Desuarchive r9k search isnt working properly

>desuarchive r9k search isnt working properly
>dont know who on r9k is talking about veganism
>missing out on vegan discussions because desuarchive is having another stroke

am i going to have to make threads myself or something?! i just want to jump in the conversation and shitpost, its too hard and tiresome to make a elaborately thought out thread

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Other urls found in this thread:

this is a lie, i have been using it for the past hour reading through trying to find evidence of my oneitis posting.
also!!! veganism is gay

it stopped working for posts after 6am on may the 2nd. it still works for posts before that, but it doestn work for posts after that

search for common words like "love" "sex" "happy" "girlfriend", etc and see that there are no posts past 6am on may 2nd

>veganism is gay
so its cool to pay for animals to be killed for your pleasure?
is it cool when someone tortures a dog or a chimpazee to death for their pleasure?
is it cool when some normies torture a loser kid at school to commit suicide, for their pleasure? you know humans are animals

fucking hypocritcal retard

you're putting words in my mouth like a juicy burger
i don't like the way animals are killed in factories and obviously i'm against cruelty, but unfortunately in modern urban life, unless you have cash, you have to support that industry if you want to eat meat. I don't think that I should give up eating meat - humanity has been doing it forever but on a smaller scale, its delicious, and despite what you may believe there's health benefits. If I ruled the world shit like fast food wouldn't exist, and that would largely alleviate the problems of inhumane slaughtering. You aren't going to agree with me anyways, but I don't like what you are asserting.

listen i understand that this is the real fucking world, and animals are sacrificing their "free will" and bodies for my eating pleasure.
But I blissfully turn a blind eye, because that's what humans do, and humans are fucking shity

>unless you have cash
thats not true at all. vegan foods are cheaper. literally the most cost-efficient foods are vegan. potatoes, carrots, frozen vegetables, rice, corn, beans, split green peas, sugar, apples and raisens, etc

like im not even being remotely facetious here, vegan foods are honestly cheaper. if you buy processed foods like beyond meat or fake meats or cheese, then yes its expensive, but unprocessed vegan foods are actually the cheapest foods on the market. i spend 150$-200$ a month on food, and i literally eat a 4 liter thing of soup a day. today i ate a pound of strawberries, and i got the strawberries at a pound for 2$. vegan food is not expensive

heres vegan gains going over how much cheaper vegan foods are

>humanity has been doing it forever but on a smaller scale, its delicious
yes, you get sensory pleasure from it. but you have to enslave and kill an animal for that sensory pleasure. humans have been raping and killing eachother for even longer than we've eaten meat, but its still immoral. im sure killing a person you hate right after you rape his sister in front of him will give you a lot of sensory pleasure, but its still immoral

you cant humanely kill a animal for your pleasure when it doesnt want to die. you can survive perfectly fine on a vegan diet. its absurdly hypocritical and immoral to kill these animals for your taste pleasure when you dont need to

> and animals are sacrificing their "free will" and bodies for my eating pleasure
yeah, exactly. you are admitting you are a massive proud hypocrite, and you dont care

as long as you admit its immoral and you dont care, thats where the conversation ends. if you say "i have no justificaiton and i enjoy the suffering of pigs and cows for my taste pleasure", thats thwne the conversation stops

all i can do is mock you for being a hypocritical faggot whiny cunt

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>vegan gains
Yeah, if you want people to be more receptive to veganism an internet tough guy with ASPD(literally a sociopath) isn't the way to go.

>character attacks and ad homs instead of adressing the arguement

is that all you're capable of? i made a FUCKING POINT. a vegan diet is LITERALLY cheaper than one with animal products. meat, dairy and eggs are fucking expensive, and vegan alternatives are cheaper


do you ignore all rational points everytime your fee-fees get flustered?

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You know what does it boil down to at the end?
They are just prey animals, and we are efficient predators. Morality doesn't have anything to do with it. If cows ever tire of being mass slaughtered they can start evolving tool use.

Not a vegan, but pigs are about as smart as dogs and this pic makes me sad because of it.

They should at least make sure, that the animal doesn't get anything of whats happening, when it gets killed, but instead, they just daze them with electroshocks.

I wonder how much mantises think about the harm and hurt they're doing to the poor cuddly grasshoppers? You think, as they eat into their brains while they are alive if they ponder about their cruelty or makice against other animals?

Ya think a lion feels super bad when it breaks the neck and suffocates the newborn calf infront of the water buffalo mothers? You think wolves bitch at other wolves about how evil and cruel they are to the poor deer?

No. Probably not because they're not faggots.

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No one fucking cares about your vegan bullshit, you dickless eunich, autistic abomination. Go deepthroat a shotgun. But first, learn what a hypocrite is. You're always misusing that word. I was gonna eat vegetable soup for dinner, but I'm now ordering some delivery meat lovers pizza because of this thread. You are now causing animals to get slaughtered. Good job, retard.Holy fuck, parents should euthanize the severely autistic both for mercy, and to spare everyone else. Fuck.

