the worst, low IQ frustrated losers