
Why haven't you turned to national socialism anons?

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Because being cucked by one idiotic idealism is enough why ad a new one you moron.

Because it is a dead worldview. Fascism was a system and worldview that fitted perfectly with the zeitgeist of the 1920s and 1930s. And it succeeded for a while in establishing a collective awareness of Cosmic Truth in nations with Fascist governments.

But what we need now is not some dead worldview that essentially lost. Although we can still show respect towards that period and even take inspiration from it.

Instead what we need is a FRESH and NEW worldview that can, just like Fascism, manage to implement God's will on Earth.

You should research Identitarianism, that is where the future is.

You don't understand a shit, without a big group of war veterans supporting it national socialism can't raise to the power. Real change happens by the guns and behind thise guns you need guys with the will to fight. It's useless without a great war before

Ive dont hate inmigrants and poc, neither I believe we live in a fanfiction jewish conspiracy.

The only pill to take is the Tedpill. National Socialism had good environmental principles though.

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because national socialists believe that people like me are subhuman

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Why should I believe that a civilisation that lost 2 world wars is "superior"?

I'm an American "white" mutt, why the fuck would I care about muh racial purity?
Would rather have an ideology that focuses on things that would be relevant to me desu, though the Nazi aesthetic is super cool.

because i support juche (unironically)

I don't believe in identity politics. Besides it's for losers with no achievements of their own.

Because you have to fuck a country up so badly that your only other serious competition are communists for people to take you seriously.

Glad to hear that the Dear Leader is back from the dead

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I have. National Socialism is more beautiful than any of the plebs making false assumptions about it in this thread understand. It is a pity that brainlets base their understanding and views of a thing around hyperbolic strawmen arguments instead of seeking honest understanding.

I have brown eyes and brown and I am an Anglo. I am an untermensch to German National socialists of the 30s.

Also, the whole concept of Lebensraum is retarded evil. Based Slavs did nothing wrong.

Because my country is not worth being nationalist

because its a fringe idea of scraping the barrel why would I loose my pride to shill to some neo swaszi bull shit when I already have my work and rights there is nothing I want or gain from these organizations or failed factions when I am already a part of highly supporior people and beliefs why the fuck would I lose touch with good people and become racist ect when nazis ect are horrid fuck some conservative shill that takes advantage of the working man and wears his skin like a mask. maybe you shouldn't hope to get put into submission by your authoritative figures when you could already be standing for what is right . hey . The nazi is not your friend don't betray yourself

you think I need to hold hitler's hand to do what's right ? Fuck off !

Niro gaulicus empiric tsar vetoes this message .

Because America First is better. Natsoc people are just larpers that think they're "muh pure german heritage"

Because I'm a nonwhite shitskin.

Because it's a pretty dumb ideology. It's also pretty obvious it wouldn't work.

Cluck Du?

The main reason is that I dont belive in enlighted valued such as republicanism

I turned to someone better. To the lord and saviour Jesus Christ

but I already have become a natsoc

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Fuck off, dumb incel cunt

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fuck off back to Zig Forums faggot cunt

I prefer neoconservatism and Social Conservatism because under those governments we get qt Chinese and Indian girls moving to the country en masse.
Only problem with it is they always fail to alter how liberal the education system is.

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Fuck off from Zig Forums. I know you're new, the way you space is insufferable.

Because I turned to Monarchism instead

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