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>They are just prey animals, and we are efficient predators

so its okay to enslave, torture and kill sentient beings if you have the power to do so?
are serial child killers who kidnap and kill children moral, because to them the children are prey?
are serial rapists and serial killers moral because their victims are prey?
are home invaders who steal moral, because to them their victims are prey?

animals are have moral status. they can suffer, they are sentient, and we can survive perfectly fine without killing and eating them

>Not a vegan, but pigs are about as smart as dogs and this pic makes me sad because of it.
>i love paying for animals to be tortured and killed for my pleasure, but i dont like being reminded of it =OO

if you dont like seeing pigs suffer, then go vegan, and stop being such a hypocrite. and the animals are well aware that they are going to die, as most slaughterhouses REEK of death and screaming, and fear

>animals do it, so we can do it too! XD
wild animals also kill their own children and rape eachother, and kill members of their species. does that make it moral for us to do, because animals do it?

these animals arent moral agents. they cannot even comprehend morality, they are too stupid to. and they kill for survival, not for pleasure. we kill for pleasure

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kill yourself faggot

>But first, learn what a hypocrite is. You're always misusing that word.
a hypocrite is a person who has double standards for others and for them

for example, most of you faggots would be against being enslaved, forcibly impregnated and killed for some fat fuck to enjoy eating a double bacon cheeseburger. yet you are okay with doing it to animals

this constitutes a DOUBLE STANDARD, you fucking moron. so many whiny hypocrites on r9k whine all day about how society mistreats them, or people bully them, or how girls dont like them. yet they pay for animals to live lifelong virgins as captive slaves, and to be killed at a small fraction of their natural lifespan, all for someone's taste pleasure

animals can suffer and they have moral status. they are concious and as sentient as humans, they feel emotions such as love, hunger, envy, pride, sadness, fear, grief, optimistic, and pain

>I was gonna eat vegetable soup for dinner, but I'm now ordering some delivery meat lovers pizza because of this thread

why are robots such infantile toddlers? they act more emotional than normies when bringing up emotional topics such as age-of-consent laws and crime statistics

fucking whiny hypocritical retard, kill yourself. here is the dictionary definition, you dumb ape

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>the crazy vegans have come to this thread
I can't help but laugh everytime I read their cringe replies, they need to make new images though

>muh morality!

I'm pretty sure since you're a vegan you are no fan of the bible and absolutely not a christian so your moral bullshit argument is basically that: bullshit.

Since secular morality basically is all about "my pleasure over my sadness" then pork makes me happy and less sad so I just moralized the thing. Also, since animals aren't moral agents they don't see whats happening to them as immoral or sad nor an outrage so win/win on both sides!

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>so its okay to enslave, torture and kill sentient beings blah blah blah
The question here is about who or what get the protection of our moral system.
Other human beings, yes. That's why murder and rape and whatnot are wrong.
Animals aren't the same as human beings. The loss of an animal, or a few millions, affects us less if at all. That's why they are prey to us and not comparable to victimizing a human.

>I'm pretty sure since you're a vegan you are no fan of the bible and absolutely not a christian so your moral bullshit argument is basically that: bullshit.

there has been many vegan christian communities. origen literally mentioned that there existed a christian gospel, which predated our 4 modern gospel, which had a vegan jesus. a lot of our modern gospels have been corrupted over time, you stupid sheep retard

>if my religious book says its okay, then its okay
are islamists who wage religious genocide, rape, and marry children moral too, because their book says they can do it?

>Also, since animals aren't moral agents they don't see whats happening to them as immoral or sad nor an outrage so win/win on both sides!

>its perfectly fine to torture and kill anyone who isnt a moral agent

they arent moral agents, but they have moral status. a child or a mentally retarded person arent moral agents either, but they still have moral status. they can still suffer and feel pain and emotions, and dont want to die or suffer for someone's amusement

if you think its fine to torture and kill anyone who isnt a moral agent, then by your standards, its perfectly fine to torture and kill children and the mentally retarded

>they don't see whats happening to them as immoral or sad nor an outrage so win/win on both sides!
animals are sentient and they suffer as a result of your abuse towards them. just because they cant comprehend morality doesnt mean they cant be a victim and suffer

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I don't recognize animal's feeling as mattering, therefore I have no double standards. Animals are ok to eat. People aren't. It's very simple. People have different views on things. I know that your disabled brain can't comprehend that, but that's how it is. It's not making me feel bad, I'm just tired of seeing your autistic ass shitting up the board every fucking day. Jump off a bridge. Eating leftover tacos right now btw. It's pretty good. Tastes even better knowing that retards like you are mad about it.

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>Animals aren't the same as human beings

i understand that animals are not human beings, but whats the difference between a animal and a human that makes it okay to enslave and kill animals for meat, but not with humans? what specific trait to humans have that animals dont?

