Please tell me women suffer too

Please tell me women suffer too

I don't think they do, at least not before mid 30s

Every "single" girl has at least one fuckbuddy and probably at least one orbiter

And they've all been meeting up constantly during quarantine

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Yeah... some people are so lucky...
watched any cartoons lately?

user, im standing outside my house, smoking a cigarette, staring at my phone, at this thread. Talk with me.

user, we can be angsty about females, but saying they cant suffer its retard-tier.

Hell, some of them even struggle with love (not with sex, because they can choose if and how they want it, but lots of them honestly have a hard time getting a romantic relationship).

>when you get ghosted by some loser robot
Fuck you, this stings worse than the woman who looked at me like i was a cave troll for asking how she was doing

They have a hard time because they are crazy used up drug whores which make things hard for themselves.

> drug whores

Dude, you cant honestly imagine that a woman life can be hard without them being the cause of their problems?
What about being born in a poor home? Being victims of legit rape and the like? What about sickness or common tragedy?

Not all females are instagram thots from wealthy families user.

>Have their choice of sex
>Struggle aka can't always date 3-4/10 higher than them
>Meanwhile 90% of men struggle for anything

Ultimate cope if you think the average woman isnt having 100x more good times than the average man.

Good men spend all their time seeking these women out and showing them what it means to be alive. The other men have to figure that shit out all by themselves.

Legit rape is exceptionally rare. Less common than murder. Women being poor is literally irrelevant. No guy cares about women's income/wealth. If she's moderately attractive she is set for life.
> What about sickness or common tragedy?
Pic related.

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If You're Having Sex Regularly You Cannot Be Unhappy.

Being an average female (in modern times) beats the hell out of being an average dude, I dont disagree with that, but with the statement that they "cant suffer" or that "they all are a bunch of drug addict whores".
Women suck, but for different reasons, and none of them to the point we should stop trying to empathize with them.

Again, thats using sex as the only measure of "happiness", and Ive already say that no female (unless she a legit mutant or mentally ill as fuck) can say they have problems getting sex.

And answering "she can escape poverty if she sells her ass" its retarded, people have integrity. Would you sell your ass for cash? Would you marry a woman that is a legit whore? I sure as hell wouldn't.

You'd never know.

Yes I can get sex but I can't get love. What does it matter if a thousand guys want to fuck and dump me? I don't want that. That's not happiness.

Men develop have a slut detector, its our super power. Its like women power to smell virgins.

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>people have integrity.
Women don't. They are all engaged in some form of porn. They're literal whores and faggots women are not principled or respectable.
>Would you marry a woman that is a legit whore?
Never. But now tell me what % of women are whores anyway?

Ask them if they are awake

This user knows the score. Good job, user, you are a wise man.
You, on the other hand, are a dumbass.
>Legit rape is exceptionally rare.
Says who? And it shouldn't be a thing at all. You almost never get forcibly sodomized, we shouldn't have to worry about being raped any more than you have to worry about being bummed.
>Women being poor is literally irrelevant. No guy cares about women's income/wealth.
Spoken like either a confirmed permavirgin or an underaged b&. Men looking for long-term relationships do and have to care about a woman's income, because wages are stagnant and the costs of rent/home-ownership, healthcare, and childcare are crazy, the middle-class is disappearing and we're all kind of low-key poor and barely any men can support a household on their income alone.

It's very easy to tell. As soon as she admits to having at least one previous bf it's over. Her personality will have tell tale signs all over. If you actually get to know her and her friends you will hear about her exes. You will see her vagina for yourself and tell from that. You will know based on how skilled she is in the bedroom. So many signs.

Did she go to prom? She had sex.
Did she ever go to a club? She had sex.
Does she do drugs? She had sex.
Does she drink? She had sex.
Does she have piercings/tattoo? She had sex.
Does she like to travel? She had sex.
Does she have lingerie? She had sex.
Does she wear revealing clothes? She had sex.
Does she wear makeup? She had sex.
So obvious. Just a prom photo gives away the game.

