Women's standards are pretty low. The problem with robots is that so many of you don't have a single redeeming quality

Women's standards are pretty low. The problem with robots is that so many of you don't have a single redeeming quality
>b-but Chad is racist!!
>Chad hates women too!!!
Yeah but women are more likely to let it slide because he's handsome and fun to be around. They can rationalize it in their heads as edgy jokes. You are average looking and awful to be around, so your prejudices only make you more unattractive.
>but I'm nice and treat Stacy better!!
Being nice isn't a redeeming quality unfortunately. Treating a girl better than her boyfriend does won't make you attractive, it just makes her use you as her personal therapist.

Also, fucking women is much easier than you all make it out to be.

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>The problem with robots is that so many of you don't have a single redeeming quality
Absolutely correct, I have nothing to offer because I am low iq
>Yeah but women are more likely to let it slide because he's handsome and fun to be around. They can rationalize it in their heads as edgy jokes. You are average looking and awful to be around, so your prejudices only make you more unattractive.
>Being nice isn't a redeeming quality unfortunately. Treating a girl better than her boyfriend does won't make you attractive, it just makes her use you as her personal therapist.
>Also, fucking women is much easier than you all make it out to be.

>W R O N G
Not wrong. Your autism causes you to overcomplicate the shit out of things.

>you don't have a single redeeming quality
neither do most people

>Also, fucking women is much easier
yeah escorts exist

It's not wrong because of our inherent traits, we can't understand what people want

>neither do most people
Most people do have things about them that make them likable. That's why they have friends.

yeah they have a use for each other, good job at showing what passes for friendship amongst you normies cunt

if your interesting and fun to be around you attract other friends who are similar and you have a good time together, you can also attract a similar girl and you can have a good time with each other. If your not fun to be around and not interesting why should anyone give a shit about you as opposed to the other 8 billion people in the world? work on yourself before complaining about no gf, if you wouldn't date yourself if you were a girl you need to keep working

Yes and most robots aren't useful to anyone.

So her physical standards are high which contradicts your "Women's standards are pretty low" statement. Why did you say this? And their moral standards are low because they will ignore them if you are attractive enough.

If you were talking strictly about moral standards then you would still be wrong since apparently they don't matter if you're attractive. Which you openly concede with this.

> You are average looking and awful to be around, so your prejudices only make you more unattractive.

So basically if the ugly guy became attractive none of his prejudice would matter? And apparently having "redeeming qualities" (which you don't define) wouldn't matter either.

Either a concern troll or a retard.

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Even if the standards are low, and easy to reach for the socialite normalfags and chads, I'm being weighed down with the shackles of my past isolation.

buzzword ridden nonsense

>neither do most people

Most people are kind of fun to be around

I'm not nice fuck off cunt.

another bzzzt response from npc, can you explain what's fun about them?

>can you explain what's fun about them?

They have life experiences and interests to talk about, have basic social abilities and empathy which means it's fun to talk to them because they make you feel appreciated

again more cope through usefulness, it would be sad if not for how much more pathetic it is to see you break and shatter once you get abandoned once your usefulness runs out

>expect anything but another yet bzzt from npc and get it

Im not racist, and I dont hate woman. People tell me Im a pleasent and funny dude.

But Im ugly. Despite the gym, the clothes...Im still an ugly manlet.
And I dont want to date a model, I just want a compatible girl who likes me for who I am. But despite all the efforts and changes into my approach, I dont know how the hell I go from "nice girl I met that talks to me" to "nice girl that has feelings for me".
And you may call it cope, but I dont see this problem with my above average friends.

>You are an inferior male specimen. You have nothing to offer women therefore you have no value. Wanting love is wrong you should know your place. serve your betters or kill yourself.

>Women's standards are pretty low. The problem with robots is that your standards are pretty high.
I dated several girls, always had them pay for my drinks and never accepted to have sex with them.
Casual sex is for degenerate, if she's down to fuck at the first, second date, she isn't good for me.

I didn't say wanting love is wrong lol. I'm saying that you don't have any redeeming qualities. That's a choice. You choose to be an awful person in every way.

>So her physical standards are high which contradicts your "Women's standards are pretty low" statement
Her physical standards aren't high. Ugly guys fuck women all of the time. It's just that, if you're attractive, your less attractive traits will be more tolerated. If you're average or below, you have to make up for it in other ways.
>So basically if the ugly guy became attractive none of his prejudice would matter?
Yes. If you're attractive and fun, people will make excuses for your ignorance.
>And apparently having "redeeming qualities" (which you don't define) wouldn't matter either
Being attractive and fun are qualities that are liked.

Who cares? Just buy a whore it's cheaper.

Not that guy but

1. You are making assumptions about a lot of people here
2. Many people here have a plethora of redeeming qualities. Financial, personality, actual skills.
3. This reads like someone with very little real world experience.

>And I dont want to date a model, I just want a compatible girl who likes me for who I am.
until you find out her body count, that is

You are not an interesting person. People do not enjoy your presence. These are very simple and basic things. Why should people seek your presence if there is nothing appreciable to be found?

>1. You are making assumptions about a lot of people here
I've been here for years. The majority of people who post here are awful. I wouldn't be surprised if that toxicity leaks over into the real world.
>2. Many people here have a plethora of redeeming qualities. Financial, personality, actual skills
Those are probably the ones who aren't constantly complaining about women not wanting them.

>Being nice isn't a redeeming quality unfortunately.
So if having a good personality doesn't help getting pussy if you are average or below, then what does?

fair enough, the social contract society is based on died a long time ago

Quid pro quo. This is the law of life. Nothing more and nothing less. We have nothing to offer except labour, so only money shall we receive. None of us will ever get friends or girlfriends, we are forever weak and lame.