I don't trust anyone who calls himself a "nice guy". I'd sooner trust someone who thinks he's a rotten bastard...

I don't trust anyone who calls himself a "nice guy". I'd sooner trust someone who thinks he's a rotten bastard. My logic is that someone who thinks he's already a nice guy is less likely to actually do good things (and more likely to fall into the trap of thinking "I'm good, so anything I do is good"), and doesn't realize how much of a dick he really is, whereas someone who is willing to call himself a rotten bastard is self-aware enough to realize that the bad things they've done are wrong, and more likely to do good things to make up for it. Does this make sense to you guys?

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>Boyish good looks
Yeah, right
Most common: ugly or average

I despise people who compliment themselves. You're not in a position to accurately judge your own qualities, that's something only other people can do.

this entire nice guy topic has been done to death, you really need to get over it

Exactly, saying you're a nice guy doesn't make you a nice guy, if other people think your nice, you're nice. Maybe you can't see it, maybe you still think you're a bastard, but that's a good thing. The fear of being a bad person is what keeps you from actually being a bad person.

>video store
>shoes too big
damn, they got my numbr alright

Why the fuck are you roasties flapping your cunts here? Ok, we get it, we suck and we will never get girlfriends, please fuck off.

This isn't a horrible point, but not true in all cases. Some people who describe themselves as shitty really are just shitty.

I don't ever call myself nice, i even consider myself bad, but im shy so i probably come off as nice to people

We just want to help, that's why we mock you

I'm an asshole rapist and I want to brutally violate your bodily sovereignty while mentally tormenting you, locking you up and using you as my sex slave until you hit the wall, at which point you will have exceeded your shelf life and I will dismember you, dissolve your body in acid and flush the resultant slime down the toilet.
Now date me because at least I'm not a Nice Guy(TM).

what if ur a actual nice guy like your personality is just you being nice to people because you don't wanna be an asshole to someone you like? i dont get how they're bad.

For the record, I'm a man. A shitty man, but a man nonetheless. I try to be a better person, but I don't think I ever will be one. But I still try. Trying counts for a lot.

True, some people think "I'm bad, I'll always be bad, so what's the point in trying to be good?" But on the whole, thinking you're a bad person means on some level, you feel bad about what you've done, and that means you've already taken your first step towards atonement.

Kys femanon larper. Right fucking now.

Join for a comfy environment for mentally ill / shutin / neets: ApQn9F


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You don't mock because it helps us. You mock us because it feels good. Basic evolutionary function.
>muh trying
You aren't helping anyone

Actually being a nice guy isn't the problem. The problem is people who think they're nice without actually doing anything nice. People like that are dangerous.

If you get tired of being mocked you may reconsider your behavior and try to change

Yes, trying does count. It means you at least made an effort to change for the better instead of wallowing in self-pity your whole life.

No matter what I do normalfags will never accept me, there is nothing that needs to be changed because the harder I try the harder I will be mocked for being a try hard when this shit comes naturally to humans.
I don't wallow in self pity, I wallow in acceptance.

See, if you could do all of that without a shred of guilt, than you're exactly the kind of person I'm talking about. Because that's what separates good people from Nice Guys(TM): remorse.

>I don't wallow in self pity, I wallow in acceptance.

And what exactly is the difference?

I don't understand what you're trying to say you piece of filth. Use simpler language and be more explicit so that my poor reading comprehension low IQ brain can understand, or I might just fly into a rage and choke you until you cum.

>it's another roasty trying to rationalize picking the wife beaters

People who think they're bad realize that the bad things they've done are bad and will try to do good things. People who think they're good will do bad things without realising how bad they are. I can't make it any simpler than that.

Again, not a woman. And yeah, men who beat their wives without remorse are pieces of shit.

Nice guys are just normal men frustrated because women ignore and these guys desire them a lot.

There are a lot of different "nice guys" from different backgrounds what they mean by some are genuine, sincere, honest and really want love, other are narcissistic and try to guilt women, all of them are lonely average men thanks to feminism and hypergamy, calling one self nice guy is comparing them against the men who treat women like the thing they're, disposables uncaring promiscuous disloyal cunts.

This post is hypocrisy, is a weak attempt to transfer responsibility of women natural hypergamy behavior back on the shoulders of men and not "Chads & Tyrones" but (again) the regular depressed frustrated normal idiot who craves intimacy and love from women.

The fact is women don't give a flying fuck about personality, these self proclaimed "nice guys" are desperate to prove they're worthy of companionship they don't understand women are basically simians from the pleistocene, they crave to be sexually dominated by a really tall, ripped, aggressive, masculine man, they don't give a fuck how much "niceness" you have, they're actually disgusti by your behavior and they'll rationalize it to blame you because they can't fathom the fact they're cock craving whores and they need to cirtue signaling they aren't the one to blame.

It'll be far better if women were honest but they're unable to, is hardwired in their brain is like a crossing a mountain is impossible for them.

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Incels tend to be socially inexperienced and are thus less likely to properly handle interpersonal conflict which makes them likely to abusers

>usually in company of even numbers
Who's autistic enough to count

Really, when I talk about "nice guys" I'm not specifically talking about men. I'm talking about anyone who thinks they're a good person when they're really a piece of shit. Plenty of women like that, too.

Difference is that I don't complain about myself being shit

>whereas someone who is willing to call himself a rotten bastard is self-aware enough to realize that the bad things they've done are wrong, and more likely to do good things to make up for it
>does this make sense to you guys?
No, people who know they're bad will continue doing bad things with 0 compensation. They won't make up for shit unless it benefits them. You're so dangerously naive.

Really, what makes someone a good person is that they feel remorse for the bad things they've done. If you feel bad about it, and you try to atone, then the labels don't matter.

Bad guys don't feel bad about things they do. They know it's bad but they keep doing it anyway.

Exactly. If someone does something bad, and they feel bad about it, then they aren't a bad guy.