Man children

what can be done about the man child epidemic ? i have a brother who is 40 years old but but has the emotional maturaity of a 15 year old. he's lazy, selfish, gets really angry if our mom wants him to do something to help around the house, has no ambition whatsoever to move out even though he has money. hates women, but also hates everyone else. he's supposed to be my 'big brother' but he's more like an annoying little brother i wish i didn't have and who hates my guts for no reason. what is the solution for people like this ? i know he doesn't want my help at all because he hates me and thinks the way he lives is fine and everyone owes him something, but what can i do to help ?

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Unironically just collapse modern society. They are a result of it

help him do what? do what YOU think he should do? pretty cringe

Beat the shot out of him. Whether it helps or not, you should still beat the shit out of him for acting like an autistic manchild

People who have a job and work aren't mature either. Man children are a myth because even people with a career like to act out and insult people

I for one get in fights with middle aged women who live near me.

I don't know. Your brother sounds pretty based to me

Legalize prostitution. Obviously.

i don't know, maybe start a fucking life ? he has a job and bunch of money, doesn't have a wife or kids or anyone depending on him. he could literally do anything he wants but chooses to be a selfish spiteful piece of shit to the few people he has left in his life
i agree all he does is go to work a couple days a week, drink by himself, and yell and fight with our mom whos house he lives at
he basically lives the spiteful NEET lifestyle but with a job where he does minimal work. many on this board would find that very based

slip him some psychedelics and hope he has an ego death

Just make fun of him

Why are you here rather than your brother? He should kill you so we can have a better board once and for all.

So ironic. You think you're helping society by brow beating? People don't change and going all the way back to ancient times people were always lazy fucktards, except humans are smart in comparison to animals and animals don't work AT ALL. So why do you care? The militant angst of tryhards is so annoying. In a competitive and overcrowded society you will have losers. We can't just be nomadic like previous races that ran away into the woods, the land was TAKEN by TRYHARDS and now you expect what? Every new human, as we are mutants, to be perfect? They will not be.

Every village has it's idiot. In a city, there will be many.

This doesn't help anyone. If anything spiking LSD into some tryhards drink could make them go " ego is so insignificant... why not become.... a hermit" then take off into the woods and get arrested in current year. Come back from jail damaged, never get a job, and just move back in with your relatives.

Thinking that that fixes people is silly. Psychologists would have implemented it if it worked. It only makes you 'think' it worked but your outwards behavior will only worsen.

You cannot refute this. Stop perpetuating this awful meme.

>>get a job goyim XDDDD
>>lol I'll lock yo up goy stop doing X fun thing!!
>>XDDD stupid gentile

i suppose you're right. it's narcissistic and tryhard of me to think i can change people for the better, or what i see as better. we can't all be happy winners. there are sad losers, happy losers and sad winners. i guess i just care too much about things i have no influence over

It's tyrannical of you to think you should be allowed to tell others what to do.

Goyim exist to serve the chosen people. They were born to be slaves.

Acktually the Jewish only succeed at playing mind games because everyone copied their religion after that Jesus bullshit peroid in time. They are evolved to handle Abrahamic religion, no one else is. But whites got along with them anyway because they look white. If they were meant to rule they would have. They just got done getting fucked by the Soviets and Hilter in recent memory. They have been getting exiled for hundreds of years before that. They get noticed playing mind games and don't have the stones to protect themselves when non-nomadic races attack them.

Everyone has always hated them, yet their religion is super efficient so it stuck after the pagans fell. The leaders of pagans even wanted it to stick, as it made peasants better bitches for any leader, not just the kike it sits well with.

No. Jews are the chosen people and goyim exist to serve them. If you say otherwise, you're a filthy anti-semite nazi and you must die. End of story.

>i must have permission by others to state my opinion
who do you think you are then ? what gives you the right to take away my right to say what i think ? doesn't this make you the tyrant ?

Heh, blow it out your ass!

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>>Who do you think you are?
>>shuddup you can't retort
I will 'fight' your perspective if I don't like it. It's called banter.

Besides, I can't delete what you posted, so I'm not controlling the post. Your ideas imply that I SHOULD be controlled by the likes of you, hence why I should be outraged by your tyranny, not the other way around.

Leave him alone. It's his life

>>>shuddup you can't retort
but that's basically what you said to me in this post

i remember growing up i always thought i was better than these types. i thought the opinions i held or the media i liked put be above them even though our lifestyles are virtually the same. as time went on and nothing really changed in my life, i'd tell myself i was still doing things differently if not always right. i cheated myself the world by being afraid of it, so much to the point that i probably can't even really articulate my thoughts here. i wonder if i'll ever have the courage to kill myself. maybe if i move out one day i can

>being autistic
The theme of the thread is how to FORCE neets to GET A (((LIFE))) and I don't cater to that bullshit. You should not be allowed to FORCE the older brother to be what he isn't. It's not possible either at his age. 25+ you're fucking DONE. You can't change. But normalfaggots, in general, put bums in jail, spit on them, beat on them, kill them, random types do, chrsitians where I live even say "oh I can't be homeless I go to church", etc, and then in this word that hates hermit types I go onto the hermit board and for years your faggot ass type bitches and or makes fun of the board. So, I took the bait, pretending you really are some newfaggot zoomer, and told you off as all normalfaggots should be told off for their tyrannical world. it's already trying to force them, you wish to make NEW ways to force them. It's implied tyranny, faggot.

im such a loser that this is the only place i talk to people anymore. i think the appeal is the anonymity, no one can link my own desperation and sadness back to me. no one can know how truly dead my spirit is, if it ever was living. but even on here i remain marginalized.

the day will go on and i will continue to wallow in my own failures. i will waste this day and be dragged back to my job for 5 days until the cycle repeats.

Did you get lost, poltard ?
Ill show you the way out

Kys pedo

>i don't know, maybe start a fucking life ? he has a job and bunch of money, doesn't have a wife or kids or anyone depending on him. he could literally do anything he wants but chooses to be a selfish spiteful piece of shit to the few people he has left in his life
Good on him and fuck you, OP

yeah well you're mom gay

>fuck i've been exposed i have no counterargument lets just say 'your mom gay' and pretend like i'm laughing and was just joking to dodge having to admit to my faults at the same time dismissing their argument

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