Women are fucking retarded. They deserve to be raped

Women are fucking retarded. They deserve to be raped.

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>look I posted an image time to get raging

Yes I avoid women then after work I stalk them and rape them. They cant call the cops on me because Im black and black lives matter if you disagree your racist

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>"We're being punished"

I don't think any halfway intelligent person would take this seriously.

>I don't think any halfway intelligent person would take this seriously.

Yes but look at where you are

All this harassment business is very difficult for men, we're told, because nobody even knows what sexual harassment is any more! Men are afraid to even shake a womans hand in case she thinks its harassment! Easier to just avoid contact altogether! Whats really interesting about this study, however, is that it thoroughly debunks the argument that men are confused about what constitutes unacceptable behavior. The very first thing researchers did was look at 19 behaviours (emailing sexual jokes to a subordinate, for example) and get people to classify it as harassment or not. Surprise, surprise, both genders basically agreed on what harassment entails.

You're an asshole and I'm happy you're going to die alone. You won't ever rape anyone, you don't have the nerve, and you're such an incel that you couldn't fuck a Fleshlight because you find women so intimidating the molded labia would kill your boner. Worthless incel trash, do us all a favor and kill yourself.

Suck start a shotgun. Fit yourself for a hemp necktie. Convert to breatharianism and go on an all helium diet. Just die, you useless misogynist faggot.

Not even op but I would fuck you right in your ass and have you to afraid to even talk to the police

Someone really wants to be raped tsk tsk

>most men are perfectly aware of the difference between a friendly hug and a creepy hug.
what the fuck? I seriously don't

Have some attention. You clearly seek for it.

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The seeth.

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>Please click on my headline
come on now

>Wtf why aren't you talking to us anymore
Women everybody

>t. psychopath

Women are retarded tho

If you're ugly, it's a creepy hug, if you're good looking, it's a friendly hug
It's as simple as that.

>tfw the only way to fix our world is Islam

While op is pathetic, you are just as much so.
Pathetic excuses of humans on both side who will never do anything but whine about their selfish ideals.

How is it a "punishment" for a person to avoid a threat? It's like saying you're "punishing" a tatted up gangster looking dude if you cross the road when he walks by.

>being punished
Holy fucking shit why do women always think everything revolves around them? SOME men are just extra precautious and nervous now because of the danger of false accusations. They do not give a fuck about punishing you.

Nice trips, but I disagree.
The only way to solve this -ahem- "woman problem," as so many of you describe it, is to blind all women upon birth.
Before lashing out, I want you to think about it for a moment: all women are now blind.

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No need. I don't want them to go blind.
If we lived in a world like the arabs they would have no rights to do anything and our world would be fixed

Not sure wtf women expect.
They complain about not getting mentorships or learning the tricks of the trade by higher-up males in their careerpaths.
Well duh, a mentor always expects something back.

Women already did not do well at repaying that debt biz-wise, most simply do not have the mindset to know when they OWE it to someone to go an extra mile for him, or watch his back like a male who feels in debt would.
Also the female is far more likely to have already jumped company or be on baby break.
And now the old guy will not even be inclined to get repayment by spread legs or BJs, since the girl might some years down the line decide that was "rape"
So why in hell would any guy care to suffer mentor that bitch now?

You are supposed to help someone out of the goodness of your heart! Even when that person absolutely would never, ever help you if the tables were turned.

Then she should kindly ask one of the bulldog faced old harpies who are already in the company to mentor her and build her own old girl network.

Oh wait.Sadly they all hate women who are younger than themself and would sooner rub their saggy tits against the arm of young and raising MALE coworker, kek!

Well a momentary lapse of judgement can ruin your life now so it's better safe than sorry. There is no empathy if a mistake is made even if they recognize it because the truly bad eggs made it unforgiveable.

Duration, positioning of the hands, what parts of the body are touching, pressure, etc... I think it's pretty obvious.

It is funny that females are actually think we want them around work when there is no sexual lure available.
Females are too unamusing and stuck-up PC rule sticklers, so even in the cases they are competent workers they will make the climate worse.
Why should we bother having more than the minimal necessary contact with them if sex or relationship are off the table?

So they'll be even more needy? pls no

>Suck start a shotgun.

Wew that's a good one

another headline by the clown world times

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