Why do conservatives defend gun rights but are against abortion

Why do conservatives defend gun rights but are against abortion.
I'm not American but it seems like one is making a stance for personal freedom and the other is against freedom. It seems like a contradiction.

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Cuckservatives are hypocrites. They want to play good christians, as long that only means to go to church every sunday.

Abortion: Avoiding responsibility

What responsibility?

Freedom isn't the one thing conservatives care about or they'd be libertarians or anarchists.
Also to them abortion is murder so if you yourself think murder is bad then congratulations you're as much of a hypocritical freedom hater as your example.

I don't see why you would be against abortion.
Forcing people to give birth to a child they would rather abort is how you end up with a shitty parent who abuses their child and blames them for their life problems. It's how you end up with people with bad mental problems like the people on this board.
Plus if you wanted to go the Zig Forums route abortion is more often utilized by shitskins so that's a plus for you...

to kill a pregnant woman is double murder, but to kill the fetus itself is no crime if you have a clinic

I'm against abortion because I hate women and having an unwanted baby usually ruins their lives

One is in our constitution, and is to keep the government supposedly honest.
The other is murder

Just because someone takes responsibility but fucks up doesn't mean avoiding responsibility is now taking responsibility.

Aborting a fetus that doesn't have any capacity for rational thought or pain is a vastly preferable moral choice to creating a human that will almost certainly have a fucked up life. "Responsibility" be damned.

from my opinion, left wing = obvious solution, right wing = problems when applying left wing solution.
eg problem is school shootings
obvious solution to ban guns
problems encountered is breach of freedom in 2nd amendment

eg 2 problem is unwanted pregnancies
obvious solution is abortion
problems encountered is this could drive a culture of killing sentient beings rather than bearing responsibility for their own actions

Why would a conservative vote against the right to live?

>I'm not American but it seems like one is making a stance for personal freedom and the other is against freedom. It seems like a contradiction.
correct, conservatives and right wingers are batshit crazy and responsible for all the world's problems

Conservatives don't believe that living is a right though.

What's it like to think you have a job as a political activist but then you realize you're just a glorified botnet of know-nothings being used to spam a nerd discussion forum?

Gun rights are a legally enshrined right. There is a precedence and hundreds of years of history of it. So in terms of laws you have stuff like crime that is categorized in terms of how offensive it was from misdemeanor to felony, it also works that laws get classified from minor things to bigger more important ones. Firearms have a higher level of importance being included in the constitution than if it were just a different item like a vehicle such as a car that isn't in the consitition. Just like a car, abortion isn't in the constitution. In fact, nobody blanket bans abortion like they want to do guns, you can still legally go somewhere else and acquire an abortion and nobody knows. In truth I really hate the casual conversation a lot of feminists talk about their abortions. That's your fucking business don't include me in it, stay away from my property. Nosey fucks that want to regulate everything and everyones rights and property should honestly be considered criminal in it's own right. If anyone had any common sense we'd have legal means to get rid of you assholes.

Strawman argument is not a real argument babykiller

This. With guns you can kill a pregnant woman. If they care about kids so much ban violence

Abortion should be banned for the same reason that murder is banned.

The responsibility of raising children. The natural risk of having sex. Abortion is a bailout like bailing out a failing company. If you don't want to take the risk don't have sex. No different than buying stocks.

My issue is bailing people out for being irresponsible sluts. It should at least cost a fee to have an abortion like a parking ticket.

Conservatives (at least in the US where this is considered a "left wing" position) don't believe that having healthcare that saves lives is a right. They believe it is a privilege to those who have wealth.

Should batman save bad people from dying?

If you aren't gonna pay $50 for sharqueefa's abortion then you'll end up paying 1000x that for the social services for her underprivileged child and 100,000x that when circumstances cause that child to become a cold killer who gets life in prison for murder.

they get free gibs and family support all around, not to mention simps who would do anything for them. face it, being a woman whether you have to take care of a niglet or not is good and easy. their life won't be ruined.

Why do conservatives defend gun rights but are against murder?
I'm not American but it seems like one is making a stance for personal freedom and the other is against freedom. It seems like a contradiction.

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So if a race car driver crashes and is injured in his burning car, we shouldn't put out the fire and get him to a hospital?
It's his fault for doing something risky so he has to take the responsibility?
If someone rides a bike without a helmet and he falls down and hurts his head don't help him?

Conservatives views guns as tools like a knife or a rock.
Conservatives still view murder a immoral. They generally favor self defense use of guns.

Lets subsidize stupidity, I'm sure we;ll get less of it.

youre seriously retarded if you cant comprehend this

I do way less stupid stuff since getting out of the military and losing tricare. If it weren't for the financial cost of injury, I would have very little sense of self preservation. Europe is luck to have no consequences for crashing motorcycles and playing with fireworks and other junk.

People make mistakes user. And protection isn't failproof.
How about subsidizing help for people who are in tough life situations?