Im so fucking short and ugly

im so fucking short and ugly

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In feet how short are you

look on the bright side, at least you're not an asian guy... right?

>just be confident bro thats all there to it

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i dont do feet im not some subhuman american
172cm btw
yes im kraut masterrace


god, everyone acting like this is rly frustrating sometimes.

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not a subhuman american either, its just i assume everyone who uses Zig Forums is an Amerifag, by we're the same height and im taller than most woman i know, so dont feel bad my dude

I am 165cm

i wish i could

I'm 175cm ugly manlet too. Atleast you're not a shithuanian like me.

tfw 177cm and average looking

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I am 175 subhuman too. Everyday i suffer countless mogs at the hands of zoomer giants.

>decent looking
Still a virgin at 21 because I'm a mentally ill and socially retarded

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everyone on here is a fucking narcissist

160cm here checking in

>Everyday i suffer countless mogs at the hands of zoomer giants
oh my god, are you me? I fucking swear i get towered by fucking middleschoolers

No u aren't retard

Who the hell isnt one on the internet? At least we are anonymous here

I know this feel.
I like how I look tho, I dont mind being short and having a weird face. I just wish it didnt fucked my chances to getting a partner so much.

>tfw I'm 157cm and have been in a relationship for five years now
>with a man

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Bit over 5'10 (179 cm for euro) but I'm in the US so I don't feel so short.

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>normal face
>25yo virgin
>seeing skinnyfat ugly manlets holding hands with girls on streets
incelhood is caused by mental illnesses.
i know because i am diagnosed with avoidant personality disorder.

Being tall doesn't help really... Same shit different perspective except when you're short there's less disadvantages..

fixed that for you manlet dwarf

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Who cares?

pic semi related

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We're waiting for you, anons.

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pic related is taller and more handsome than i am despite being probably twice my age

brutal desu
im a strong supporter of face>everything

i am 5'6'' and i've had sex with three girls so

you probably have a handsome face or big dick that makes up for your height

my face is really not handsome at all but they won't know i have a big dick until they get past my face

>my face is really not handsome
sure thing prettyboy chadlite

two of these girls were really gross and older than me. only one was acceptable to meet my mom.

having a big dick makes you confident

i'm really not that either to be honest, unless it is anonymous but definitely not in real life. i never approach, like ever

how big is your dick?
nobody cares niggerboy



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7 burger metrics desu

7 inches isnt even that big its just one inch above average
i thought you would be like 9 or 10 inches