>If you're a beginner lifter I recommend Starting Strength. If you're an intermediate lifter I recommend stronglifts 5x5 or 5/3/1
what did he mean by this
>If you're a beginner lifter I recommend Starting Strength. If you're an intermediate lifter I recommend stronglifts 5x5 or 5/3/1
what did he mean by this
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SS and SL are pretty much the same program, so he probably just meant that the volume of SS might be detrimental to a beginners gains as compared to SL. also brings up a good point.
he means start pinning test and squatting atg
>so he probably just meant that the volume of SS might be detrimental to a beginners gains as compared to SL
thanks user
wrong timestamp but it’s in there
You have that backwards.
SS is the superior program for the beginner. If power cleans intimidate you, you're a woman. You won't have to do them for a few weeks anyway, and by then you will be comfortable enough to pick them up without any issue.
Something has been bothering about this guy ever since he has become vocal in his videos. His demeanor is little bit weird. Wouldn't be surprised that he browses here.
SS is 3x5 and SL is 5x5
Both are fucking stupid.
Take loads of drugs and then lie about it for years
You have to be a fake natty if you want to make a professional career out lifting weights
Is he injured/off-roids? Why doesn't he post anything?
too many squats
not enough biceps
What would clarence be clean and jerking if he was on steroids, 300kg?
Ok so if SL and SS are fucking stupid what do you guys recommend as a starting program?
I always see people shit on these programs but they never come up with a good alternative.
If you want to become generally stronger (in every way) you have to live and die in the squat rack. You should be squatting twice a week minimum, alternating between high bar back squats and front squats. Always go ATG. 5x5 is the superior setup for building strength in a given lift at the intermediate stage.
However, this is all just something that will generally work for everyone. There are plenty of other things that will generally work for everyone too, this is just the most stable and reliable. If you want to do PPL bullshit that's fine, I'm sure it can work. Most importantly, just go work out, and focus in on the compounds.
He came out of nowhere with an absurd recent training video on clarence0 where he's doing batshit numbers. Granted he is probably floating around 100kg but still, a 188kg snatch is insane at any weight.
They're both fine but greyskull lp is better imo
When I first saw him I thought he was a hapa.
Lifting to failure until youre too sore and tired to lift any more that day is the only way, because thats how your body will adapt and build muscles
There's like four routines people have come up with that are basically SS/SL with more upper body volume but nobody talks about them on Zig Forums because they're dismissed for being reddit routines.
pretty sure he is
Clarence has some pretty aspie lifting goals though
SL was designed by a guy who doesn't even lift.
SS is not just 3x5. Read the book baka
T-t-thanks clarence