If You're Having Sex Regularly You Cannot Be Unhappy

>If You're Having Sex Regularly You Cannot Be Unhappy
Is this true?
It sounds true

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No. Dissatisfaction doesn't come from only one thing.

Don't believe you

Sex is the ultimate and ultimately only form of validation.

Lol no, this is bullshit.

When my last GF and I were really, really on the rocks, she spent more time on her knees during the last month than she had during the past 3 years. Like every fucking day, telling me to hold her head down and make her take it all etc.

I still was depressed and wanted to shoot myself.

Now I get laid once a week with someone else and am much happier. Prior to this I didn’t have sex for 3 months and was still much happier.

Obviously not but we all know, if we've entered this thread, that not a single person on earth who would make this thread was also interested in an actual discussion about it.
Pretty much fuck no.

>Prior to this I didn’t have sex for 3 months and was still much happier
No you weren't

Also you're a Chad if you can get women that easily

Go back to Zig Forums, incel
If you're gonna argue with everyone who doesn't confirm your twisted world view, go to Zig Forums.
This is the advice board.

>Obviously not

If you're having sex regularly you are a validated member of society and human being

Bait thread, but of course not. My ex wanted to fuck like three times a day and I was just sick to death of her, along with hating my job. All of my life was dedicated to one of those two things. When I dumped her, life was incredibly better even though I had to switch to jerking it.

Ok so only exception is if you get super unlucky and date a girl with mental problems

Is any guy that is not autistic a Chad now? And chads get depressed too.

Maybe this only applies to FWB since you're so alpha you don't need to emotionally supplicate them in any way

Definitely for CERTAIN anyone with FWBs can't be unhappy as only people with psycho GFs ITT are unhappy.

Use your noodle, user; if this were true, why would people leave their partners?

>And chads get depressed too.

Imagine thinking CHAD could ever face any hardships or EVER be sad while being able to fuck anyone he wants without basically trying

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Look, Anonymous, your thread is about to get modded because you're a weak as fuck troll, but we both know you didn't come here to discuss shit, just to wank about how lonely you are, lol

The only thing this thread has proven is that having FWB > Dating.

Also people leave their partners because they have a better alternative lined up and got bored. Person breaking the relationship is always gonna monkeybar

Then why do some people who have everything they could ever want still kill themselves?

This thread has just modified my viewpoint to be that FWB-havers cannot be unhappy as they get all the good bits of the relationship with none of the bad

>No you weren't

You don’t know anything about me. Yeah, I was happier.

>Also you're a Chad if you can get women that easily

Never been accused of being a Chad before. Two attractive women in the span of like 4 months is not Chad tier.

I’m a 5’8 manlet, only started gymming for a couple months prior to Corona, have weak facial hair and lack a strong jawline.

Stop falling for the dumb memes on here that you have to be a Chad to ever see a vagina.

Nah. I’ve seen women without mental problems too, and I can assure you that pussy doesn’t make me want to go home and drink myself to sleep any less.

These facts are irreconcilable with the current state of the world.

What country?

If you want sex and you get it from a friend, it's great. Still doesn't make you not depressed.

The U.S.

Southern California

Inb4 “you have loads of money”

No, I don’t.


Let's be real, it hasn't modified shit. You could see a dude with Honey Boo Boo's mom and you'd be jealous.

Were they white?

Don't know what that is

You ever think you never had sex because it's the most important thing in the world to you?

Yes. One was blonde/blue eyes. The other is red/green.

If it matters, I am brown/brown (as A. Wyatt Man)

I've turned sex down before.

It's not about sex it's about modulating the Human Validation Function

you got fetish girls; if you were white you would have had to have been 6'2 n so on.

Are you retarded? I am white. Brown hair, brown eyes.

As a virgin I actually like thinking that for most people sex is just a part of life, one that for me is indeed the most important and the most coveted but at the same time once you have sex regularly it stops seeming that important. Just like you don't appreciate your health very much until you become sick.

It’s honestly my mistake for trying to engage with you honestly.

We both know you are not changing your mindset, regardless of whatever I tell you.

I really hope you abandon this incel shit one day, you’ll be much happier.

>Just like you don't appreciate your health very much until you become sick.

Perhaps I should have worded that differently but you get my point, I think.

I'm not an incel
