What's having an Asian gf like bros?

What's having an Asian gf like bros?

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I imagine it's very relaxing getting so much shut-eye.

Sex is meh but everything else is great.

Best part is cuddling watching a movie and her plucking my chest hair with tweezers

It's like having a black or Hispanic gf. Very loud and violent, usually has a bunch of cousins or brothers who will kill you if she asked.

nice yummy punchable tits

>wearing a mask
>not wearing gloves
>touching the counter and cart with bare hands
This bitch is gonna get the virus watch

Do chink girls smell? Like other foreigners do?

Shitty bug eyed
Never race mix, you're pathetic if you do.

you're pathetic if you go for a white roastie tho. Enjoy your divorce rape.

anyways OP i have an asian gf and it's very comfy. Way less drama then western girls. Hope to marry her and have kids soon.

The ones I dated always smelled like like scallions and their pussies had that slight kind of garlicky/onion tang too, I guess because they eat so many of those kind of vegetables.

>dating disgusting vapid whore roasties just because pol told you race mixing was bad
you can't stop me, enjoy tyrones sloppy seconds fag

>thinking anymore than a small minority of white women are actually attracted to niggers
>choosing to have hapa manlet sons instead of tall blue eyed Chads

You really swallowed the kike propaganda whole huh.

the fuck you talking about? it can just as easily go the other way if you have white kids.

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It's so weird how this board sees other humans. I guess it's just all of the personality disorders you guys have speaking. It's probably hard to not look at humans from this weird outsider perspective when you're autistic or a narcissist or a sociopath. But watching you guys talk about people, specifically women, is what I imagine it's like listening to aliens talk about us.
>"Zeebork, what do you think of the Asiatic variant human?"
>"Well, they seem to be much more docile than the Caucasoid and Congoid variants and less hysterical than the Ibero-Uto-Aztecans"
Seriously, you guys are fucking nuts.

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Cope. Being a white loser is a million times better than being a hapa loser. Also that picture is a kike not a white.

I was seeing one for a while. Noped out of that when she started sleeping around with my friends. She had no idea I knew about it and I never brought it up with her, I just cut contact and ghosted her. Was actually somewhat humorous she flipped out and started acting super weird spamming my voice mail, had to change my e-mail because she was spamming that too. Had to give up my friends, happens with every break up when your gf gets in your friend circle everyone you know will side with your ex because they want to try and hump her once in a while.

My wife is Asian, we have two daughters. Been together for ten years now. Its great, shes an amazing woman and an excellent wife and mother. Pic related, when she was pregnant with our youngest daughter.

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Hapa males literally need to be 99th percentile before they are considered good looking in any way.

That is not how it works.
Even if it did I'd rather have hapa kids with an asian woman in an asian society than ever raise a kid with some white whore in the fucking plague that is current year western society
>b-but your daughter won't have blue eyes

Just by the way you're dressed, I can tell she's an immigrant from Southeast Asia.

very based but your shirt is too big for you

Your half Asian daughter will never be fully accepted by Asian society. Other kids will bully her and call her mother the white mans whore. She will end up another hapa slut drinking piss on camera for validation. And your hapa son will be mogged by western Chads even in his own Asian country. Imagine prioritizing your fetish over your kids sense of identity and happiness. Sad!

Reading this I almost pissed my pants in laughter
Top kek indeed my friend, thank you

It was my dads shirt. Was Christmas 2014, we went there for lunch. I spilt wine all over the front of mine.

Guessing Philippines.

Even on the rare occasion you see a Chad with an Asian woman, he just gives off a loser vibe. People start assuming there must be something wrong with him i.e. autism, small penis.

yuhh this

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I mean just look at Asia crime stats vs blacks. You are telling me there arent behavioral differences between the races?

>cultural differences don't exist
>biological differences don't exist
>racial differences don't exist

>I'm sorry, user! I'm going to be at your apartment 30 minutes late!
>Daijoubu, girlfriend.
>I'm sorry, user! I forgot to bring the movie to watch together!
>Daijoubu, girlfriend.
>I'm sorry, user! We had sex and fell asleep and now we don't have time for dinner!
>Daijoubu, girlfriend.
>I'm sorry, user! We didn't get to do everything we wanted today!
>Daijoubu, girlfriend.
>I'm sorry, user! We can't go to the city because of corona virus, but lets travel together later this year! I'm so sorry!
>Daijoubu, girlfriend.
>I'm so happy you're walking me back to the train station, user! I'm so sorry for being such a burden on you!
>Daijoubu, girlfriend.

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>two daughters
well you dodged a bullet

They do exist but there are also huge differences between individuals. The people in this thread are talking as if all Asian women behave the exact same in relationships.

Do you get all of your information about the world from random images on Zig Forums? Please visit an asian country and talk to some actual asian people. Just once.
>Imagine prioritizing your fetish over your kids sense of identity and happiness. Sad!
I prioritize my own happiness and having a safe, non-degenerate society to raise kids in over Zig Forumss retarded muh future for white children shit. If you are willing to date white whores that go against everything you believe in, when alternatives exist, solely because they are white you are a retard

We're talking about sex and relationships though.

amazing. I dated a vietnamese girl for 2 years
>oderless, sweet punk pussy and butthole
>soft skin
>adorable, intoxicatingly cute
>high and cute feminine voice
>made it a point to look good when we went out
>compliant, quiet, pleasant
its like the disposition/demeanor of a cat in human form. its wonderful

what do your parents think about you marrying an asian girl? also why are you here if you're married with kids?