Poverty isn't a real problem. ESPECIALLY not for women.

Only attractiveness and relationships are real problems

We're talking about if she was a Callgirl you spastic mong not if she had sex

If she doesnt look at you when you walk past her, she had sex. Probably recently too.
Sex having women are some of the most boring people you will happen across.
They live to coom.

Says me faggot. Sexual assault is the most common wrongful conviction that the Innocence Projects encounters. Most of the cases are just drunk sex and the guy is pinned for rape. The rest the girl just lied to avoid being labelled a slut. And there are still numerically very few cases compared to other crimes, dumb fuck.
>You almost never get forcibly sodomized
Showing your stupidity again. Men literally are the primary victims of rape when you include prison rape. Prison rape dwarfs all sexual assault cases.
>Men looking for long-term relationships do and have to care about a woman's income
A woman's income won't affect a man's literal attraction to her though like it does with women's attraction to men. Guys will hook up long-term with a poor woman no problem and make it work. Lots of guys working multiple jobs and crazy hours out there to do it.

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At this point, I cant even tell whats irony and whats not on this site

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Never was the word 'callgirl' uttered in this thread before you you dumb bitch. A whore is a whore point blank any woman having sex outside of marriage is a whore. You try so hard to rationalize it kek.

Yeah there are lots of really great women living in poverty out there.
Perhaps all of them.

Pretty much every you said is false.

Probably because you look like that picture.

I would love to have a windmill as my head

Rape is the most under-reported crime there is, most victims never come forward and try to prosecute, just look at examples of serial sexual assaulters like Bill Cosby, Harvey Weinstein, and Joe Biden. They get away with it for decades, and then a woman speaks up and others chime in with their stories and confirm a guy is a predator. Imagine how many men do that shit that never get called out because they aren't public figures.
> Men literally are the primary victims of rape when you include prison rape.
Prison rape is a meme, it barely ever happens these days. And even when it was really common, it's not our fault, it's men doing it to other men, we don't make you rape each other. We don't make you murder each other, either. If almost all bad crimes are male-on-male, the problem most likely isn't with women. Stop being free-floating chaos balls of rapine and carnifice if you don't want to suffer male violence. Women are largely eusocial and peaceful, we get along with each other just fine without raping and murdering each others.
>A woman's income won't affect a man's literal attraction to her though like it does with women's attraction to men. Guys will hook up long-term with a poor woman no problem and make it work
This is all theory and MRA boilerplate talking points, you haven't lived this, if you were really out there having relationships you'd know how important a women's earning power is to maintaining a household. And it's not just about her money-making potential, poverty has effects on who you are. You'd be more attracted to the girl has straight teeth and wears contacts and has a good body because mommy and daddy were able to feed her a healthy diet and bought her a gym membership, than you would be to the girl with crooked teeth because her parents couldn't afford her braces and who wears glasses and is fat because she grew up eating SPAM and government-cheese sandwiches.

Fucking dumbass, you're wrong about literally everything.

Woman also have depression and are actually more prone to mental diseases so they logically suffer too. Not from this bullshit "i cant get sex!" tho. There are really more painful stuff in this world, in fact almost every day is on 80% filled with suffering one or another way. Even women who are really well off in life get sick, get bored, get dreary and tired, lose their beloved ones, get lost and unmotivated and all that shit. Nobody is immune to the consequences of having a fucking life to live.

I am a single fembot btw with no orbiters or fuckbuddies, I have literally not left the house since March and it is totally fine with me. What bothers me much more is that I lost a job and feeling of accomplishment with it, as well as my finances slowly running dry. I was so fucking close to crawling out of status of fucking human trash and we're back to zero. And back to the pills.

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Everything I say is true, it just contradicts your incel ideology bubble you accept as reality to avoid holding yourself accountable for being a lonely failure.