Reminder these are the girls that browse this board

Reminder these are the girls that browse this board

Attached: Coomer+gf_e2ffea_7517483.jpg (1200x828, 140.56K)

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I had one like that but she was quite fat. Probably most are.

Looking for a gf who will let me bring her to my mom's basement and let me degrade her sexually. fat and/or ugly ok, prefer no small girls.

Wouldnt mind all of that except the cheating and "the unable to form bonds" parts.
Could be fun to fap to my degenerate doujins with a female.

Women with penises only cheat with other women but when they do you get to fuck their daughters so its cool.

fuck loser girls with nipple piercings is the hottest thing. thank god for /soc/.

Yeah actually me except for cheating

Attached: 5aa.png (830x802, 53.67K)

>tfw this girl never emailed me

You have piercings? Ewwwwwwww

I don't but I've thought about doing it for a while now. They just seem kind of hot. I know it sounds stupid but it's not like I can't just take them out when I'm old. Why not if I think it's cool now?

Pathetic womanlet lmao

How often do chicks actually coom?
I know a surprisingly high number of them never do.

I got engaged to an 18 year old coomer from tinder
My life getting brazy

I'm not THAT small. Honestly I can beat up most women even if they're taller than me.

If you weren't so young I would gladly take you in as a stray and straighten your life out via soft daddy dom.

I just don't feel it's aesthetically pleasing but it's up to you. Just don't complain about it if other guys find it not aesthetically pleasing either. It's your body, so do as you please. Don't give a shit about what other people think. :)

My life is honestly fine now. I'm doing a lot better since I moved in with my dad over a year ago. Most of my experiences were prior to that.

>Just don't complain about it if other guys find it not aesthetically pleasing either.
Don't project onto me. You're the one complaining here.

Women can coom like 10 times in a row with a vibrator. Coomer girls like this like to be fucked with a vibrator on their clit

Wasn't suggesting it was a wreck of a life. Just playing to the fantasy.

How am I projecting? I'm just saying other guys might complain, and they did, at least on r9k. Not like I'm making some baseless claim.

>Women can coom like 10 times in a row with a vibrator. Coomer girls like this like to be fucked with a vibrator on their clit

I don't remember where I grabbed this from, but I got a very substantial chuckle out of it.

Attached: 1586617661295.png (1080x1281, 650.91K)

this is the saddest most disgusting repertoire I've seen in someone this young in a while

I pittt you tremendously but am incredibly repulsed as well, like I'd be towards a young dog whose hair fell off and has every surface of her skin covered in ticks and other parasites for instance

Attached: 1588073922411.jpg (920x980, 101.36K)

Ayyyyyyyyy I think I know who you are.

I get you. Maybe your savior complex will be used on someone someday. It could do someone a lot of good if you're doing it for the right reasons.

Because you suggested that I'm going to complain about guys not liking it. You're just projecting the classic Zig Forums belief
>girl does A
>girl lowers projected value for people here
>girl angery

I don't really care about that and that's what I'm saying.

Honestly I don't want your pity. I'm happy now.

shhhh don't reveal my identity you gotta keep it a secret

would still smash if i could. as long as you don't persue anything longterm you good

You a tranny? Because I meant real girls in OP

No lol, honestly it's kind of annoying how you guys have hit this point that you assume that every person posting here is a tranny.

Glad to see you're happy, I am too.
I pop back in here every now and then, a little more frequently with lockdown in place, but I'm pretty much done with 9k.

The server's changed a bit. I'm owner atm and we have 3 new members but I'm sure you know some of that already. I heard a bit about what you've been up to through the grapevine and I assume that goes both ways.

>won a fist fight once
who you fuck up anonette?

how blown out are we talking here?

yeah..girls...haha *scratches head nervously*