>The loss of an animal, or a few millions, affects us less if at all
well, obviously it affects the victim and doesnt affect the perpetrator of abuse

back when blacks were slaves, they werent considered humans, and their death and suffering didnt affect their white slave owners at all. does that make it moral then, because those blacks werent considered human at the time, and their suffering didnt affect the people who were enslaving them?

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are buzzwords the only thing you are capable of? can you even present a retort to my argument?

im arguing that animals have moral status, and that its immoral to torture and kill them, and there is no moral justification for how we treat animals in farms and slaughterhouses

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>whats the difference between a animal and a human
It's simply that. Animals are not humans so they fulfill a different role and have different rights.
>back when blacks were slaves, they werent considered humans, and their death and suffering didnt affect their white slave owners at all.
Well, maybe one day history will look at our carnivorism the same way we now look at slavery. But I doubt it, and for now, I'm just gonna enjoy my burgers and chicken breasts.

Lmao, "the field of consciousness". This isn't /x/, lol.

>It's simply that. Animals are not humans so they fulfill a different role and have different rights.
>"its moral to do anything to anyone thats different to you in any single way"

using this logic, its moral for anyone to do anything because the victim is a different person

its moral to rape and kill children using this standard, because children are not the same person as the rapist

its moral to enslave and kill blacks, because black people are not the same

literally, using this standard, its impossible for anyone to be a hypocrite. literally hypocrisy is impossible

how fucking disingenuous and stupid to do you have to be to say this? fucking faggots like you will cry crocodile tears the SECOND someone mistreats them, then turn around and say its moral to abuse the weak because they are different

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You're like a broken record. The same logic I use for animals doesn't apply to humans because humans are different from animals. Accept that I see it like this or whine forever about it.

seriously, how are you any different than a white slave owner saying "The same logic I use for niggers doesn't apply to whites because whites are different from blacks"

or a child killer saying "The same logic I use for adults doesn't apply to children because adults are different to children"

how fucking dense are you?

i understand they are different. but what is the difference that allows you to enslave and kill animals for meat, but not with humans?

you havent answered me, you just dodged the question like a insincere coward. why are you so scared to answer a question?

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No, I gave you an answer, it's just that you don't like it so keep fighting against it.
The difference between how I treat animals and humans is because animals are different than humans period.
Agree to disagree instead of resorting to personal insults and putting words into my mouth.

Search engines in general of all kinds have only been getting worse 2007+.

> a lot of our modern gospels have been corrupted over time, you stupid sheep retard
Okay, I'm gonna stop you right there because, no they haven't. Just because bill maher and dicky dawkina told you it was doesn't mean it's true. Most of those claims are about spelling and grammical errors. Theres more variations in the countless retranslations of Les mesirables then there are in the bible.
>are islamists who wage religious genocide, rape, and marry children moral too, because their book says they can do it?
Well, to be fair, that genocide, raping and shit is aimed specifically at nonmuslims. We can talk about islam if you wish but my more pressing matter is how batshit retarded the koran itself is. (Semen comes from the ribs, the earth is flat and the sun sets in a dirt pool)
>they arent moral agents, but they have moral status.
In your mental game you constantly forget that we're animals too, and what drives them drives us. They could very well know what they're doing is cruel (orcas,cats chimpanzees) but continue to do it because theirs no net negative to them for doing it and the animals suffering pleases them. Whats so insanely different between us and them?
>animals are sentient and they suffer as a result of your abuse towards them. just because they cant comprehend morality doesnt mean they cant be a victim and suffer
Why should I do things that arent evolutionary beneficial just because you told me that its a naughty word? Since morality is nothing but a bunch of nice words posted together, what actual fucking merit do they have, especially when its hindering me?

You can go around talking like you're a power ranger character but at the end of the day, if its not tied to some metaphysocal concept, your version of morality just comes off as different ways of saying "good-good, kind-kind" and "no-no, bad-bad".

>No, I gave you an answer
>The difference between how I treat animals and humans is because animals are different than humans period.
>implying this is a answer

again, most of this cowardly garbage. stop pretending to be retarded so you can dodge the question. you didnt give me an answer, you failed to give me WHY they are different. specifically what different justifies the treatment in behavior

why are meat eaters so fucking cowardly and disingenuous? how fucking scared of a question can you get?

>putting words into my mouth
YOU DIDNT PROVIDE A FUCKING ANSWER, you just dodged the question


jesus, how much of a intellectual rat can you possibly get

its so funny, how you Zig Forums lot always enjoy laughing at crazy feminists or normies who get mad at black crime statistics

yet when presented with veganism and how you abuse animals, you literally turn into the most illogical dyed-haired 400 pound screeching feminist, capable of only making loud noises

answer the question you literal moron. fucking rat, you cant answer the question, so you just pretend to be stupid

do you eat meat?

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>it stopped working for posts after 6am on may the 2nd.
Leave all fields empty and just press the Search button and you'll see the last post was , made well over a day ago.