What's your excuse for not showering daily, R9K

What's your excuse for not showering daily, R9K

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filthy fags on suicide watch

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I shower every day but I only wash my hair once every 3-4 days

wtf, get out of this board normalfag

i dont have a boyfriend to shower daily with
yes im male

No girlfriend = no reason to shower or care about myself. Last time I bathed was around the start of the new year and only because I got itchy and was covered in grease. I only brush my teeth when it hurts badly, which it rarely does... not sure if I've just become used to the pain.

Holy fuck, this board is filled with nasty fucks.
Rest in pepperoni, bianca devins loving incel fucks.

I shower everyday that I find a sissy or twink who wants to get TOPPED on Grindr other than this I shower 3 times a week

Nigger I shower twice a day if I can manage it. I used to be homeless, nothing like a few weeks of giving yourself "sponge-baths" in gas stations restrooms to make you appreciate a good hot shower.

whats the point?


How much dick did you suck user?

I only take a shower either every 3-4 days or if I have to go outside

My hot water is too fucking expensive. If I'm going to meet someone I'll shower otherwise every 3 days or so.

I bet your nasty bussy smells filthy

I shower once every 6 days because its the day I do both upper and lower body exercises, and I don't fucking care what my parents think of my smell.

I only shower 3-4 times a week. I really don't think I'm a stinky person though. I've never been told I stink, and I've asked friends if I do and they say no. I guess if I was working out every day I'd shower more often but I just sit at my computer when I'm not at work - and my work doesn't really make me sweat much or anything.

Water in my apartment is free so I like to shower at least once a day. It feels good

Since I am clinically obese, I have to shower fairly regularly to get the smell off of me. However, I do not enjoy the process of doing it. It's annoying and tiresome. So sometimes I just don't shower for a week.

Now I'm not going out at all, I shower at most every fortnight or smth lmfao

ApQn9F - comfy environment for mentally ill, neets, shutin.

No trannies fags or women, though.

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i shower twice a week everyweek

any more would be excessive.

yall realize for thousands of years man bathed like twice a year right? plus theres a drought in my state and its best to save water

i am lazy fuck


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depression gets bad, I can't even eat.

Not needed. You only need to bathe once every 10 days.

It's a horrible disease that's ruined my life, so I embrace being as NEET as possible due to it.

I'm pretty autistic and I hate the way water feels so I only take a shower once every one or two months

I'm lazy. It's tiresome to do and it's not like I'm going to be meeting anyone anyways.

No shower at my place breh

seeing showers as a chore is so alien to me. i never leave the house but i shower like 3 times a day because it's so comfy.

Unreliable boiler makes showering a harrowing experience of extreme vulnerability due to the cold and nakedness while being pelted with water that alternates between searing hot and ice cold. I'd shower more often if it was reliable, last time I washed my hair I got burns on my scalp.

Don't need to and showering is easily the most annoying personal routine out there. Have to take all my clothes off, can't see shit because I have to wear glasses, constantly get shampoo in my eyes and nostrils and end up taking thirty minutes to an hour to do all this when the only difference is fluffier hair for a day. Arduous, agonising process that ruins my day, so I only do it once every week or two.

I want to get into nightly cold showers (around midnight or 1am) but my domineering drughead brother would always run out his room and start whining if he heard me doing something 'weird' like that.

Instead I just have a normal shower once every few days.

Cold 1am showers in the dark are a surreal experience though I highly recommend it.