Tranny hate tread

Let's see how many salty fags we can bait

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Hello I am trans and I have nothing to share but to say that I love everyone and I don't have the capacity to hate anyone and that I wish everyone who reads that will have a wonderful day!

no one cares about mentally ill, trannyfags are just tools

"And yet you have an anime avatar. Curious!"

>I don't have the capacity to hate anyone
How do you expect to ever truly belong to something, if you aren't willing to hate whoever stands against it?

who is this "we"
there is no "we"

No hate only hugs!
I would hug OP(I love hugs) and let them know that they have the capacity to be a wonderful human being worthy of love and respect!

was the original tweet deleted, can't find it no more.

talk like a normal person autist



no mercy, only violence - skrillex

not really

the overall move is functionally the same- make yourself look like a cute thing to facilitate social interaction
i mean sure you aren't doing it irl with hormones but then you don't interact with anyone irl so it's not like it really matters

hey trans hows quarantine been treating all of ya?

Describe your relationship with your father.

I am an autist. I'm sorry I cannot help it.
But truly, I am a happy person. I love people. I like when others are happy. I want to hug all the unhappy mean people so that they become happy in their hearts and not so full of hate. What is wrong with that?

I guarantee you're a BPD psycho and/or awful person

i'd hug u2, be good

My father is very cold. He is the type of person who goes to work then comes home and never interacted with me. When I wanted to spend time with him he said "sorry, I worked I am tired go bug your mother" so I never got to be with him a lot.

you're an internet activist, it's not like you're any better

i just want to post on r9k without seeing your gay fake wholesome shit

Would it be accurate to say you're a tranny because conflict gives you fear of abandonment?

i'm not the wholesomeposter

the only thing freud was right about was that cocaine is good

you dont have the capacity for a lot of things

No it's because taking drugs that make you cuter=men like you more :3

My father does cocaine and clearly Freud was wrong there.

That's basically the same. Cute = non-confrontational.

Why dont incels have sex with trannies? Everyone would win

>fishing for dirt on other people's family lives
>end up disclosing your own shitty family life

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Why come to Zig Forums?

Ignore me had another thread open in Zig Forums

>just let us be :(((

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you know, given the whole alt-right discord leak thing, trying to paint these people as uniquely coordinated is kind of asinine

you're all in fucking discord
you yourself are probably in discord right now
the only one who isn't in discord is me and that is because i am mentally ill