
*sounds the steam whistle*
Good work today wagies, you've earned yer rest.
Back to it nice and early tomorrow though, the plants need dusting and the trees need a lick of paint.

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this is some of the most unfair fucking bullshit ive ever played

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Lorraineposting 101

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I don't wanna go back to wagie life tomorrow

I want it easy again lads.

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5th for brand new plug sockets

Pretend you've got the coof and get that sweet 2 week quarantine time.

>Why yes, I am a chumba wumba. What gave it away?

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Mixed up some herbs and garlic and spices in a bowl to stick on my roast potatos. Added a bit of olive oil and it turned the mixture into a solid. Bit pissed off. Going to bang it in the oven and see if it comes out like stuffing.

t. waigie that was nasty to the neets
this is your punishment

Who /diy/ here?

for me it's victor meldrew


Works bs but at least I'm getting extra pay for any hours I work during the crisis and a bigger discount too. I'll just take all my holidays when it's all over so I'm off half the year wahey

Currently unemployed and back at mummies house with beer and video games. I used to be a full time wagie and feel your pain. The grind never ends.

Wait lad add more oil in to turn into a sauce then roll the tatties in it!

fuck sake, didn't spot you made a new'um.

Lad I haven't been home for yonks, did they change the name or something?

What logo? Looks like a generic chink knockoff to me liddo.

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Is that model aware how much he gets meme'd on here?

Can't do that, work would pile up

I was always nice to all and would never seethe :(

Do you miss being in the wage cage lad?

Nice lookin beer that, wouldn't mind one x

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What are the missions like?

do you normally expect shitty half-finished games to have well balanced, intuitive gameplay?

Absolutely not. Full time work consumes and degrades your quality of life. My dream would be to work part time and be able to sustain myself. Where do you work mate?

Too late. It's in the oven in tinfoil. Might be alright.

I don't beliiieeeeeeeeeeeve it!
*canned studio laughter*

the one im stuck on is as follows
>payday for ray from gta3
>then you have to follow an ambulance that keeps crashing itself and failing the mission, or your car gets shot up so bad you cant keep up
>no checkpoints so when you fail the second half you have to re-do the first half

I work doing project stuff for r NHS lad, I'm sort of between contracts atm and the workload is mental.

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>starting PT course on 6th
>been telling me mam about it
>she literally has no clue about any details and says I need to work in warehouses until I leave to uni
Thick bint. Literally the whole aim of the course is to get a job within gyms etc so I DON'T have to work shitty minimum wage jobs.
She doesn't give a fuck at all, as long as I give her money.
Her fault for being in financial difficulty.

Yeah, sounds par for the course for GTA clones.
That said I played GTA3 from start to finish a couple of weeks ago and that has some seriously bullshit missions in it, Payday for Ray is a bad one but Espresso-2-Go is near impossible if you didn't retain the bulletproof Patriot, then add in all the gangs which hail bullets at you on sight.

>a job in a gym won't be min wage


I remember somebody talking about applying for a job with the nhs similar to that. Was that you? Worst time to be with the NHS desu.

i like how certain areas of the map just become instant death zones after certain missions. That one where you get attacked by waves of crazy people on Spank is a bitch as well

Second beeru had been opened. Not been drunk in a while might have a few more. Anyone else drinking?

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You won't make money working in a gym mate. You will only make money if self employed and a PT. You will need personality for that though.
What you going to study at uni?

payday for ray isnt hard for me, it's just annoying having to drive across the map for 5 minutes before i can do the annoying bit
i dont struggle with espresso-2-go either. i know where all the stalls are and know to stay away from the pavement in portland
but then again i guess i'm more familiar with GTA than others are especially people playing them for the first time

Got one can of Stella which I am about half way through. Dinner will be ready in a sec so saving it to have with the food.

Weird how working class people just dont care about their children. Ironically bazza seems to really really care about the welfare of other children though

No lad. been doing all this for about 5/6 months now, working in the NHS is a fuckin nightmare atm. Not taking the piss but admin and clerical have it harder than the community in my trust.

You sound like a complete mong lad.


I can't tell if this channel is a parody.

Based user, you'll be free of her one day

Bazza gets a couple hundred more universal credit for each one he puts in shazza.


GeoWizard lockdown mission part 2 patreon exclusive for the masses.

na na-na na-na na na-na na-naaaa
slow down, you're gonna craaaash

A lad was asking for this a couple days back.

oh nice I had no idea he was doing another - mind posting the link for part 1 lad?

Anyone want a key of some CK?

yea and i told him to at least wait until it was released, he was asking for part 2 when i shared part 1 mong

part 1 lid


Yeah that one was a pain in the arse. Didn't even have a map in the pause menu either so you can seriously get lost on some missions.
But credit to Rockstar as they learnt from most of their errors for Vice City, and fast.

Well like with Espresso-2-Go, I hadn't played GTA3 since release so yeah you have to find all those stalls and all, but timed as well. I'd be surprised if anyone completed that mission first time.
Once you know where the stalls are though you can do it with a couple of mins to spare.

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Ok lads gotta go to work, but I'll be back in the morning for a booze up and just got resi 7 to play oi oi!

Crusader Kings? I'm goodthanks
You got anything Japanese?

patreon lets you enter card details for the payment for a month, then it gives you access to their patreon, then you can just cancel the membership and remove your card as a payment option, doesnt make any charges.

Geo's vids are hosted on youtube just unlisted for patreon.

I have donated to him before so i dont feel bad leaking the vids, given him at least 10dollars

Did he release this only just today though? Pretty shit to spread releases over 2 months, knowing Patreon resubs on the first of every month regardless of when you sign up.

you're a diamond mate that's my evening's entertainment sorted

>I've paid for someone's content before so I don't mind stealing from them now

Got some of that N2 or FF:VII mate, but the FF:VII is a bit of a weaker batch then the last.

it was a two parter released over 2 weeks, each friday, nothing wrong with that

Have SCEA ever had sex without a condom?

wait so you only need to pay once then you get unlimited access to their content forever? That sounds like a serious flaw in their system

jokes on you i didnt even pay forit before ahahahah,
but seriously an unlisted video is just asking to be shared.

he's streaming live in 15 mins on twitch/geowizardstreams

So he could've posted it all in one month comfortably, but yeah he has to make money I suppose.

Has SCEA ever had sex?

N2? Yeah that'll do.
FFVII was a bad port, better to emulate.

no you never pay, just cancel the membership and remove your card after getting access to their patreon, dont use paypal as the payment option because that takes the money instantly, the card payment doesnt.

Lid you look like you're having a blast on the beach, dont let PC Plod catch you out.

I'm off the beers lad, just got a few fanta zeros, gotta stop being such a fat cunt.

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Same with onlyfans, that's why they all get leaked.

Only with prostitutes. He's 35 or so
That's what happens when you're mentally ill and a cunt

Yeah no worries my g that's 59 for the N2, sure you don't want and FFVII? Will sort you a deal bro x

oh i see what you mean, it was after the renewal date for a month, yea its only a dollar anyway and there is other content on there.

Do you think SCEA is a real person?

i thought onlyfans got around that by the fact you have to deposit the money as credits, and use the credits/dollars to access the content