Have any dudes with natural penises had sex with Muslim or Jewish women? What was their reactions?

Have any dudes with natural penises had sex with Muslim or Jewish women? What was their reactions?

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>Have any dudes had sex?

There are too many redditcunts here for me to believe that.

nice phimosis lmao

>Have had sex with countless Muslim and Jewish women, both going and old.
>Seen many many reactions of all shapes and sizes
>Would love to share stories with you user

But I'm afraid my penis is completely 100% unnatural. Sorry fren

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where did your foreskin go, friend?

>Where oh where did my precious foreskin go?

Why?! Right into senior chief head rabbi Transackercohenmansteinbrenerowitz's phylactery if course!!

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phimosis (when erect) is cute

I have phimosis and women do not like it, they are disappointed in me for not being able to satisfy them. I got blocked by a muslim girl for this.

And when it's too tight to come down naturally but still just loose enough to still come down once you're in it's somewhat painful, lots of fun that

I too have phimosis, what issue do you have during s*x?

>they are disappointed in me for not being able to satisfy them.
A phallic organ is a phallic organ, are you getting too sensitive or something?

They try to retract the foreskin but it hurts so much and shrivels up. Also, you need to retract the foreskin to have sex right?

I wouldn't know, I am a cutfag.

It looks like it did when I was a kid, and the foreskin doesn't go back when hard. I can still cum, but don't think I can get it inside anyone because of this.

I use a condom and It works fine, It's kinda hard to cum though and isn't really that comfortable.
Should probably buy a cream or some shit.

source on that webum pls

i'm afraid to pull my foreskin all the way back
i never did it myself

I am uncut. I slept with a jew. She was weirded out when she saw my flaccid penis after sex.

She said it looked like an anteater

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All you have to do is jump into a hot bath, and gently pull back your foreskin as far as you can without it hurting. Do this everyday for two weeks and I can guarantee that your self diagnosed phimosis will vanish.

there was a meme on instagram about foreskins and all the arab women in the comments were saying it's ugly as shit

Post it. I wanna see that

Is the foresink supposed to automatically retract when erect? I have always done it manually.

I can pull mine back flaccid, but not hard. I can have sex just fine, so maybe you can to. A condom might help.

>tfw there are reobots ITT right now who have smooth uncut cocks this perfect and you can't taste them

Please tell me what to do im scared

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Yeah, I am not even gay but even I would give the guy in the OP a brojob out of sheer respect for the aesthetic.

i did, a girl from western sahara, she said that it would look better without my foreskin, but didnt really care

>What was their reactions?
Not too thrilled.
It got better when I grabbed a XL condom out of my pocket.

I didnt give her any but this moroccan student that ive been friends with for all of high school wanted to mm while watching a porno she had found at the local erotica shop. She told me she liked what she saw... I guess some dont care and some do. The basic rule is, if she's very religious she wont randomly fuck you and if she wants to random, then she probs dont care about ur penis ngl

what does that mean

Good news, anons. I just succesfully pullef back my foreskin for the first time in my life. Though when i pull it back it sorta feels sticky on my pp
What does it mean, anons? Should i keep jerking it until it no longer feels weird?

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