Is this a cute thread?

is this a cute thread?
maybe but it has no affiliation to the one which was pruned!

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cute threads are what keep me alive.
bless you op


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Well done for making it this far anons! You can do it!!

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youre giving me mixed signals im not sure how to react
oreganilalkazoflkjesqnf indeed
haha yes!

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if i'm contributing, isn't it all that matters

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your contribution is welcome of course!

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Whoever got the last thread pruned, Lain doesn't approve of you

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last thread? what last thread
this thread is totally original and unaffiliated with anything

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Oh yes, I forgot, no last thread, sorry!

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i think i'll post all the cute stuff i have

let's talk in the meantime
what are you doing, user

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yes thats right: there was no other thread
how are you anyway lain?
i was watching yesterday wo utatte and enjoying it but only 5 episodes are out so far
its nice watching seasonals, especially since the last few seasons havent had anything i wanted to watch
whatre you doing today?

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Looks like an interesting anime. I never really watch stuff seasonally but i'll occasionally binge anime I come across. i marathonned Lain a week ago

woke up at 5PM, so just two hours ago. I need to study and hand in a paper on Plato and politics for next friday, and then i'll be "free". need to focus and get started. Once i'm done there'll be nothing but an empty horizon with nothing to do.

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I'm fine, might go to sleep soon, seems like waking up at noon after sleeping for six hours isn't sufficient enough. It's a pretty boring day today as well, maybe I should watch some animu..
How're you, Yuurianon?

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Why did a cute thread get pruned? These threads are a beacon of light in a sea of darkness.

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i like it - i can identify a lot with rikuo
i like watching seasonals because people usually talk about them more and it gives you something little to look forward to. If i binge a show, which i usually do, i dont remember it as well either
your course sounds interesting! i wish id done humanities instead of stem sometimes; i dont really think it wouldve made much difference to my career anyway
although, if its very dogmatic and i disagreed with it then id probably be agitated and i can well imagine a lot of university departments being like that
i find if i go to bed after 1am or so it doesnt matter if i wake up at 10am or 2pm i will still be tired
a wave of tiredness has just hit me actually, maybe because ive finished my anime
i think im going to make some tea or coffee i dont know which yet, to try and wake myself up
i heard about the cute threads, naturally this has nothing to do with them, what a shame it got pruned! i sure hope this thread isnt pruned without explaination

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hello friends i don't know what happend to the other totally unrelated thread because i just woke up and the time is 5 pm : | i hope everyone is doing well though!
hello lain user, i finally got my valorant drop yatta!

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Nice! I think I'll pass on playing for today, but you know where to contact me. Looking forward to playing it with you. ^v^

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oh no! werent you trying to fix your sleeping?
i am doing well - i had a nice coffee
how are you yui? any plans for the day or just chilling
i hope you two become good friends!

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This is a mio worship thread

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To be honest, you can't imagine how much i've struggled with my topic of interest in university being japanese philosophy and aesthetics
coming from a french university with all the academic bureaucracy, i've often felt isolated with my topics of research. But it seems like i'm not the only one researching those topics around the world, so things are lighting up. Feelsgoodmane

I need to watch Girl's Last Tour, I was able to catch one episode on japanese TV back then but I didn't get to watch it all. I downloaded the whole series though time to catch up
I'll take more comfy recommandations please

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more cute shit

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mio is cute but it is not her thread!
i think once you get to really high levels of academia you do enter a circle of maybe a few hundred people. The people i know doing phds now, and even when they were doing their masters, were in contact with the dozen or so other people researching that area in the country; although stem is somewhat different
girls last tour is good. The fairly ambiguous setting and world lets you read more or less whatever you want into it. Occasionally it beats you over the head a little bit with its more blatant analogies
personally, i thought the conclusion it reached was disappointing and facile as well as being kind of unrelated to the rest of the world but, if an ending had to be given so overtly, i do think it was the right choice. The show taken on entirely superficial merits is also great: the characters are cute, the art nice and the music good. The fact, i think, you can think about it at all makes it a cut above most anime
kinos journey is similar but i dont think its as good because its very unsubtle although its still comfy and nice

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sure thing friend, go get some sleep : >
yeah i was meant to fix it but it didnt work :

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at least were still on lockdown so its not that big a deal
i made some chips but they were floppy because i didnt have the right potatoes; it seems like nobody is really around today, here or elsewhere; today has been kinda dull
im not looking forward to work tomorrow. Having all this corona freetime has made losing it all to work seem even worse than before

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Hello (not)-cute thread!
How are things today?

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hello umi~
things are quiet it seems
how are you?

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Just woke up a little while ago, played a lot of Halo with a friend last night.
Right now I'm trying out this native Windows version of Super Mario 64 that somebody made using that source code decompile from a few months back. Somebody that was in their Discord leaked it on /vr/ in a thread that wasn't exactly related, but is also very exciting. Seems there's been a huge leak from Nintendo's servers on a bunch of N64, Gamecube, and Wii stuff.

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>Look at these fags using the word cute fags i denial
>if whyte bois like you wanna be feminine so bad get on yo knees and suck my bbc cracka

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that sounds cool actually
ive wanted to play a lot of the old nintendo games for a long time but nintendo refuse to release them
i did emulate a few years ago but i never understood the particulars and some of them didnt work very well

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I have a lot of the classic consoles myself (for cartridge based systems I tend to go with flashcarts rather than actually buying old carts though, it's way cheaper in the long run) but I do enjoy playing with emulators as well.
N64 and Saturn are still some of the more difficult consoles to emulate, with progress lagging far behind Gamecube and PS2, and only in the last few years getting to a level that I'd consider good. Requires a lot of horsepower, though.

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